Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 528 Sensation

Chapter 528 A Sensation (Third)
Under the majesty of these sword qi, not to mention the cultivators of Hualing, even those cultivators of Vientiane were pierced through the heart in an instant.

Shangguan Muhua who escaped from the ancient domain, his expression was extremely pale, but at the same time, boundless viciousness surged in his heart.

"Lin Wentian, no matter how powerful you are, so what? In front of those powerful forces in Tianyunhai, you are just an ant. Even I, Chong'er, can easily crush you to death."

Thinking about it, he looked extremely cruel.

However, at this moment, his eyelids twitched, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"What's going on? Didn't that kid not come after him?"

"Buzz!" There was a piercing sound in his ears, and immediately after, he felt something approaching him rapidly.

Suddenly, the hairs all over his body stood up, and his soul trembled.

"Pfft!" In the next breath, he opened his eyes wide and looked down at his chest, only to see a blood hole appear, and even more blood gushed out rapidly.

"Puff puff... bang bang..."

And the several cultivators of the Yitian Sect beside him were also splashed with blood, and they fell to the ground in astonishment.

They are dead!Because they were pierced through the heart!
But he survived.

Looking at the blood hole in his chest and the corpses beside him, there was a thunderbolt in his mind, as if he was still in a dream and hadn't woken up.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die easily. I want you to pay with your life for the blood feud of my Lin family back then." Suddenly, a cold voice came from his mind.

In an instant, he was shocked and his face was pale.

But the next moment, he roared wildly: "Lin Wentian, if you dare to kill me, my grandson will not let you go."


His growling stopped abruptly, because a blood-red object had penetrated the bloody hole in his chest.

"You..." He opened his mouth to speak, but found it difficult to make a sound.

At the same time, the void in front of him twisted for a while, and a slender figure stepped out.

It is asking the sky.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, there was another person on the false dragon tendon, but it was Chi Yue's prime minister, Zhou Wentong.

Zhou Wentong here, his face was like ashes, and besides the boundless fear, there was also a hint of regret in his eyes.

He never imagined that the other party who was Chi Yue's number one playboy a few years ago would grow to this point in such a short period of time.

This was something he never dreamed of.

If he had asked his granddaughter Zhou Zilan to accept the pursuit of the person in front of him instead of climbing Shangguan Chong, who was the first genius in Chiyue at that time and was said to be the son of Qilin, what would he be like today.

It's just that maybe fate has already been doomed.

It is doomed that he cannot turn back.

Because he was also involved in the tragedy of the Lin family, with the character of the person in front of him, even if his granddaughter married into the Lin family, once the other party learned the truth of the year, he would never let him go.

There were 30 people, here the pseudo-dragon tendons fully penetrated the bodies of 30 people, except for Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong, the others were all at the peak of Shenyuan.

But at this moment, they already had despair in their hearts. It was more terrifying than death, because they found that even if they wanted to blow themselves up, they couldn't do it.

In other words, they are already prisoners, fish in the hands of the man in front of them, and what awaits them is definitely purgatory on earth.

No... With the behavior of the person in front of him, I am afraid it is more terrifying than Purgatory.

One move, just one move, the Chiyue Army and Fengyun Army who were still stubbornly resisting before were all wiped out here.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the eyes of everyone in the ancient domain were so disbelieving.

Under this world, Wentian is not only the king, but also the heaven who can rule everything, because his strength has already exceeded the limit.

Although it is still in the Vientiane Realm, it is the peak power of rank eight, which is the power of a true god.

"Everyone in the ancient domain obeys the order. Anyone who reaches the peak of transforming spirits will enter Chiyue together with this king three days later, so that Chiyue will completely disappear in Tianyuan Continent."

His expression was majestic, and his voice resounded through the entire ancient domain in an instant.

"Kill! Kill into Chiyue!"

"Long live the ancient king!"

Boom!Immediately, the entire ancient domain became a complete commotion, countless people shouted wildly, and countless people roared, because they had been waiting for this day for a long time.

At the same time, Wentian suddenly raised his eyes and looked into the distance, where was the capital city, which was Chiyue.

"People of Chiyue listen up, I am Lin Wentian, the king of the ancient domain. In three days, my ancient domain will enter Chiyue and completely destroy the palace."

"Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

Wentian's voice passed through the clouds and directly resounded throughout Chiyue.

Immediately, the expressions of the entire Chi Yue people changed suddenly at this moment, and they raised their heads quickly.

"Oh my god! This is the voice of the king of the ancient domain. Didn't it be rumored that he went to Tianyun Sea? Could it be that he is back?"

"Today, His Majesty personally led troops into the ancient domain, intending to destroy the entire ancient domain, but now the ancient king's voice is heard. Could it be that His Majesty and the others have lost?" Someone said, their eyelids twitched.

" is this possible!"

"The Holy Majesty is already in the realm of the gods, and with the addition of many Myriad Phrases and Spirit Transforming troops, how can a mere ancient domain that has not been established be my opponent?"

"That's right! I don't believe it either! Even if Lin Wentian is against the sky, but it's only been three years, I'm afraid he's still in the Myriad Phrases Realm." You said humanely.

"Now everyone in Chiyue knows that behind the Ji family's royal family is the Ji family, one of the five great families in the Upper Realm. How could it be possible to lose?" Some people don't believe it.

"Hmph~ I, Chiyue, are the strongest, what can a mere rebellious person do?"

"His actions this time are undoubtedly trying to confuse me. He wants Chi Yue to cause confusion. He is simply whimsical." Someone said disdainfully.

But soon, their eyes were wide open, and they looked terrified as if they had seen a ghost.

"Defeated! My Chi Yue's army has been completely defeated, and there is not a single survivor."

"Not only that! Even the Fengyun Empire's army was defeated, and all blood flowed like rivers."

"The ancient king Lin Wentian reappeared, instantly killed more than 20 cultivators in the god realm with monstrous means, and even wiped out the army of Chiyue and Fengyun Empire with a single move."

"Even slaughtering my Chi Yue's golden dragon avatar, only the Holy One escaped back, and it seems that the ancient king did it on purpose."

Boom! !
As shocking news came to Chi Yue, the people in Chi Yue were completely shocked. They felt a thunderbolt in their minds and a stormy sea in their hearts.

"Lin Wentian..."

At the same time, in the depths of Chi Yue's royal family, a voice full of viciousness came out.

It was Zhuo Jiyang who fled back to Chiyue Palace in Luohuang.


This is a piece of nothingness, but in this nothingness, there is a mountain peak suspended, on top of this mountain peak, there are also some halls, rooms and so on.

Suddenly, the void twisted, and a man stepped out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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