Chapter 295
As soon as he moved his mind, the powerful power of spiritual consciousness radiated out, covering dozens of miles in the blink of an eye, and soon, he showed a smile.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he appeared in a city.

"Master, you are here."

"Subordinates refer to Young Master Lin."

As soon as he appeared, many people saluted him one after another, including people from the original Lin family and some soldiers of General Lei.

Wentian nodded to these people, then left, and stepped straight into the City Lord's Mansion.

The name of this city is Yunlan, and now, it is the place where General Zhao Gang camped, and the original owner of Yunlan City has long since fled.

Walking into the City Lord's Mansion, General Zhao soon appeared in front of Wentian.

Seeing Lin Wentian, the young but already famous son of the dragon, General Zhao admired him from the bottom of his heart.

At the beginning, he didn't want to believe it, how could a child of the number one dude suddenly turn into the rumored son of the dragon, the number one pride of Chiyue, but since the earth-shattering battle seven days ago, he was convinced oral.

"Last general, see Young Master Lin." General Zhao saluted respectfully, just like a monarch and his ministers meeting each other.

"General Zhao doesn't have to be like this." Lin Wentian hurriedly helped him up, this General Zhao had done him a big favor not long ago, and he was very grateful in his heart.

Zhao Gang was not a proud person either, so soon he burst out laughing, the loud voice was so loud that the whole city could hear it clearly.

Seven days ago, Chiyue changed drastically, and the eight major cities, including Yunlan, Qingcheng, Chongyan, and Qingshui, were separated from Chiyue Kingdom. For a while, people in the cities became anxious.

However, they soon discovered that after the Zhendong army entered the city, they did not carry out mass killings, nor did they take advantage of the fire to loot, so people gradually calmed down.

But what shocked them the most was that the original owners of these eight cities were not Zhendong General Lei Hongfeng, nor General Zhao Gang, but Lin Wentian, son of the Dragon.

In addition, it was reported from the capital that Lin Wentian slaughtered an elephant with a spirit, slaughtered a god with an elephant, and with the power of one person, completely destroyed the entire imperial palace. People gradually turned from shock to ecstasy.

"The Ji family has no way and is not worthy of becoming an emperor!"

"The Lin family used to have three generals who made countless contributions to our Chiyue Kingdom. They should become emperors. Even if they can't become emperors, they should become kings on their own."

Such voices came from all the major cities.

In this regard, Lei Hongfeng and Zhao Gang did not object. Instead, they immediately expressed their position and expressed their willingness to surrender to the Lin family. After all, they were originally born in the Lin family.

At the beginning, Ji Zhuoyang was worried about their relationship with Lin Fu, so he wanted to harm General Lei, and cut off Lin Fu's wings first, in order to prepare for killing Lin Fu.

But fortunately, Ji Zhuoyang's conspiracy was broken by the reborn Wentian, and because of this, General Lei was lucky enough to escape.

Soon, General Zhao and Wentian left the City Lord's Mansion.


In a void, there are several figures standing here, they are Wentian, Lin Yefeng, General Lei, General Zhao, and those members of the Lin family who have reached the Vientiane Realm.

"Master, do you really plan to build a city here?" Someone said.

Wentian's eyes flashed, he looked at the ground below and said slowly: "This place is the heart of the eight cities, and also the center of the ancient domain. This is the best place."

"When the city is [-]% complete, then our ancient domain will no longer be eight cities, but nine cities surrounded by eight cities, and this ninth city, I will name it the ancient city."

Asking the way of heaven, there is a glimmer of light in the eyes.

"Young master is right! Judging from the terrain, this is indeed the best place. When the time comes, the nine cities will be connected, and they can be attacked and defended, like an iron wall." General Lei nodded and said, his eyes showed admiration.

Lin Yefeng on the side suddenly frowned.

"Manpower is not a problem, but in terms of resources, I'm afraid I can't do what I want. After all, in the past few days, the battle ahead has been tense. All of a sudden, the resources of the entire Chiyue were frozen."

When the others heard this, their hearts suddenly became heavy.

Because of the constant news that Tianyang and Yaoman started to capture some cities in Chiyue. Although Fengyun Empire supports them, this is not a perfect solution in the long run. In the end, it is only the common people of Chiyue who will suffer.

This is not what Wentian and others want to see.

What they want is Ji Tian who will set off the red moon, not to plunge the people of the whole country into fire and water. Therefore, they have been discussing whether they should send troops in the past few days.

Although many people in the Zhendong army chose to leave before and did not want to fight against the Ji family, there were not a few people who stayed behind. In addition to the soldiers originally stationed in the eight major cities, the number of soldiers they controlled reached 25.

This is a large army, an army that can play a vital role on the battlefield.

"Master, a letter from the Qian family." Suddenly, a figure rushed towards him, and it was Shi Zhong who came.

After the war, some people in the Lin Mansion chose to stay in the Eight Great Cities, while others chose to return to the Valley of the Valley. Regarding this, Wentian didn't say much.

After all, everyone has their own aspirations. Some people want to make a career in the ancient domain, while others want to go back to the valley and work harder, hoping that they will succeed in cultivation as soon as possible.

Of course, he has repeatedly urged that without the consent of him and his third uncle, no one is allowed to take anyone to the valley in private.

"The Qian family?"

Immediately, not only Wentian, but also Lin Yefeng, General Lei and others looked overjoyed.

After Wen Wentian read the letter, the corners of his mouth rose, forming a smile.

"The Qian family is as rich as a country..."

Immediately, he passed the letter to everyone to read, and not long after, everyone burst into laughter.

"Okay! In this way, we will build a city here that is stronger than the imperial palace."

"That's right! In the near future, the ancient city will be the number one city in Chiyue, and at that time, when the nine cities are completely integrated into the ancient domain, Young Master Wentian will be here and establish himself as king."

Hearing everyone's words, Wentian didn't say much, but there was a look of anticipation in the depths of his eyes.

"Nine cities have joined together to form one domain. From now on, my Lin Mansion has established itself as a king. I just don't know how to obtain the power of luck and merit in one domain, and how to gather the golden dragon of luck and the golden dragon of merit?" in his heart secretly.

He has always been obsessed with the power of luck and merit, because these are two special forces that can deceive the sky and cut off the catastrophe.

After hearing the news that the Qian family would help with resources, everyone was very excited, and soon, they left one after another to start studying the matter of building the city.

Only Wentian and his third uncle remained in the void.

"When do you plan to go to Tianyunhai?" After everyone left, Lin Yefeng asked solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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