Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 519 Ancient Healing Art

Chapter 519 Ancient Healing Art (Part [-])
Looking at the dreadful slash of the headless horseman, the little ball stood in front of the little spirit, its chubby face was full of anger, and it kept shouting.

"Hmph~ Where did the nameless little beast come from? It doesn't know how to live or die." The appearance of the little beast made the god-level powerhouse stunned, but soon he looked disdainful.

Because in his perception, the little ball in front of him didn't have a trace of divine energy fluctuations, that is to say, it was just a mortal beast.

However, the other party's disdainful words and contemptuous demeanor fell into the eyes of the little ball, and it immediately exploded with anger.

"Ai, Ai!" It screamed angrily, swung its claws suddenly, and with a buzzing sound, a white light rushed out, instantly covering the monstrous cutting light.

This white light didn't emit a sharp aura, nor did it exude a violent aura, just like an ordinary light.

"Haha! With the power of mere ants, he also wants to fight against the strong in the divine realm. He simply doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

"Die! This is a blow from the peak of Shenyuan. Not to mention you ants, even the ancient city will be bloody and become a ruin."

"If you want to blame, you can blame yourself. How dare you let the monsters take action. This is forcing our Ji family's strong Shenyuan to take action. This is seeking death."

Immediately, the strong man in the divine realm and Chi Yue's soldiers laughed wildly.

However, at the next moment, the expression of the strong man in the divine realm suddenly changed, and then his eyes widened, as if he had seen something inconceivable.

At the same time, the void suddenly distorted, and in the shocked and incredible eyes of the crowd, the monstrous blow from the headless horseman disappeared in front of the ball in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the void shook, and a saber light appeared out of thin air, and with a fierce aura, it directly slashed at the strong man in the divine realm.

"Boom!" Void was berserk, and the loud noise was deafening.

With a sound of "poof", an extremely embarrassing figure rushed out from the void, but it was the proud and powerful man in the divine realm before.

It's just that at this moment, his eyes were opened in fear, and he looked terrified like a ghost, and there was a deep knife mark on his chest, and bright red blood gushed out, instantly staining his clothes red.

"Hiss..." All the people or monks who saw the previous scene gasped, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

"how is this possible?"

"What happened just now?"

There was a buzzing in everyone's minds, because it was all too fast and too weird, and they couldn't react at all.

Not to mention them, even those who were at the peak of the gods in the sky, their expressions changed drastically in an instant, and their expressions were full of disbelief.

"A mere beast in the mortal realm possesses such a strange power of space, what kind of monster is it?" Someone said in a voice.

Compared to their shock and disbelief, Lin Yefeng, Ye Tian and other ancient cultivators were ecstatic in their hearts.

"Roar!" At the same time, a voice of fury pulled everyone's minds back in an instant, and at this moment, Xiao Ling's eyes were fierce, and he squeezed his giant fist and slammed it out.

boom! !With a punch, the power contained in that fist becomes more and more astonishing, as if with the battle, its power will rise endlessly.

Fight more and more bravely!

There was an explosion, and the headless horseman collapsed instantly, turning into a stream of air and completely disappearing into the void.

Not only that, but Xiao Ling's fist still hit the strong man with undiminished force.

"Pfft!" After being hit, the strong man with divine origin spurted blood again, his complexion pale to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, many civilians in the ancient domain shouted and became extremely excited.

On the contrary, those Chiyue troops looked flustered, as if they had been shocked.

Because even though they were members of Tian Yunhai and cultivators of great powers, they still couldn't believe such a strange scene before them.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu kept shouting, waving those short claws, as if threatening the other party.

"Trash! You can't even deal with two mortal monsters. It's a shame to our Ji family." Suddenly, a cold snort came from the void.

boom!A more monstrous coercion than before suddenly descended from the sky. Although it was also at the peak of Shenyuan, the divine power contained in it was much stronger than the previous one.

After all, even if they are both at the peak of Shenyuan, there are still some differences. Obviously, even if the person in front of him is at the peak of Shenyuan, he is still a strong person.

"What?" Feeling this monstrous power, the expressions of the people in the ancient domain changed drastically.

"It's the peak of Shenyuan again, and the aura is stronger than that of the previous person. What's going on? How many strong people are they hiding?"

A spirit-transforming soldier in the ancient domain, his eyes were wide open, showing a look of panic.

When the divine light subsided, a man with a cold expression was revealed. This man ignored the pale-faced Shenyuan cultivator, but looked at the two beasts Xiaoqiu and Xiaoling with a look of disdain.

"Everyone in the world wants to compete with my Ji family. It's beyond your control. I give you two ways. The first is to surrender to me, and the second is to die." This person said coldly.

"Roar..." Just as he finished speaking, Xiao Ling roared wildly, his expression extremely furious.

"Noisy!" The man turned cold and pointed his finger contemptuously.

With a chirp, suddenly, a monstrous finger strike rushed out, and a hole was pierced through the void in an instant.

"Pfft..." In an instant, the blood shot out violently. Before Xiao Ling could react, he was pierced by the finger, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Not only that, in its bloody blood hole, there is still a trace of thunder and lightning power. It is obvious that the opponent's original power is thunder.

These violent thunder powers are still raging on its wounds, as if trying to destroy the vitality in its body.

Immediately, Xiao Ling roared like he was in pain, and there was a hint of misery in his roar.

"Little Ling..." Ye Feng and Ye Xue exclaimed, their faces extremely pale.


Ye Feng was even more like a monkey, he quickly jumped from its head and landed on its arms, looking at the bloody wound, his eyes flashed fiercely.

The next moment, he actually formed handprints, and there were ancient runes entwined. With a bang, he gritted his teeth vigorously, and punched those runes into the little spirit's wound.

A strange scene appeared!

I saw that under the power of these runes, the power of thunder on Little Spirit's fleshy palm was actually dissipating, not only that, its wounds were even recovering.

"Pfft!" Ye Feng's face turned pale suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his little body shook.

"Brother, I'll help you too." Ye Xue also jumped down, and then she also waved her hands, which glowed white and were wrapped with ancient runes.

With the joint efforts of the two, the remaining thunder power in Xiao Ling's wound finally completely disappeared, and the wound was slowly recovering.

"Huh? Is this an ancient healing technique?" The man suddenly frowned, looking at Yefeng and Yexue, his eyes showed a shocking murderous intent.

However, just when he was about to do something, there was a sound of clinging suddenly.

Also at this moment, his original haughty expression suddenly changed, and he saw that the void around him was constantly distorted, and strange forces gushed out and bound him.

"What?" he yelled.

(End of this chapter)

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