Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 521 Return

Chapter 521 Return (third shift)
With a sound of "buzz", I saw a twist in the void, and then ten people stepped out.

Hiss... At the peak of Shenyuan, I didn't expect that the ten people who appeared here were actually at the peak of Shenyuan.

At this moment, Yetian's face was bloodless, and he called out: "The Xuanyuan family of the five major families in Tianyunhai?"

He couldn't help feeling a surge of despair.

It never occurred to him that not only the Ji family and the Yitian sect, but also the Xuanyuan family are now involved. Could it be that the ancient domain is really going to perish today?

The Xuanyuan family, that is, the backer of the Fengyun Empire in Tianyunhai, these ten people did not hesitate at all after they appeared, and they all shot violently at this moment.

boom!Among them, five people's spirits exploded, frantically pouring their spirits into the circle of thousands of feet of the small ball.

Immediately, the little ball's face became paler and paler, but it still gritted its teeth and shouted furiously.

As for the other five members of Xuanyuan's family, they didn't take action to deal with the little ball, but stared cruelly at the ancient city below and at the little spirit below.

"This is the Tianyuan Continent, which is the border of our human race. How dare a mere monster be so arrogant and kill many monks of my human race. It is a heinous crime."

"This monster is ferocious and lawless. It must be exterminated, otherwise it will become a serious problem for our human race."

"Kill, kill!" They yelled angrily, and they didn't know whether they were speaking to themselves or to some people.

Boom!In an instant, they were so powerful that they unleashed a berserk attack with all their strength, and blasted at Xiao Ling.

No... To be precise, it should be hitting the ancient city below.

In an instant, people's complexions were extremely pale, and they felt hopeless, and they were even enveloped in the breath of death.


"They are the spiritual pets of our ancient king, the beasts of our domain, and a part of our ancient domain."

"As gods, you dare to intervene in the battle of the national realm. The defenders of the realm, please help us uphold justice." A cultivator from the ancient realm roared, his eyes full of shocking anger.

"Defenders, please uphold justice for our ancient domain." Everyone shouted for a while.

It's just that even though they roared like thunder, the extremely mysterious boundary defender, who had never shown his real body, remained silent, as if he didn't hear their shouts.

"Jie Jie! What kind of beast of the domain? This is clearly a monster. It is a bloodthirsty and extremely ferocious monster. If this monster is not dead, the heavens will not tolerate it."

"Die! Our Xuanyuan family is one of the five ancient families of the human race. If we want to uphold justice, this King Kong giant ape deserves death."

The disciples of the Xuanyuan family laughed ferociously, and the attack in their hands became even more violent.

Immediately, the people in the ancient region gritted their teeth, filled with overwhelming anger, their eyes were blood red like beasts, covered with bloodshot eyes.

What are the five ancient families of the human race, and why they want to uphold justice?

"Kill, kill! Lin Wentian is either a demon or a ghost. He is an ominous son of our human race. Maybe there are still demons or ghosts hidden in his ancient domain. Today, the ancient domain will surely perish."

Suddenly, there was a monstrous shout of killing from the north, and a large group of black shadows flew towards them at high speed.

Nearly a thousand people from the Vientiane Realm and thousands of people from the Spirit Transformation Realm, everyone in the ancient domain felt this scene, and suddenly gasped, and their minds went blank for a while.

"The army of the Fengyun Empire!"

"Could it be that the heavens have destroyed my ancient domain, so I have to die?"

The monks, soldiers, and common people in the ancient domain felt endless sadness in their hearts. In this situation, the ancient domain simply no longer has a glimmer of life.

Blood and tears flowed from Lin Yefeng's eyes, and his whole mind seemed to have collapsed. He laughed miserably: "Wentian, it's the third uncle who is incompetent and unable to protect the ancient domain."

Ye Tian also yelled heartbreakingly: "Feng'er, Xue'er!"

Shi Zhong, General Lei and the others also felt despair at this moment.

"Pfft!" Blood flew violently, an arm flew up into the air, and exploded instantly with a bang, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"Could it be that God's will is really irreversible, and our ancient domain cannot escape destruction?" General Zhao was covered in blood, as if walking out of a pool of blood.

Not only that, but his arms were empty during this time, and blood flowed mercilessly.

The smell of blood in the void is extremely strong. The entire ancient domain is full of wreckage and bloodstains everywhere. This is a bloody battlefield, a blood prison, representing killing.

The ancient city was constantly shaking, some houses were constantly collapsing, there was a sound of crying and howling everywhere, and even more vaguely, there was a monstrous resentment gushing out, turning the entire ancient city into a dead city.

"Wow...Wow..." Since the beginning of the war, the crying of those babies has not stopped, and their clear tears have turned bloody.

These are blood tears, but also like ominous tears.

However, at this moment, the crying of those babies suddenly stopped, and then they seemed to see something, and they all struggled out of their mother's arms.

They stretched out their hands, with smiles on their faces, and kept grabbing forward, as if they were going to grab something or throw themselves into someone's arms.

Such a strange scene brought the adults back to their senses in an instant. Immediately, they all opened their eyes wide and focused on the huge statue standing on the square in the center of the ancient city.

This is a statue of Baizhang, and it is engraved with Wentian, which was a congratulatory gift from Mr. Qian when the ancient domain was established.

However, at this moment, whether it was an illusion or not, the people of the ancient city discovered that the statue of the Baizhang ancient king was emitting a faint sacred light.

Even the pale, but still furious little ball, who kept shouting, seemed to sense something, its eyes suddenly brightened, and it became radiant.

In the Lost Forest, in the Valley of the Valley, the blood light on the turtle monster became more and more intense, and a strange and mysterious array appeared on its back.

But it didn't pay any attention to it, it just looked extremely excited, and muttered in its mouth: "Beauty, my king's beauty."

In the depths of the Wandering Forest, there is a peak standing tall among the clouds, and on the top of the mountain, a white-haired old man slowly opened his eyes.

"Everything will start here, success or failure depends on your own good fortune." The old man murmured.

He is Dan Daozi.



A tiny sparrow squeaked and flew out flapping its wings.

Ancient Domain!

Seeing that the combined force of the five powerful members of the Xuanyuan family's divine essence was about to land on Xiao Ling's body with a monstrous blow, everyone tensed up.

Because if this blow landed, even if Xiao Ling was a King Kong Giant Ape, he would definitely be close to death. Not only that, but the monstrous power that erupted could destroy the entire ancient city in an instant.


"Destroy it!"

The disciples of the Xuanyuan family had a hideous smile on their faces.

It seems that in the next moment, they will be able to see the giant vajra ape with that huge body, flying flesh and blood, and the ancient city is instantly destroyed.

Because once the ancient city is destroyed, it means that the entire ancient domain is destroyed.

"Bastard! Stop!" However, at this critical moment, there was a monstrous roar in the void.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the sky above the ancient domain was distorted, a door of space was quickly formed, and a slender figure stepped out of it instantly.

(There will be more today, but it will be later)
(End of this chapter)

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