Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 523 Power of rules?Get out!

Chapter 523 Power of Rules?Get out! (one more)
At this moment, the world was quiet, and almost everyone forgot that they were on the battlefield. Their eyes were wide open, and their breathing became short of breath.

As one of the five great families of Tianyunhai, the disciple of the Xuanyuan family, who possessed the peak cultivation of the divine essence, unexpectedly had no power to resist, and was easily penetrated by someone.

Their minds went blank, as if they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"He is the ancient king?" An old monk in the ancient domain murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

But the strange thing is that looking at the bloody man dancing wildly in front of him, the man with a terrifying murderous aura vaguely overlaps with a young man in his memory.

The only difference is that the young man in his memory still has a childish look on his face, but the young man in front of him has become more mature and calm.

Especially those bloody eyes, the gaze shot out of them is so sharp, it is comparable to a magic weapon.

Not only him, but everyone in the ancient domain was stunned.

They told themselves in their minds that the blood-haired man in front of them was their King of the Ancient Realm, but they still couldn't believe it.

"Is he really our ancient king? But his strength?" There is doubt.

"How is this possible?" Someone called out, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Big brother, it's he who's back!" Suddenly, there was a loud and ecstatic sound.

"Roar..." At this moment, the little spirit who is the giant vajra ape stood upright again, and it roared to the sky with a domineering expression, and its roar was so loud that it stopped the clouds.

At the same time, Ye Feng and Ye Xue, who were protected by it in their palms, became extremely excited.

"Big brother, you're finally back. These scoundrels bullied us and injured Xiaoling." Ye Xue cried, and the crystal tears flowed down, shining brightly.

"You're finally back. It's the third uncle who is incompetent. It's the third uncle who failed to protect the ancient domain. I'm sorry for those dead soldiers." Lin Yefeng roared wildly, with madness in his eyes.

"His strength?" There was a buzz in Yetian's mind.

Especially when he sensed the monstrous aura of the blood-haired man, a surge of fear surged in his heart, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Brother Lin, he is Brother Lin." The voice with a pale face and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth shouted.

There was a complex look in Miaochan's eyes, but the Master Miaoyin was dumbfounded, his expression was full of doubts, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

General Lei, Shi Zhong and the others opened their eyes wide open, dumbfounded.

"The ancient king, he is the ancient king!"

"Long live the ancient king! Long live the ancient king!"

The civilians in the ancient domain came back to their senses, all of them looked extremely excited and shouted.

Especially when they found out that their ancient king's strength had become even more unfathomable after only three years of absence, they shouted excitedly to the sky.

"The ancient king, please avenge my grandson!" An old man wept bitterly, knelt down and kowtowed frantically, even if his head was bleeding, he didn't care at all.

"You can actually display power beyond the realm of divine origin?"

"'s impossible!" Suddenly, there was a scream.

I saw the remaining four disciples of the Xuanyuan family, their eyes were horrified, they looked at the aura of Wentian, and their expressions were full of disbelief.

Being able to injure a monk at the peak of Shenyuan so easily is definitely the power of the real one, and this Tianyuan Continent, this wild world, has always been limited to being able to display the power of the peak of Shenyuan, but the man in front of him showed before. His power has already surpassed the Divine Origin Realm.

They couldn't believe it.


However, just as they screamed, the sky of the entire ancient domain suddenly glowed with a strange light, and an inexplicable force descended on Wentian from the unknown sky in an instant.

This is the power of the rules of the Tianyuan Continent, unexpectedly, it will land on Wentian at this moment, and it will turn into a restraining force, trying to seal the power in Wentian's body.

In an instant, Wentian's expression changed drastically, and he actually felt that the power in his body was rapidly weakening.

This scene was noticed by the disciples of the Xuanyuan family, they were stunned, and then laughed wildly.

"Haha! I just said it!"

"In this world, except for the mysterious guardian, there is no one who can exert power beyond the Shenyuan realm, not even the ancient realm or the giants above the ancient realm."

"Lin Wentian, you who have been sealed by the power of the rules of this world are like a fierce tiger that has lost its claws and claws. No matter how strong you are, you will inevitably die today. This time, you have really thrown yourself into a trap."

They laughed wildly.

"What? What the hell are they talking about?"

"Has the power of the ancient king been sealed by the power of heaven and earth?" The people in the ancient domain looked shocked.

Feeling the rapid weakening of the power in the body, it actually fell from the peak of the eighth rank to the peak of the seventh rank, and it is still weakening, as if it is about to fall to the peak of the sixth rank.

Wen Tian's face darkened.

"The power of the rules? Get out!" He looked furious and suddenly shouted.

"Kang!" Immediately following the golden light on his body, the imprint of the dragon pattern flashed, and at the same time, his body was wrapped in a hazy fairy light, and at this moment, his figure suddenly shook.

Immortal light is monstrous!

"I, Lin Wentian, am the king of the ancient domain, and the son of the dragon of the Tianyuan Continent. Is the power of mere rules trying to restrain me?"

"My body and my mind are beyond the space between heaven and earth."

"Golden Dragon!"

"Colorful dragon!"

His blood was flying, and he roared up to the sky, as if no matter how high the sky was or how big the ground was, it couldn't shake his thoughts.

"Roar..." A terrifying dragon's roar came from the hall, followed by a dazzling golden light, instantly illuminating the entire ancient domain, turning into a barrier.

The next moment, I saw a hundred-foot golden dragon hovering in the void, exuding a noble and incomparably majestic aura.

This is the Baizhang Qiyun Golden Dragon. I didn't expect it to grow to this stage in just three years.

A magical scene appeared!

I saw the golden dragon of luck appearing, its golden light completely enveloped the ancient domain, and the soldiers in the ancient domain were instantly revived after being illuminated by the golden dragon, and their spirits became brighter.

During this time, they felt that their bodies contained the power to move mountains and seas, and even the blood in their bodies boiled, and they became stronger than ever before.

"Roar!!" Many soldiers on the bloody battlefield couldn't help roaring.

Boom boom boom!Their aura soared, and many monks actually broke through at this moment. Immediately, their momentum was like a rainbow, and their fighting spirit was burning.

The Chiyue army and the Fengyun army, after realizing this scene, their complexions suddenly changed, and their souls trembled.

"How is it possible?" someone called out.

But soon, the scene that made them even more unbelievable appeared again.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a dragon's roar came from the clouds in the ancient domain.

Visible to the naked eye, a colorful cloud descended from the sky, and then the colorful light bloomed, as if there was a mysterious dragon churning and roaring in the colorful cloud layer.

Everyone could vaguely see that it was a five-color dragon with a size of only one foot.

This is the meritorious dragon of the ancient domain.

(End of this chapter)

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