Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 520 Breaking the Space

Chapter 520 Breaking the Space (Second Update)
That Ji's man's expression changed drastically, and his mind was extremely horrified, because his body couldn't move even half of it, as if it was completely sealed up.

"How is it possible? This power of space...could it be that extremely mysterious space beast from ancient times?"

"'s impossible! Even if it's a space beast, it doesn't have the aura of a divine beast on it, so it's impossible to have such a strange space power." A shock wave rose in his heart.

Unexpectedly, as a member of Tian Yunhai Ji's family, and even a strong man at the peak of Shenyuan, he would be sealed so easily. While he was furious, he was also extremely frightened.

"This beast will not die! It will become a serious disaster in the future." He thought to himself, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes.

Not to mention him, the dozen or so people above the sky clearly noticed it, and everyone's expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"This little beast..."

"Such a weird monster must not be allowed to live in this world, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future war between humans and monsters."

"Kill! Kill it together with crushing force."

Someone roared.

Boom, the next moment, it seemed that a consensus had been reached, and their eyes shot out sharply.

15 people, that is, fifteen peak divine origin powerhouses, plus the previous two people, and one person who fought against Ye Tian, ​​did not expect that Chi Yue would dispatch eighteen peak divine origin powerhouses this time to attack the ancient domain .

If this was the case in the past, it would never have happened, because let alone eighteen, just one would probably cause a huge disturbance in the Tianyuan Continent.

" is this possible?"

"Is it really God's will to destroy my ancient domain?" In the ancient city, the head of the civil servants called Mr. Meng, his face was as pale as snow, and his body trembled.

As for the other civil servants, many of them prostrated themselves because they couldn't bear the powerful pressure.

"Pfft!!" Some people even turned pale and sprayed wildly. This is the power of gods, and in the eyes of some ordinary people, this is the power of heaven.

"Death!" These 15 people showed up with murderous intent, all of them cast a blow at this moment, intending to kill the little spirit and the little ball with violent force.

Do not……

With this attack, they wanted to take this opportunity to completely destroy the ancient city, because the opportunity was not to be missed.

Boom boom boom! !The blows of the fifteen experts at the pinnacle of the divine realm were shocking to the world, making people's souls tremble, and their hearts filled with boundless fear.

"not good!!"

"Run away!!"

Seeing this, countless people showed panic and fled in all directions.

But soon, they found that they had nowhere to escape from the blow that was like a punishment from heaven, because the entire ancient city was enveloped by this force.


Before those monstrous attacks arrived, the entire void rumbled, the ground below kept shaking, and some houses were collapsing.

"don't want……"

Lin Yefeng, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei, and Shi Zhong and other elders of the Lin family were extremely panic-stricken. They roared crazily, and their eyes were bloodshot.

But they were still powerless, because they were already scarred and surrounded by enemies.

At the same time, this is the Valley of the Lost Forest, and there is a pool of water under a towering ancient tree.

No... This is a spiritual pool, because this pool contains an astonishing aura of heaven and earth, and you can vaguely see some tiny crystals in these pools of water.


This is the spirit crystal, the spirit crystal produced by the extremely rich aura of heaven and earth.

But in the center of this mouth spirit pool, there is a piece of divine jade glowing faintly there, and I can see that there is a little blood red in this divine jade, like a heart.

Fluttering, faintly, more like the sound of some heartbeats.

"Hey! Those two guys are just unreliable, and the mere existence of some ants can make them so embarrassed. It really loses the prestige of the king."

"Hmph~ If this king can get out of the Lost Trace Forest, as the world's number one tortoise, Eighth Master can suppress them with one hand." A disdainful voice came from the spirit pool.

I saw a turtle demon with its legs raised, wearing a pair of black glasses, with a long grass dangling from the corner of its mouth, its expression was full of contempt, as if it was the king of heaven.

"Huh! What's going on? Why does this king feel like my heart is jumping?" Suddenly it looked stunned.

"Buzz!" The next moment, its expression changed drastically, and it saw bursts of blood-colored light appearing on his back, and countless runes gushed out, vaguely forming a blood-colored pattern.

"Is that kid really coming back?"

"My king's beauty..."

All of a sudden, there was a jolt in its head, and it immediately became extremely excited, and its eyes were full of fanaticism.

In the ancient city, in the face of the berserk blow of the fifteen peak gods, even Xiao Ling, who is a vajra giant ape, felt fear welling up in his heart.

It looked ruthless, opened its big beast palm, and quickly enveloped the pale Yefeng Yexue, and then used its huge body to protect it in its arms.

"Destroy it! A monster in the mortal realm."

"No one can oppose my Ji family! Whether it's a human or a beast!" The fifteen powerful men in the divine realm looked arrogant and sneered.

"Yi, Yi, Yi!"

At this moment, the little beast's expression was extremely furious, and it didn't know what it had noticed, and it even glared fiercely in the direction of the Lost Trace Forest.

With a sound of acridine, the golden and white hairs all over its body stood on end in an instant, and even the long tail stood upside down like a spear. Here it was like a raging fierce cat.

"Yi, Yi!" It bared its teeth and claws, and kept moving its hands, as if forming some strange imprint.

At the same time, the entire void was shaken violently, followed by a burst of white light, which quickly condensed and finally turned into a circle of thousands of feet.

This one thousand zhang circle is like a circle of space, as if on the other side of this circle is an unnamed star field, or directly leads to a bottomless deep hole.


I saw those violent forces, after rushing into the circle of thousands of feet, disappeared strangely, as if they were entered into another space.

"What? How is this possible?"

"Could it be that this is the power to break the void that can only be possessed by the strong in the ancient realm?"

The expressions of those cultivators from the Ji family and those from the Yitian sect changed drastically in an instant, and some even called out.

Duankong, this is the power that can only be possessed in the ancient realm, just like the powerhouse in the real realm can possess the power of teleportation.

Teleportation is a hundred miles in an instant, but it can cut off a space, which is the sublimation of the power of space.

Unexpectedly, a monster in the mortal realm of the lower realm possesses the supernatural power of breaking the void in the ancient realm, which is simply too inconceivable.

But they reacted quickly.

"Shoot with all your strength, I want to see how long it can last as a mortal beast."

"Hmph~ That's right! With our strength, it is enough to destroy its void." Everyone said coldly.

Immediately, their spiritual energy erupted like a volcano.

Boom!All of a sudden, the sky was filled with stormy clouds, thunder, lightning and flames, which seemed to make the sun and moon lose their brilliance and change the color of the sky and the earth.

"Bang!" The sudden increase in the enemy's strength caused the ball's thousand-foot circle to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.

Yiya, Yiya, the little ball's expression changed, it turned pale, but the next moment, its eyes became ruthless.

"Om!" Its golden and white hair, which is wrapped in rings, suddenly glowed with mysterious light. When you look carefully, you can find nine light circles that look like metal and four white.

With a bang, at this moment, a circle of light rushed out, instantly blending into the circle of thousands of feet, and suddenly, the circle of thousands of feet burst into light.


Ji's family and Yitianzong Zhixiu were shocked, as for the others, they were dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

Just like this, Xiao Qiu used the power of a beast to fight against fifteen strong men at the peak of Shenyuan.

"Hmph! The Ancient Territory must perish today." Just as the two were at a stalemate, a cold hum came from the void.

As soon as the cold snort came out, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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