Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 529 The Bad Omen

Chapter 529 The Bad Omen
Looking at the suspended mountain in front of him, a sneer appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, and then his figure flickered.

"Who?" Just as he approached, an angry shout came from the peak.

Whoosh whoosh! !Immediately, someone burst out with a murderous aura.

The gods are strong, and some of them have reached the peak of the gods.

"Are you... are you Lin Wentian?"

"Not good! He is Lin Wentian, a disciple against the Holy Spirit, activate the formation quickly."

It's just that when they saw the appearance of the person who came, they turned pale with fright, showing a state of panic.

They are members of the Ji family.

Although they didn't participate in the previous battle, they knew it clearly, because with their cultivation base, it was easy to perceive the battle situation.

That's why they are so terrified.

Vaguely, they seemed to have guessed what the man in front of him wanted to do.

In an instant, they looked flustered and flew back to the mountain peak.

The man who suddenly appeared was Wentian, and the floating mountain in front of him, if he guessed correctly, was the teleportation array of Tianyun Haiji's family in Tianyuan Continent.

"Want to escape?" There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Buzz!" He took a step forward, disappeared from the original place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already broken into the mountain peak.

Without the slightest hesitation, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he slammed down on the ground with both hands.

Pom Pom Pom! !

Immediately, a monstrous blue flame exploded, rapidly spreading out from him as the center. The astonishingly high temperature distorted the void, as if even the sky could be burned.

Because his strength has surpassed the Divine Origin Realm.

"Not good! Quickly activate the formation!" Someone screamed, as if falling into boundless fear.

But the next moment, his screaming stopped abruptly, and was instantly submerged by the monstrous flames.

After he broke through to the peak of the eighth rank, the temperature of the blue flame was even more frightening, even more astonishing than the flames of some real monsters.

In the sea of ​​flames that was billowing with heat, screams could be heard continuously, but in the next moment, they were completely reduced to ashes, with their bones intact, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

They were only in the Divine Origin Realm, and under the power of the peak of the Eighth Revolution of Wentian, they were as weak as ants, and they were instantly wiped out.

"Hmph~" Wentian snorted coldly.

Immediately, he stepped on his legs suddenly, and he rushed up like a dragon ascending to the sky, and then a carp turned over and rushed down like a falling star.

He had a domineering expression, and the blood in his body was boiling. At the moment of rushing down, the veins on his right arm popped up, and those ferocious veins were like savage dragons, revealing a berserk aura.

"Explode me!" He shouted angrily, his five fingers gathered into a fist, the brute force in his body exploded completely at this moment, and he swung out a punch that was the most powerful in his body.

boom!The booming sound was overwhelming, and the entire suspended mountain was suddenly shaken, and the mountain shook for a while.

"Crack! Crack!" There were crackling sounds, and a bottomless crater appeared in the center of the mountain, and countless cracks spread out in all directions.

"Om!" Suddenly the whole mountain buzzed, as if it touched something, a burst of white light lit up, and countless runes gushed out.

This is the array!

As soon as these talismans came out, the mountain peaks that had been shaking violently stabilized immediately, and even the cracks that spread like spider webs stopped.

"Explode me!" But at this moment, from the bottomless huge pit, there was an astonishing roar of anger.

"Bang!" Immediately after, from the bottom of the huge pit, an extremely dazzling golden light burst out.

This golden light is not only full of incomparable domineering aura, but also carries a sacred and inviolable aura.

"Boom!" There was a sound of explosion that shook the heavens and the earth, the entire void was full of strong winds, sand and stones were flying all over the sky, and the aftermath that swept up was as violent as thunder.

I saw that the huge peak that was suspended in the void before had completely disappeared here, and the only thing left in nothingness was the raging wind.

At the same time, here is Chi Yue.

boom!A deafening loud noise suddenly came from the depths of nothingness, and the whole sky became extremely gloomy due to the howling wind.

Not only that, but also the thunder crashed down, the wind roared like a beast, and the rooms where it passed collapsed, making a mess.

In particular, there are some gravels that blast down with burning flames, setting the earth on fire.

"My God! What the hell is going on here?"

"A catastrophe from heaven is an ominous omen. Could it be that I, Chiyue, will be in great trouble?"

Many people's faces were pale, and their eyes showed boundless fear.

Chiyue has existed for many years, and this is the first time she has encountered such a terrifying scene. This is simply a punishment from heaven.

"Ah... Could it be that after three days, I, Chiyue, will really be destroyed? The source of everything comes from Lin Wentian, the king of the ancient domain?" Someone called out, eyes filled with disbelief.

At the same time, deep in Chi Yue's palace.

"Lin Wentian, you wait for me. As long as my Shenyuan army descends to the realm, I will definitely kill you without a place to bury you. Not only you, but I also want all your people to be tortured to death."

Ji Zhuoyang sat on the dragon chair, his face was full of viciousness, and he spoke harshly.

"Boom!" But at this moment, a loud noise that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods suddenly exploded in his mind.

In an instant, his expression changed drastically, and then his eyes widened: "Could it be...Could it be..."

He didn't know what to think of, his face was pale, and his whole body trembled in fear.

Perhaps to test his idea, a domineering voice suddenly resounded throughout Chiyue.

"Ji Zhuoyang, I want you to die slowly in boundless fear, let you try the feeling of despair and helplessness, let you experience what it's like to die."

"Lin Wentian!" Hearing this voice, Ji Zhuoyang let out an astonishing roar, but soon, he was enveloped in extreme fear.

"The King of the Ancient Domain, Lin Wentian!"

"Oh my God! It really is him. Is Chi Yue really going to face destruction?" Some civilians exclaimed.

"Surrender! As long as we surrender, the ancient king will never kill us. After all, he was also a member of Chiyue back then, and Mr. Lin was Chiyue's town commander." Someone shouted.

Suddenly, a boundless panic was spreading in Chi Yue at an alarming speed.

At the same time, in the emptiness of the Chiyue sky, Wen Tian's long hair flew flying, his body was boundless and domineering, no matter how violent the turbulent power was, it would not be able to stay within three feet of him.

He stands in nothingness, as if he is the Immortal Sovereign, the Human Emperor, and all living beings will tremble under his feet.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, the aura of a king in him showed faint signs of transformation, it was about to evolve into an aura of an emperor.


Suddenly, the entire void shook violently, and then countless light spots condensed, and a huge phantom condensed out, and he shouted with outrage.

(End of this chapter)

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