Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 296 Sister?

Chapter 296 Sister?

"Tian Yunhai, I, Lin Wentian, will definitely go, but now is not the time." Wentian said with a bit of coldness, because he remembered Meng'er who was taken away by Daoxuan.

No matter who the other party is or what forces are behind him, he will one day let the other party know that he, Lin Wentian, is not easy to mess with.

Thinking of Tian Yunhai, some thoughts also flashed through his mind.

The day before the war, his third uncle found him and told him a secret, that is, his grandfather Lin Zhentian was not from this world, but from Tianyunhai.

When he learned about this incident, his heart was filled with turmoil, because it was something he had never thought of, even if he didn't know about it in his previous life.

He got the news from his third uncle that his grandfather was originally a disciple of a certain school in Tianyunhai, and there was a master named Guyun, but for some reason, he left Tianyunhai decades ago and came to this place. boundary.

His third uncle didn't know the reason, he just said that his grandfather seemed to have been brooding over that incident, but in fact, his grandfather had always hoped to return to Tianyun Sea again.

Until the day when his grandfather left Lin's mansion and went to Demon Dragon Valley, his grandfather handed over a piece of jade to his third uncle.

Said that if one day, when he can break through to the Vientiane Realm before the age of 20, let him crush this piece of jade, and then someone will take him to Tianyunhai.

It is also because of this that the scene where his master Gu Yun appeared later.

"Grandpa was in Tianyunhai back then, what exactly happened? I must find out about this matter, and are my parents also in Tianyunhai?"

Just when his mind was full of thoughts, Lin Yefeng's face suddenly darkened, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he said, "Wentian, now that you have broken through to the Vientiane Realm, your strength is even better than Third Uncle's. There is something that Third Uncle should let you know."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Wentian quickly came back to his senses, and immediately his expression became serious, because he could see that his third uncle's expression was not very good, and he seemed worried.

"Huh..." Lin Yefeng took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

The next moment, his eyes were like swords, his body exuded an astonishing murderous aura, and he said fiercely, "Something may have happened to your sister-in-law!"

"Boom!" Immediately, Wentian felt as if he had been struck by thunder, his head buzzed, and his expression was astonished.

"Third uncle, what are you talking about? When did I have an extra sister-in-law?" After the shock, he murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

After all, no matter whether it was the previous life or the present life, this was the first time he had heard that he also had a sister-in-law.

Everyone in Chiyue knows that his grandfather Lin Zhentian has three children, the eldest son Lin Yeyan, the second son is his father Lin Yeting, the youngest son is his third uncle Lin Yefeng, and now his third uncle actually said that he has another one. Auntie, aren't you joking with him?
However, he soon felt that something was wrong, because he felt that his third uncle's expression was very serious, and he didn't mean to be joking at all.

"Could it be that I really have a sister-in-law, but I have never known it?" Such an incredible thought flashed through his mind.

"That's right! The last time in the palace, Fang Changkong said something, saying that grandpa's son and daughter are outstanding, but even me as a grandson is like a shining star." He suddenly remembered , his eyelids couldn't help jumping.

Lin Yefeng was not surprised by Wentian's reaction, and then he said it again.

"That's right! Almost everyone in Chiyue knows that my father has three sons under his knees, but in fact, there should be three sons and one daughter. This matter started 20 years ago."

"At that time you were not born yet, and after my mother gave birth to our three brothers, she became pregnant again, but this time my mother was pregnant, which made my father worry, because the doctor said that my mother was old, and I am afraid that this pregnancy will not be saved. "

"After learning about it, my father insisted on asking my mother to give up the baby in her womb, but the mother refused, saying that it was in her bones, and she would give birth to the baby even if she died. compromise."

"The news was quickly learned by the royal family, so they sent doctors from the palace many times to feel the pulse of the mother, and also sent various medicinal materials."

"Day by day, the baby in the mother's womb is getting bigger and bigger, but her body is getting worse and worse, and even her face has never had a trace of blood."

"In the blink of an eye, the baby will finally be born. On that day, everyone in the Lin Mansion is both happy and sad, because this is destined to be a tragedy, one life for another."

"I remember that day, when the gates of the entire Lin Mansion were closed, my father walked back and forth in the study, appearing uneasy, until a red light suddenly fell from the sky, and there was a burst of crying in the mother's room."

"Father rushed into the room immediately, but soon, the three of us heard father's crying from the room."

"Mother died..."

"But the matter didn't end there. The heartbroken father, he soon discovered that something was wrong with the newborn baby, because the baby's breathing was very weak, and the exhaled air was more than the inhaled air. At that moment, the father's expression changed suddenly."

"However, at that moment, the three of us, the brothers, suddenly felt a flash of light in front of our eyes. Before that, we all lost consciousness. After waking up, it was already the next day."

"The mother passed away, and the newborn baby also disappeared. Not only that, but the father even blocked all news about the baby, telling the outside world that he died young."

"But people are afraid to bring up the baby, which will remind the father of the pain of losing his wife, so they start to avoid talking about it. Soon, this matter is forgotten."

"At the beginning, Third Uncle, I also thought that my younger sister died young, but just two years ago, a person came to the mansion, saying that it was entrusted by others, and gave father a message stone."

"It was also at that moment that Third Uncle knew that your sister-in-law was still alive, she went to Tianyunhai, and her name was Lin Yexiang."

"At that time, she said that she had broken through to the Myriad Phrases Realm, and she was highly valued by her teacher. She would be able to become an inner disciple of the sect in a few days, and she would be able to come back at that time, so that her father would not have to worry about it."

"My father didn't intend to tell me about this at first, but my little sister finally said that once she becomes an inner disciple, she can get a detoxification pill in the sect, which can cure the poison on me. .”

"In order to burn my will and not want me to give up on myself, my father told me about it, but when I learned that the Ji family wanted our Lin family to take action, I had a vague guess in my heart that something might have happened to your sister-in-law. "

"If you go to Tianyunhai, you must investigate this matter on behalf of the third uncle. The third uncle knows your kid's skills better than anyone else, and your sister-in-law is from my Lin family. You must not be bullied, otherwise the third uncle I will never forgive you lightly."

At the end, Lin Yefeng's tone became tough.

However, during this time, Wentian had already set off a turbulent wave in his heart.

"Lin Yexiang, sister-in-law, so I still have a sister-in-law."

After regaining consciousness, he looked ruthless, and said in a firm voice: "Don't worry, Third Uncle, I, Lin Wentian, am not a heartless person. Although I have never met my little girl, she is still my relative, Lin Wentian. If someone wants to bully her, they can only step on my dead body."

As soon as the words fell, he exuded a cold murderous intent.

(Important notice, I just followed up with the editorial arrangement, and I am going to recommend it, and I asked Xiaoye to make an outbreak, so during this period of time, there will be two updates every day, but all will be made up on 8.13, and more than 20 chapters will definitely be updated on that day, I hope everyone will forgive me. ^_ ^)

(End of this chapter)

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