Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 41 Indifference

Chapter 41 Indifference
When Master Mo said these words, there was deep admiration for the person who refined the Broken Star.

"Not at the earth level, but above the top grade of the Xuan level?" Wen Tian murmured.

For this answer, it seemed to be within his expectation, but it was also beyond his expectation. He himself couldn't tell what was going on.

After a long time, Master Mo reluctantly handed Broken Star back to Wentian, and immediately said: "You must take good care of this sword, and you will come to me to get the sword case after ten days."

Wentian retracted the Broken Star, then nodded: "If so, then I will leave it to Master Mo."

At the same time, in the hall where the eldest prince was, his expression was very serious, and he seemed to be becoming irritable.

Immediately seeing him impatiently, he said: "Brother Liu, how long will it be before your master arrives? My prince's time is very precious."

The young man surnamed Liu said with a wry smile on his face: "I really don't know about this. After all, Brother Ji, you also know that my master has a weird temper, and it cannot be controlled by my words."

"Hmph!" The eldest prince snorted coldly, with a bit of chill in his words.

who is he?He is Chiyue's eldest prince, he is the eldest son of the sage Ji Zhuoyang, from the moment he was born, he was destined to be above ten thousand people and one of Chiyue's rulers.

But today, he, the eldest prince, was waiting here for someone, and when he thought about it, he couldn't help feeling angry.

But he didn't dare to get angry, let alone use force, because his father once said that in the Scarlet Moon Empire, there are some people who hide their secrets and cannot be easily offended, and this Master Mo is one of them.

"Since Master Mo has something to do today, Zilan will come to visit another day." At this moment, Zhou Zilan stood up and said slowly.

"That's fine, those two go slowly!" The young man surnamed Liu laughed.

Immediately, Zhou Zilan and the First Prince left the hall.

However, when Zhou Zilan stepped out of the door, her expression suddenly changed: "Lin-ask-day!"

She said it word for word.

And the First Prince also said in a gloomy voice at this moment: "Lin Wentian?"

Wentian, who was walking, suddenly turned around when he heard the voice behind him.

Looking at the person he was madly in love with in the previous life, after being reborn in this life, and seeing the woman in front of him for the first time, Wentian couldn't help but feel a complicated feeling in his heart.

He couldn't deny that Zhou Zilan was really beautiful this week. In terms of appearance alone, she was no worse than Fairy Qinglian in Xianfeng Pavilion.

But what she reveals from the bottom of her heart is an arrogance, while Fairy Qinglian has a kind of natural aura that makes people love her.

There is an essential distinction between the two.

If the two walk together, Wentian believes that she, Zhou Zilan, is at best a foil for Fairy Qinglian.

There was still that turmoil in his heart, but he, who had experienced the previous life, soon calmed down.

Immediately, he glanced at Zhou Zilan with that indifferent look, then turned and left decisively.

Wentian's indifferent glance caused Zhou Zilan to frown, and countless doubts arose in her heart.

Because she could see disdain and indifference from the other person's eyes. Is this still the No. [-] Chiyue dude she once knew, Lin Wentian?
She never doubted her charm, but she just couldn't figure out why a person who was deeply infatuated with her a few months ago suddenly became so strange.

Could it be that the matter of Pomai Pill really changed the opponent completely?

But can a person's change really become so thorough?

She didn't believe it... At least she felt that in such a short period of time, she couldn't do it by herself...

"Stop! Lin Wentian, are you deaf? Didn't you hear my prince calling you?" Seeing that Lin Wentian was ignoring him, the eldest prince was instantly furious.

However, Wentian seemed to have never heard the words of the First Prince, and continued to move forward.

"Bastard! How dare you ignore me so much, it seems that today I have to teach you a lesson, to let you know that in the Scarlet Moon Empire, my Ji family is the king of this world." The eldest prince's face showed a trace of cruelty.

Immediately, his cultivation base exploded, and with a whoosh, he rushed towards Wentian, and the raised right foot, with a yellow light, swept towards Wentian suddenly with a heavy breath.

And at this moment, everyone in Zhuqi Zhuang noticed something strange here, and some big men, even the man surnamed Liu, were about to take action to stop it.

However, at the next moment, as if he had received some order, his expression moved slightly, and his face returned to calm.

As for Zhou Zilan, her eyes flashed suddenly.

Sensing the attack around him, Wentian's expression turned cold. Immediately, his body turned to the ****, his left foot spun, and his right hand stretched out like lightning.

"What?" The eldest prince's expression froze, his eyes were shocked and at the same time there was a trace of anger.

Because the foot that carried his late Yuan energy was firmly grasped by the young man in front of him who he had always looked down on with only one hand.

"Lin Wentian, how dare you?" The eldest prince shouted out of embarrassment, with a ferocious expression on his face. To him, this was definitely a shame among shames.

snort!Wentian's expression was cold. For the people of Ji's family, he had hatred from the bottom of his heart. Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he clasped his left hand and struck down suddenly.

"Ka Ka", there was a bone breaking sound, and immediately, the first prince's heart-piercing screams sounded.

"Lin dare..." The eldest prince fell to the ground, arms crossed his legs, and roared wildly.

Even if Ji Baojun wanted to break his head, he never thought that the other party would dare to attack him, the eldest prince, especially now when Lin Zhentian was going to the Dragon Valley, and his life and death were uncertain.

Not to mention him, even the people in Zhuqizhuang opened their eyes in disbelief when they saw this.

They were shocked not only by Wentian's strength, but also by his decisiveness. You must know that the other party is the First Prince and the eldest son of the current Holy Majesty. His actions like this are undoubtedly swatting flies on the tiger's head.

Such a scene, falling into the eyes of Zhou Zilan not far away, made her eyes shrink suddenly, and she was extremely shocked. Is this still the Lin Wentian she knew in the past?

No... this is definitely not the Lin Wentian she knew before.

"I want you to die!" The eldest prince's expression was ferocious like a beast.

Immediately, he pointed his hands to the ground, slapped vigorously, and with a bang, his whole body exploded again, a light flashed in his hand, and a dagger with a cold light appeared, stabbing Wentian again.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Wentian's expression turned cold, the afterglow flashed under his feet, he quickly disappeared from the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the First Prince.

Seeing Wentian's speed, the First Prince couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Whoosh!" Just as Wentian was about to make a move, a long whip with a fierce attack suddenly attacked him.

Immediately, in the blink of an eye, he froze and dodged the attack.

With a snap, the long whip fell to the ground, and the ground instantly shattered, revealing a long crack.

Seeing this scene, Wentian's expression changed slightly, and then he turned to look at the woman in the purple dress—Zhou Zilan.

It was her who made the move just now.

"Late Yuan Lian?"

He didn't pay attention to it before, but after discovering Zhou Zilan's cultivation level, Wentian was still surprised. He had to admit that Zhou Zilan's talent was really excellent this week.

(End of this chapter)

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