Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 525 Devouring the Golden Dragon

Chapter 525 Devouring the Golden Dragon ([-]rd)
"No..." A piercing roar came from the void.

"Puff puff puff!!" In the next moment, flowers of blood rose up in the void, the divine blood scattered, and a strong and extremely bloody smell permeated the air.

I saw that the fake dragon tendon in Wentian's hand had penetrated the bodies of 25 people, and they were connected together, showing a strange picture.

He swung his hand vigorously again, and suddenly, there were two more people on the false dragon tendon.

One was injured by the ball, and the other was sealed by the ball. They were both monks at the peak of the divine realm.


The powerful man in the divine realm, who was originally so mighty, was like a three-year-old child in his hands, without the slightest ability to resist.

Seeing this shocking scene, no matter if they were cultivators from ancient domains or cultivators from foreign countries, they couldn't help but gasp.

There are even weak-willed people who have a bad smell from their lower body, and yellow liquid seeps out.

"Run away!"

"Oh my god! The king of this ancient domain is a devil, he is a death god from hell!"

"Lin Wentian, the rumored rebellious disciple, is he so terrifying?"

For a moment, those Vientiane army and Hualing army were terrified to the extreme.

They screamed crazily, without daring to turn their heads, they fled crazily, as if they were afraid that if they took a step too slowly, they would be overtaken by the evil spirits behind them, and they would lose their bodies.

Even Ji Zhuoyang groaned all over his body, and with a chirping sound, he became ill and turned into a golden light to escape.

"How could this be? He is only in the Myriad Phrases Realm, so how can he possess the power of a true god?" Even in the midst of fleeing, he roared in his heart unwillingly.

Things changed too fast, Wentian's appearance, until the defeat of those strong spirits, it was only a dozen breaths of effort, but the whole situation turned around amazingly.

Not to mention the subsidence, even the collapse of the sky, I am afraid it is not so frightening, because it is a strong man in the divine realm, and he is also a strong man from the upper realm with the peak cultivation base of the divine realm.

In their eyes, even though the blood-haired man was imposing, he still had no divine energy fluctuations, which meant that he was still in the mortal realm.

With the power of mere mortals, slaughtering gods like ants is simply unbelievable.

"Ji Zhuoyang!" Seeing that the sage of Chiyue wanted to escape, Wentian roared.

Immediately, Ji Zhuoyang's expression changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of fear, because he could hear the boundless hatred from the other party's voice.

"Golden Luck Dragon, Golden Dragon of Merit, stop him." He yelled in panic.

"Hoho..." Two dragon roars erupted from Chiyue's direction, and then two golden lights descended from the light, instantly turning into two thirty-foot golden dragons.

This is Chiyue's Luck Golden Dragon and Merit Golden Dragon, but it's not their real body, it's just their avatar, but I didn't expect it to reach a body of thirty feet.

It seems that in the past three years, the world of Tianyuan Continent has undergone great changes, allowing monks to break through one after another, making the people stronger, and also causing the golden dragon of luck and the golden dragon of merit to become stronger.

Without thinking too much, Ji Zhuoyang fled quickly with the roar and unwillingness in his heart. He wanted to return to Chiyue Palace, only in this way could he feel safe.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"Is he a mortal, a mere rebellious person?" His eyes were full of viciousness.

Two [-]-foot golden dragons appeared and rushed towards Wentian in an instant, trying to attack and kill him.

But, seeing the two golden dragons rushing in front of him, Wentian's eyes were extremely cold.


A strong golden light suddenly burst out in his hand, and a long sword with golden light was held in his hand. Immediately, his whole aura seemed to change faintly.

Become extremely noble, become sacred and inviolable, just like the immortal emperor and human emperor above the nine heavens.

This is a broken star, and it is also a weapon of the ancient domain.

"Huh~" With a sword in his hand, his expression was cold, his figure flashed, and he flew into the sky like a meteor.

"Hoho!!" Two thirty-foot golden dragons charged forward with a roar. The strange power of the dragon could crush the Vientiane Realm and the Divine Origin Realm in an instant, because they were dragons of a domain.

But the strange thing is that this strange dragon's power landed on Wentian, and it didn't have the slightest effect at all, instead there was a shocking scene.

I saw that no matter it was Longwei or the golden dragon's light falling on him, they were all swallowed up by the dragon mark between his eyebrows.

"Buzz!!" Immediately, his dragon mark became brighter and more mysterious and complicated.

At the same time, the dragon's power on his body became stronger, not only that, but the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body also roared to the sky, and the dragon-shaped body became more and more solid and lifelike.

This discovery stunned him, and then he became ecstatic.

Without thinking too much, he rushed out with a golden broken star in his hand, and behind him faintly condensed an illusory dragon shadow, which was the shadow of the Dragon Emperor with five claws and two wings.

"How dare the Chiyue Kingdom Dragon break into my ancient domain? Kill me!" He yelled domineeringly.

Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the Luck Golden Dragon, holding a broken star bursting out of golden light, and with the momentum of opening up the sky, he ruthlessly inserted it into the forehead of the thirty-foot Chiyue Luck Golden Dragon in front of him.

This is his act of slaying a dragon. Although it is not a real dragon, it shocked everyone even more to a certain extent, because it is the dragon of a country.

It is a lucky golden dragon.

Broken Star was originally mysterious, coupled with his power comparable to that of a true god, and the amazing brute force roaring in his body, this sword pierced the golden dragon's forehead, immediately causing the dragon body to roll wildly, and a painful roar came from its mouth.

"Hoho..." As soon as the dragon's roar came out, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the sky was swept away by wind and clouds, and even thunderstorms descended. It was like Wentian's act of slaying a dragon, which had violated a taboo.

It's just that people can hear panic and pain from its roar.

No matter how berserk and tossing the giant dragon beneath him, Wentian's expression remains unchanged, as if no matter how strong the wind is, it can only shake his clothes and hair, but not his eyes and eyebrows.

"Om!" The dragon pattern imprint on his forehead was extremely bright, and at this moment, an astonishing suction burst out.

That's right, it's suction!
The Chiyue Golden Dragon whose forehead was pierced, when it roared wildly, the golden light on its body was slowly dissipating, but it was swallowed up by the Wentian dragon pattern imprint.

With the devouring, Wentian's dragon pattern imprint became extremely complicated, as if it contained the mystery of Heaven and Myriad Realms, making him look sacred and inviolable.

At the same time, the shadow of the virtual dragon condensed behind him became bigger and bigger and more solid.

"Destroy me!" He yelled furiously, and the broken star in his hand was shining brightly.

"Roar..." A pitiful dragon's roar was so loud that it resounded through the hearts of everyone, making them extremely shocked.

"Bang!" In the shocked and incredible eyes of everyone, the Chiyue Golden Dragon, which had reached a body of thirty feet before, collapsed instantly and turned into countless golden lights, and was finally completely swallowed by Wentian's dragon pattern imprint.

The broken star flashed golden light, and the sword body on both sides also showed two dragon patterns, which looked extremely mysterious, as if it was originally a dragon-slaying sword.


Suddenly, a dragon roar full of fear rang out, and with a whoosh, another Chiyue Golden Dragon was seen, and it fled rapidly as if it was extremely terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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