Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 524 Reversal

Chapter 524 Reversal (Second Update)
The meritorious dragon is not the same as the luck golden dragon. It is still one foot tall, but its aura has become more mysterious and unpredictable.

With its appearance, a mysterious colorful light suddenly shone down from the clouds, adding color to the entire ancient domain.

"Ah... my injury has recovered?"

"The energy in my body recovers [-]% in an instant?"

"Oh my god! This is the power of my ancient domain's merits and virtues. It was displayed by the ancient king himself, and it has such a heaven-defying effect?"

Immediately, the entire ancient domain was filled with the sounds of surprise and excited roars.

But those Crimson Moon cultivators or Fengyun cultivators, after being illuminated by this colored light, did not change at all. These colored lights seemed to have a sense of life, and could distinguish which ones were ancient domain cultivators and which were exotic cultivators.

This is nothing short of miraculous.

Not only that, but what shocked those Crimson Moon cultivators and Feng Yun's cultivators the most was that they were in the ancient realm illuminated by colorful lights, and they actually felt that the power in their bodies was gradually weakening.

Some Vientiane late stages only have the strength of the Vientiane mid-stage, while some Vientiane early stages can only display the peak power of the spirit, this is simply an unheard of weird thing.

Because for countless years in Tianyuan Continent, Chiyue, Tianyang, Fengyun and other six imperial kingdoms have never had such shocking events happen.

Therefore, many people are puzzled, but their hearts are full of turbulent waves.

" power!"

"Not good! This is probably Lin Wentian's ghost technique."

Countless people were exclaiming because they thought of a legend that the king of the ancient domain was suspected to be a half-ghost.

"Kill! Kill them all." Suddenly, the entire ancient domain was filled with that astonishing roar.

At this moment, the soldiers and monks in the ancient domain rushed out crazily as if they were being assisted by divine power.

On the one hand, the strength has been greatly increased, and the ancient domain is like having an immortal body, and the fighting spirit is burning, while the other side is Chiyue and Fengyun, whose strength has been weakened, and their hearts have been shocked, and they have lost their fighting spirit.

The two fought again, but the result was different.

I saw that the soldiers of the ancient domain who had been tortured and killed before, unexpectedly burst out with strength beyond the past at this moment, and that kind of monstrous momentum seemed unprecedented.

kill kill kill! !
The soldiers of the ancient domain, every punch, every cut, every stab, can bring a smear of blood from the enemy. At this moment, they seem to want to vent the boundless hatred in their hearts before.

Today they vowed to kill their enemies and avenge their dead relatives and friends.

At the same time, Ji Zhuoyang, the sage of the red moon, who had an arrogant expression before, and Shangguan Muhua, who had an arrogant expression, now their eyes shot out terrifying lights.

"Impossible...kill! Kill him for me! He is just an ant, he is a rebel." Ji Zhuoyang roared.

"I, Chong'er, is the proud son of heaven. He is not only the son of Qilin, but also the son of Daozong, one of the three holy places in the upper world. Lin Wentian is just a mere man. Why should he be the king of a domain? Why should he have such great strength? !" Shangguan Muhua's face was extremely hideous.

But for the roar of the two of them, Wentian just stood in the ancient city and looked at them with contempt from afar.

However, it was such a plain glance from him that made Ji Zhuoyang and Shangguan Muhua feel chills all over their bodies in an instant. At that moment just now, they felt as if they had fallen into a cold cave.

"Why? Why? It's only been three years since I saw him, but his strength has reached this level. It's impossible. He's only in his early twenties now." Ji Zhuoyang roared in his heart.

"Hmph~" At the same time, Wentian snorted coldly.

"Bobo!" Immediately, the power of the rules bound to him collapsed and disappeared.

Boom boom boom!Immediately after the aura on his body began to go wild and berserk, the peak of rank seven, the peak of rank eight, the coercion on his body was simply much, much stronger than the peak of Shenyuan.

No... To be precise, it should be stronger than some true gods.

Feeling his aura, the four disciples of the Xuanyuan family suddenly looked astonished, and then they were deeply unbelievable.

However, at the next moment, Wentian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and the pseudo-dragon tendon in his hand slammed out again, this time not like a long spear stabbing, but like a long whip.

His strength is enormous, already surpassing the power of a hundred elephants, and the tendons of the pseudo-dragon are thrown out, as fast as lightning, which makes people caught off guard.

"Puff..." Immediately, two blood flowers splashed out again in the void, and the tendons of the pseudo-dragon pierced through the bodies of the two of them again in an instant.

These two people were the same as the previous one, they were only pierced through the chest, but not the heart, so they were still alive.

It's just that they here have already been terrified to the extreme, looking at the bloody Wentian, their expressions became extremely terrified, and they wanted to say something, but suddenly found that they couldn't make a sound at all.

Because a strange force emanated from the tendons of the pseudo-dragon, and in the blink of an eye, their cultivation was completely sealed.

This is the power of returning to the beginning, it can be unsealed and sealed!
"Run away! He can exert the power of the real one."

Seeing this, the remaining two people turned pale with fright, screamed, and ran away crazily.

At this moment, they regretted so much in their hearts, they regretted that they volunteered in the family and swore an oath that they would definitely destroy the ancient domain and swear to kill Lin Wentian.

Originally, they thought that even Lin Wentian, who had massacred all directions in Tianlei Valley, massacred thousands of divine origin monks, and slaughtered a true god powerhouse with mortal power, as long as he appeared in the lower realm, they would not be afraid at all.

Because in the lower realm, due to the incomplete rules of heaven and earth, the strength that monks can display is only the peak of divine essence.

But the scene in front of them had already turned their perceptions upside down, and they wished they could return to Tianyun Sea immediately.

"Want to leave?" Wentian became grim.

With a buzzing sound, he cast his teleportation power, and he disappeared from the original place in an instant. The next moment, under the terrified eyes of the two Xuanyuan family disciples, he appeared out of nowhere strangely.


The tendons of the pseudo-dragon danced wildly, piercing through their divine bodies immediately, and their blood kept gushing out, making the tendons of the pseudo-dragon that were originally white jade color instantly stained with blood.

Indistinctly, it seemed to turn into a blood dragon tendon.

Five people!

In just a blink of an eye, Wentian used the fake dragon tendons in his hand to instantly defeat the five powerhouses in the Divine Origin Realm with ease.

At this moment, the world was quiet, and everyone gasped.

Especially those twenty god-level powerhouses who were confronting Xiao Qiu, their minds went blank for a while, their faces were as pale as snow, and their bodies kept trembling.

Never before had they felt such fear like this moment. The blood-haired man in front of them was like a bloodthirsty monster, making their souls tremble, and the pseudo-dragon tendon in his hand was a deadly magic weapon.

At this moment they wanted to escape, but found that they couldn't escape at all, because the devouring power of the small ball-sized beast in front of them had already made them unable to move for a moment.

While they were horrified, their hearts were even shrouded in a breath of death.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" Although his complexion was getting paler and paler, Xiao Qiu still looked arrogant and kept yelling.

Looking at those 20 people, Wentian's expression turned cold, and he flew out quickly.

Immediately, the disciples of Yitianzong, Ji's family, and Xuanyuan's family were excited.

"Lin Wentian, we are inner disciples of the Yitian Sect. If you dare to kill us, our Yitian Sect will not let you go."

"That's right! No matter how powerful you are, you are just an ant in front of us and other big forces."

"Those who know you should quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, once my Ji family's army of gods descends to the realm, not only you, but even the people in your entire ancient domain will die without a whole body."

Someone roared, wanting to frighten Wentian.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten that the person in front of them is a Lord who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

"Army of gods? As long as they dare to come, I, Lin Wentian, will see and kill one person, and vow to let their blood stain the entire sky."

Wentian roared, his pupils were blood red, and the pseudo-dragon tendons in his hands danced wildly.

(Third more, wake up and write again)

(End of this chapter)

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