Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 501 The Appearance of the Ancient Realm

Chapter 501 The Appearance of the Ancient Realm (Part [-])
At this moment, everyone was extremely terrified, and even paled in shock. Looking at the bloody figure standing upright in the sea of ​​thunder, their hearts were filled with turbulent waves.

"He can control the thunder and lightning in Tianlei Valley, how is this possible?"

"'s absolutely impossible."

"Sky Thunder Valley has been in Tianyun Sea for countless years, not to mention the powerhouses of the real realm, even the powerhouses of the ancient realm, there have been many people, but no one has ever been able to control the thunder here, even if it is the ancient realm of the thunder attribute. Even the strong can't." Someone yelled wildly, his eyes full of disbelief.

But no matter whether he believes it or not, they here have been submerged by the sea of ​​thunder and constantly bombarded by thousands of thunders.

Pupu...... Just a few breaths of effort, people kept spurting blood, and some even disappeared into the sea of ​​thunder.

"Ah... Lin Wentian, you must die!"

"Lin Wentian, you are the son of misfortune, not only you, but everyone who has anything to do with you is an ominous person and deserves to die." In the thunder, roars and curses continued.

Blood splashed in the void, and those ruthless thunders, like gods of death, kept taking the lives of everyone.

Even those true gods and powerhouses are in an extremely embarrassing situation here, and they are all fighting against the densely packed thunder with the power of the cave.

In the past, although they were afraid of the thunders in Tianlei Valley, they would not be afraid, but now these thunders seem to have a sense of life, stalking and chasing them, and when they feel extremely humiliated, they can't help but explode their scalps .

"Damn, how could this be?"

"It's all that kid's fault. As long as you kill him, these thunderbolts will naturally disappear." The true god powerhouse roared, bang boom, violently burst into flames, wanting to kill Wentian who was standing proudly amidst the thunderbolts.

"Boom boom boom!!"

But as soon as they rushed out, they were overwhelmed by thunder, and there was that crazy roar.

"Lin Wentian, you are shameless. With the power of thunder, what kind of a hero are you?"

"Boy, get out if you have the ability, I will kill you with one hand." Someone yelled.

Those monks who had escaped from Sky Thunder Valley before, when they saw this scene in front of them, they suddenly took a breath of air, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

"This kid is so evil, if he can survive this time and grow up in the future, it will definitely be a nightmare for those big forces."

"Wait! Could it be that the power that Lin Wentian exerted just now is the rumored power of luck and merit?" Suddenly, someone had a thought in his mind and cried out.

"What?" Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Because there have always been rumors that the luck of the country in the lower realm and the power of merit are two extremely mysterious powers. Some people suspect that they are powers above the way of heaven.

The reason why the five clans and seven sects of Tian Yunhai have stood firm since ancient times can be said to be related to the sea of ​​luck in their sects and families.

It is said that Thunder Cloud Sect, which was famous thousands of years ago, overwhelmed the other five clans and seven sects, and would faintly become the fourth holy place, fell from the top of the seven sects to the fifth place overnight, because They don't have the luck of a country in the lower realm, and the power of merit and virtue to support them.

Otherwise, today's Thunder Cloud Sect might still be high above the top of the Seven Sects, overwhelming the other great forces.

From this we can see the importance of luck and the power of merit.

It is also for this reason that Yitianzong, who is now the head of the seven sects, will join forces with the Ji family who controls the Chiyue Kingdom in the lower realm.

At the same time, these monks who escaped from the Thunder Valley felt extremely lucky, otherwise, they would have already fallen into the violent thunder.

"Pfft... bang..." A figure flew upside down and landed on a mountain peak, and was instantly torn apart. This person's complexion was even paler and he spurted out blood.

He was exactly the Leng Rong who had an extremely arrogant look before, but here he was covered in blood all over his body, his eyes were extremely frightened, and he was looking at a man in front of him.

Standing proudly in front of him was Gu Yunyu, the younger generation of elder Gu Yun.

"Ahem..." Gu Yunyu was also coughing up blood, but his eyes were still full of murderous intent.

At the same time, a thunderbolt exploded in the void, and with a chirp, he fled out of the valley quickly.

"Gu Yunyu, I, Yitian Sect, will not count on today's matter like this, just wait for me." A roar came from a distance, followed by a flash of thunder, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The person who fled was the Yitian sect powerhouse who had assisted Leng Rong to deal with Gu Yunyu before. Unexpectedly, with the power of the two true god powerhouses, he was still defeated by Gu Yunyu.

It can also be seen from this that there is a gap between the one who has realized the innate supernatural powers and the one who has not comprehended the innate supernatural powers.

"Gu Yunyu, if you dare to kill me, neither Elder Leng Jiang nor disciples from my lineage of Leng Jiang will let you go." Seeing the Yitian Sect strongman fleeing, Leng Rong was terrified in his heart , the soul trembled.

"Kill!" However, Gu Yunyu's expression was cold, he roared, and rushed out with strong murderous intent.

"Presumptuous! Gu Yunyu, you are so courageous!" But at this moment, there was a roar of anger in the void, and after that, a beam of light was quickly shone on Leng Rong.

"Hum!" His body began to twist continuously.

At the same time, Leng Rong looked ecstatic, and then laughed wildly: "Gu Yunyu, do you want to kill me? It's just wishful thinking!"

His body twisted, and he disappeared instantly, followed by a chirp, a red light beam rushed away, it was the ring of flames of Elder Leng Jiang.

It was it that saved Leng Rong before.

Gu Yunyu's face darkened in an instant, and then he turned his eyes to the dense sky thunder, even with his temperament, he couldn't help but gasp.

At the same time, facing the shouts of those powerful disciples, Wentian's face became more and more ferocious, especially the weird rune on the left side of his face, making him look like a demon.

"I'm shameless? Then what are you?"

"In order to deal with me, a mere mortal, you actually captured the disciples of my Immortal Peak and my friends, tortured them with thunder bombardment, and made their lives worse than death, just to attract me to show up, and you want to kill me, don't you? You are not despicable?"

"I, Lin Wentian, how can I let you, a powerful force like you, dispatch hundreds of thousands of monks and true gods to kill me?"

"Haha... Is this what you call a hero?"

"Monster? Ghost? So what if it's a demon?"

"I, Lin Wentian, have been rebellious all my life. I would rather bear the world alone than the world bear me. Want to kill me? Just come if you have the ability!"

Wentian's roar was like thunder, and many disciples of great powers were stunned when they heard it.

However, the next moment, they roared again.

"Bastard! You are just an ant-like existence. How dare you try to provoke the majesty of our powerful forces? You are looking for death."

"Lin Wentian, don't be arrogant, our Fang family can easily suppress and kill you as long as we dispatch one of our elite disciples."


Just the next moment, the monstrous thunder instantly drowned them all, and those roaring and roaring sounds all disappeared.

"It's finally over!" Wentian heaved a sigh of relief.

Whether it's his physical body, or his energy and spiritual consciousness, he has already reached the extreme, and he can persist until now, all because of that attachment.

It can be said that if he hadn't experienced two lifetimes as a human being, he might have already fallen into that pool of blood.

This battle was the most tragic battle in their two lives, and it was also the most sensational battle in the entire Sky Cloud Sea in these years.

With the strength of one person, he killed thousands of Shenyuan monks, defeated several great true gods, and even killed one person. Such a brilliant battle record is absolutely shocking and shocking, enough to leave a thousand history.

But at this moment, his mind trembled, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Hmph~ An ant-like existence also wants to shake my Guangming family." Suddenly, a cold snort sounded.

At this moment, a monstrous aura enveloped the entire Tianlei Valley in an instant. Anyone who survived and still had consciousness in their minds trembled at this moment, and their scalps exploded.

This is the aura of the most powerful person, this is the aura that transcends the realm of true oneness.

This powerful aura seems to be boundless, making people unable to resist the slightest thought.

"Ancient Realm Powerhouse!"

Feeling the monstrous power, Wentian felt a thunderbolt in his head, and his mind was extremely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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