Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 502 Killing God 1 Finger

Chapter 502 Killing God One Finger (Third)

As soon as this monstrous coercion came out, countless light spots gathered, and finally a figure wrapped in holy light condensed.

This person is an old man, his expression is calm and majestic, and he looks like a big man who has been in a high position for a long time.

With that contemptuous look, he calmly glanced at Wentian, who was covered in blood all over his body, and then turned cold, looking at the eighteen blood corpses.

"Blood refining thing? Let this old man destroy it!" He shouted coldly, then waved his hand suddenly, and dozens of holy lights rushed out.


The blood corpse, which was extremely brutal before, and was as easy as an ant to kill a cultivator in the Divine Origin Realm, was instantly pierced by holy light in the hands of this person, and a terrifying blood hole appeared in his chest.

"Hiss..." The power of the casual blow was so terrifying, but those who survived all had horrified expressions, and turbulent waves were set off in their hearts.

"Ah...that's the Eighth Elder of the Guangming Family, and he actually came in person?"

"Ancient Realm Powerhouse!"

Immediately, everyone was in an uproar, looking at the old man wrapped in holy light, not only fear, but also a madness in their eyes.

Those who are strong in the ancient realm are the existence that countless monks yearn for. As long as they have the power of the ancient realm, they can establish their own sect and create a second-rate force.

It is conceivable how amazing the power of the ancient realm powerhouse is.

Ancient Realm powerhouses are also known as Ancient Gods. They are ancient gods, representing strength, and the pillars of the human race. Usually, such big figures will not fall easily, and even if their legs are destroyed, they can recover instantly.

But I didn't expect that in order to kill a mere Vientiane Realm, there would be an ancient Realm expert in the Guangming Family, and everyone couldn't help but feel a chill behind their backs.

"Eighth Elder, this evil boy, if he doesn't die today, he will become a trouble in the future."

"Kill him and return the majesty of my Guangming family."

All of a sudden, the surviving disciples of the Guangming family screamed wildly, and the elders of the family came to make them look wild again.

At the same time, Gu Yunyu's expression changed drastically, and his eyelids twitched suddenly.

"Ha ha……"

"I never imagined that a mere Vientiane Realm would send out experts from the Ancient Realm to deal with me. You big forces really think highly of me, Lin Wentian."

After the shock, Wentian was not afraid, but laughed wildly.

"Excuse me!" He lightly shook the little bloody clock in his hand, and the eighteen blood corpses were instantly taken back by him.

Immediately afterwards, he stood on the blood field like this, looking at the ancient realm powerhouse in front of him with mocking and contemptuous eyes.

"Things like ants also want to provoke my Guangming family!" The eighth elder of the Guangming family's face darkened instantly.

He is a high and mighty Ancient Realm expert, an elder of a great power, when has he ever been looked at with such contempt and contempt, let alone an ant in the Vientiane Realm.

In an instant, he looked furious, and suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed a finger.

A finger that seemed to be understated, but with a chirping sound, a monstrous light beam burst out, like the holy light of punishment, blasting towards Wentian.

"Haha! Die!"

"It doesn't matter how powerful you are? The background of a great power cannot be imagined by a mere boy from the lower realm."

"Kill you an ant, the elders of our Guangming family can easily kill you with just a finger."

Seeing this, the disciples of the Guangming family immediately looked ferocious and laughed wildly. In their eyes, Lin Wentian, the rebellious disciple in front of him, was already a dead person.

This was a blow from a strong man in the Ancient Realm, not to mention the Divine Origin Realm, even the True One Realm could easily kill him, but facing this blow, Wentian still laughed out loud, as if falling into madness.

"So what about the ancient realm? If you want to kill me, Lin Wentian, then I'll let you die first!" He roared loudly, with boundless hatred in his words.



"kill him!"

When everyone heard this, they were extremely disdainful.

Although the person in front of them is weird and powerful, and can stand on par with a true god, they don't believe that a boy from the lower realm, who is only cultivated in the Vientiane Realm, can kill the strong in the Ancient Realm.

This is simply a big joke.

But at this moment, the bloody figure in the blood field, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and shouted: "Brother Xiaoyao, help me one more time and kill this person."


As soon as Wentian's roar came out, the light between his forehead suddenly burst out, and then countless light spots gushed out, condensing an illusory figure.

This is a man with a handsome face and an extraordinary bearing, but from the depths of his pupils, one can see the vicissitudes and sadness.

Although he is an illusory body, standing in midair, he exudes a monstrous aura, and the space power in all directions seems to be frightened, not daring to get close to him.

Suddenly, a vacuum zone was formed, as if it was his domain.

This Xuji man appeared so suddenly that many people were astonished.

"Li Xiaoyao?'s impossible? Didn't you die a hundred years ago?" Suddenly, there was a cry full of boundless fear and disbelief.

I saw the eighth elder of the Guangming family who looked extremely arrogant before, and seemed to be able to rule the world. Here, his eyes are wide open, as if he has seen something terrible, and he is terrified.

"What? Li Xiaoyao?"

"Who is he? Why is he so familiar?"

"Ah...could it be Li Xiaoyao, the holy son of Yunshan Village, who was born in Qishan Town thousands of years ago?"

"Son of the Sacred? How is this possible? That is one of the three holy places, the most powerful figure in the Taoist sect."


The audience was completely shocked, even the monks who were watching outside the Thunder Valley were stunned for a while, and felt a thunderbolt in their minds.

You must know that the rumored Li Xiaoyao is the proud son of heaven. After entering one of the three holy places, Daozong, he rose even stronger. With amazing talent and strength, he finally became the sacred son of Daozong and became a big man.

Everyone never imagined that Lin Wentian, who came from the lower realm, would know this important person. This would definitely cause an uproar.

For a while, everyone was stunned.

Everything happened only at that moment.

"This is the third time and the last time. The love you saved me that day, you and I are both clear!" Xiaoyao's Xuji body condensed, and his voice rang in Wentian's head.

Immediately, in the blink of an eye, he stretched out his illusory hand, and lightly pinched the divine beam of light that was approaching swiftly.

Under his understated pinch, the divine light beam that was so powerful that it could easily kill a true god powerhouse instantly disappeared and turned into nothingness.

"Hiss..." The power of the blow was so overwhelming that it easily shattered the attack of the eighth elder of the Guangming family who was a strong man in the ancient realm.

"Li Xiaoyao, I am the eighth elder of the Guangming family, you want to be an enemy of our Guangming family?" Seeing that his attack was destroyed, the old man of the Guangming family suddenly changed his expression and shouted loudly.

"The Guangming family?"

"Hmph~ I, Li Xiaoyao, can be against the Taoist sects of the Three Great Sacred Lands. What is a mere Guangming family?"

"Today, I will use your life to announce my return, Li Xiaoyao. One day, I will kill Daoyu Star and Daozong again."

As soon as the words fell, a vortex formed at his fingertips, and he began to crazily devour the spiritual energy in all directions.

Boom!Even the thunder in the air gathered towards him quickly, as if his finger could swallow all the power.

Such a strange scene fell into the eyes of those powerful disciples, and they immediately looked terrified as if they had seen a ghost.

"Li Xiaoyao, you will regret it!" a roar came from the void.

With a chirp, in the unimaginable eyes of everyone, I saw that the eighth elder of the Guangming family, who was a strong man in the ancient realm, fled at this moment.

"One finger to kill the god!"

But at this moment, a cold voice came from Li Xiaoyao's mouth, and following the rune against the sky between his fingertips, a shocking finger strike rushed out with a bang.

In an instant, a hole was punched out in the entire void, and bursts of blood rained down, while the eighth elder of the Guangming family who fled before disappeared without a trace.

As a strong man in the ancient realm, he has fallen!

The power of one blow can kill an ancient realm so easily, and the person in front of him is nothing more than an illusory body.

At this moment, the world is quiet, and everyone's minds are buzzing.

(End of this chapter)

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