Chapter 40

Immediately, he shook his head lightly and said: "If you want to refine the sword cover, you can just pick one of them at random. I believe their level is enough to meet your requirements."

He is a well-known craftsman, a small sword sheath is not worth his own hands at all, that's why he made such remarks.

However, when Wentian heard this, he chuckled: "I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Master Mo for this matter, because I need to refine a sword case weighing more than two thousand catties."

"Two thousand catties?" Master Mo's expression suddenly changed drastically.

"Are you sure it's two thousand catties, not twenty or two hundred catties?" Master Mo stared at Wentian with doubts in his words.

It's no wonder he reacted so strongly, because it was the first time he had been refining weapons for decades. He met a customer who wanted to refine a two-thousand-jin sword case, let alone a sword case. Even an epee was far from reaching this degree.

The sword sheath is just an accessory to the sword itself, and the sword sheath as an accessory has reached such a weight. It is hard for him to imagine how amazing the weight of the sword itself is.

"That's right! It's a two-thousand-jin sword sheath, and the heavier the better." Wentian said affirmatively.

Seeing Wentian's firm look, Master Mo thought deeply, and immediately said, "I can refine a two-thousand-jin sword sheath, but I need a sword for it."

As if aware of the other party's thoughts, Wentian showed a meaningful smile and said: "Master Mo's wages, the boy can definitely trust, but in this place, it seems..."

"Let's go! Let's talk in my room!" Knowing what Wentian meant, Master Mo made a gesture of invitation.

Wen Tian smiled and nodded.

However, at this moment, a young man in white came over, it was the young man surnamed Liu who was in the hall with Zhou Zilan before.

"Master, the eldest prince has been waiting in the hall for a long time, why don't you go first..."

Before the young man in white had finished speaking, Master Mo had already said, "I still have important things to do as a teacher, you ask them to wait."

"But..." The young man in white opened his mouth to speak.

"Huh?" Master Mo's face suddenly darkened, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Seeing this, the young man in white changed his expression slightly, and finally bowed his body: "I will go now, disciple."

Immediately, he frowned, glanced at Wentian, and left.

"Let's go!" Seeing the young man in white leave, Master Mo said, there was still a trace of anticipation deep in his pupils, he wanted to see what kind of sword could be used in a two thousand catty sword sheath.

Soon, Wentian followed Master Mo to a room, and the room was equipped with formations, making it difficult for outsiders to extend their spiritual sense.

Wentian was very satisfied with this room. Although he believed in the character of Master Mo, he had to guard against the other people in Zhuqizhuang.

"You can take out your sword now! Don't worry, I, Mo, am a human being, and I don't even bother to take the other party's weapons, even if they are earth-level or heaven-level magical weapons."

When Master Mo was speaking, his body was straight and he looked like he was standing upright.

This Master Mo, no matter in his previous life or in this life, Wentian has heard a little bit about him. He has a very good reputation and reputation, and he is upright and not afraid of authority, as can be seen from what he said before.

Even if people from the royal family want to find him to refine weapons, they must follow his rules. He is not a person who can be subdued by power or money alone.

Therefore, for this Master Mo, Wentian still has a lot of admiration in his heart.

Immediately, he took out the Broken Star in front of Master Mo.

"Good sword!"

When he saw the broken star in Wentian's hand, Master Hei's eyes suddenly shone like two twinkling stars in the night sky.

Perhaps out of instinct, he immediately reached out to take the Broken Star in Wentian's hand, but at this moment, the corner of Wentian's mouth lifted, revealing a smile.

Immediately, at the moment Master Mo was holding onto the hilt of the sword, Wentian suddenly let go.

Um?At that moment, Master Mo's expression changed suddenly, and his body staggered even more, almost falling over.

snort!However, a cold snort came out of his mouth, and in that flash, his figure suddenly shook, his footsteps moved forward in a figure eight direction, the veins in his hands bulged, and Broken Star, which weighed 980 jin, was picked up by him.

Seeing this scene, Wentian was surprised for a while, but when he remembered that the other party was the number one refiner of the Scarlet Moon Empire, he felt relieved very quickly.

To become a craftsman, you not only need to know how to draw spirit patterns, but you also need to have strong power. These are the two most basic conditions.

Rumor has it that the level of a weapon is determined by the number of spirit patterns in it.

Weapons with less than one hundred spirit patterns are called yellow-level weapons, and those with one hundred spiritual patterns are called black-level weapons, and those with more than one thousand spirit patterns are called earth-level weapons. A super weapon that can possess ten thousand spirit patterns.

It's just that sky-level weapons are very rare, and haven't been seen for hundreds of years. Even Lin Zhentian, the number one powerhouse in Chiyue, only owns a low-grade earth-level sun-shooting bow. It can be seen how precious and rare sky-level weapons are .

Looking at the extremely heavy purple long sword in his hand, Master Mo's heart was filled with terror. Immediately, he seemed to suddenly think of something. He opened his mouth wide and looked at Wentian, hesitant to speak. Appearance: "You..."

As if sensing what Master Mo was thinking, Wentian smiled and nodded.

"It seems that there are no holes and no wind. Mr. Lin's physical body is indeed extremely strong. I am afraid that it can be compared to some strong people who transform spirits." In Master Mo's words, there was a hint of jealousy while admiring him.

He has been refining weapons for decades, and used countless methods to temper his body, so that he has such a physical body, but he never thought that a boy in his teens would approach him with the strength of his body. It is conceivable that, How complicated is his mood.

However, he is a seasoned person after all, so he quickly recovered his mood, and immediately, he began to carefully look at the Broken Star in his hand.

However, his eyes suddenly contracted, and he tightly grasped Sui Xing's hand, as if due to excessive force, he made a bone sound.

Sensing the strangeness, Wen Tian fixed his eyes, and then asked, "What happened to Master Mo? Do you know this sword?"

Master Mo was taken aback when he heard this, and quickly said, "No... I don't know this sword, but it is indeed a good sword. Where did you get it from?"

"Forgive me for not being able to tell you the origin of this sword." Wentian's face was full of embarrassment.

Master Mo came back to his senses, and immediately said in an apologetic tone, "I made a mistake."

"Master Mo is too polite. I wonder if Master Mo can help the boy to see what level of sword this is?" Wentian asked.

To be honest, he was really curious about the level of Broken Star. Based on his experience in two lifetimes, he should be able to easily see the level of some swords, but he really couldn't see through Broken Star.

After hearing this, Master Mo didn't speak. He closed his eyes lightly, as if he was perceiving something, or thinking deeply.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and immediately said: "The person who made this sword is a master. Although due to the limitation of materials, this sword has not reached the earth level, but it is completely superior to Yu Xuan." I am ashamed of this person's refining skills."

(End of this chapter)

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