Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 53 Princess Shuli

Chapter 53 Princess Shuli
Originally, his body was like the dry earth, with countless cracks, but with the infiltration of these medicines, his dry body began to germinate vitality, as if it had been nourished by the spring rain.

Sensing this sudden change, Wentian showed ecstasy on his face, and immediately began to attack the sealed acupuncture points even more frantically.

Breaking apart again and again, restoring again and again, seemed to evolve a natural reincarnation, allowing his physical body to continuously strengthen and transform, and move towards a higher realm.

But the two women from the outside still didn't notice, even throwing herbs into the tripod from time to time.

As time went by, the number of herbs they put decreased, but their age became higher, and there was even an 800-year-old red herb.

"Bonegrass, and it's still 800 years old?" Wentian felt even more ecstatic after sensing this scene.

Immediately, with a firm mind, he picked up the ancient spirit scriptures, his body was shining golden, and began to forcibly absorb the medicinal power of the strong bone herb.

The golden light on his body not only filled the entire cauldron, but even spread out of the cauldron.

"What's the matter with these golden lights?" one of the women exhaled with a change in expression.

"Junior Sister, don't make any fuss. This kid's physical body is far stronger than the previous ones. It is not surprising to have this vision. What's more, this Chifending Ding is an earth-level utensil. Even if it is a strong person in the Vientiane Realm, it may not Cheng Pokai, not to mention a kid who practiced Yuan." Another person said calmly.

"Senior Sister said that even if this kid has three heads and six arms, he can't break through Master's Chi Fen Cauldron."

The woman's face returned to calm again, and immediately the flames in her hands gushed out more intensely.

Wentian in the cauldron, his whole body was extremely red, as if the blood in his body was boiling, making him look like a blood demon about to go berserk.

"Break!" All of a sudden, a golden light flashed across his eyes, and then he shouted in his heart, and the golden warm current in his body rushed like a tide.

With a sound of "boom", in an instant, his aura rose violently, his black hair danced wildly, revealing a domineering aura, and Yuan Li was completely released at this moment.

Although it was only the Yuanli in the middle stage of Yuanyuan training, it also greatly reduced the pressure on him, and his face returned to a trace of blood.

"With such medicinal power, maybe I can use it to break through to the late stage of Lianyuan!" Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and such a thought flashed in his mind.

"Seek wealth and wealth in danger, fight hard."

With a firm mind in his mind, he gritted his teeth and began to form the seal of cultivation, frantically devouring the power of the medicine in the cauldron.


At the same time, Ningqing Mountain, Ningqing Taoist Temple.

When little nun Miaoyin returned to the Taoist temple, she immediately said to her senior sister Miaochan: "Senior sister, brother Wentian is really a good person, you have completely misunderstood, why don't we go back..."

"That's enough! You little girl is still in the world, and you don't know the sinister heart. If you have time to worry about others, it's better to worry about yourself. This time you sneaked down the mountain, and I don't know how the master will punish you." The woman in Tsing Yi said coldly. Dao, expressing his dissatisfaction in his words.

Hearing this, the little nun Miaoyin seemed to react, and then showed a look of fear.

However, her eyes lit up quickly, and she said immediately: "Sister, please tell Master, I will go to Uncle Mu Li first."

After the words fell, she ran away, and disappeared from the sight of the woman in Tsing Yi in the blink of an eye.

"This little girl relies on Uncle Mu Li to spoil her and mess around all day long."

The woman in Tsing Yi murmured looking at the direction Miao Yin left, with a trace of dissatisfaction and jealousy in her words.

In the blink of an eye, the little nun Miaoyin came to a yard. There were many kinds of flowers and plants planted in this yard, which attracted many butterflies dancing in it, outlining a beautiful scene.

"Master Uncle Muli, I'm coming in!" Miaoyin said loudly in front of the door, and pushed the wooden door without hesitation.

There was a woman in green in this yard, who picked up a water pot and watered some flowers and plants. After hearing the voice of the wonderful sound, she suddenly looked up.

This woman is about thirty years old, a bunch of long black hair hangs down naturally, and under the sunlight, it looks shiny and lustrous. Her stunning face has a touch of maturity, exuding a strong femininity.

Her skin is as creamy as if it were made of water, and it will break when blown on it. Although she is in her early thirties, her every move is arousing people's daydream.

She is the youngest sister of the Holy Majesty, Princess Muli.

"Could it be that you, little girl, got into trouble again and want to take refuge here with my uncle?"

Although there is a smile on Princess Muli's face, if you look closely, you will find a trace of sadness hidden deep in her pupils.

"Not at all!" Miaoyin stuck out her tender tongue.

Seeing this, Princess Muli shook her head slightly, with a helpless expression on her face.

"By the way, uncle, today I met a person at the foot of the mountain. He said he wanted to see you. I originally wanted to bring him back to the Taoist temple, but Senior Sister Miaochan was unreasonable and beat my benefactor. I'm angry." Miaoyin puffed up her bun face, very cute.

"Little girl, your senior sister Miaochan is also doing it for your own good. You can't be angry with her. By the way, who is looking for me?" Princess Muli said casually.

Miaoyin rolled her eyes, and immediately said: "His name is Wentian, he is about sixteen or seventeen years old! By the way, he still has a purple long sword on his back."

When talking about Wentian, Miaoyin immediately became energetic.

However, she didn't realize that when Princess Mu Li heard the word Wen Tian, ​​Princess Mu Li's proud body trembled slightly.

Immediately, she took a deep breath, as if trying to calm herself down, and then asked, "Then do you know what his last name is?"

When she asked this question, she couldn't help but tense up, and the kettle that was sprinkling water even stopped in the air.

"He didn't say this, but his strength is very strong. The two thieves in the late stage of Lianyuan have no power to counterattack in his hands. Even Senior Sister Miaochan's attack, he can take it." He said. With that, Miaoyin's eyes shone like stars.

The more Princess Muli listened, the more bitter her face became, and she murmured: "It seems that I was thinking too much, how could he have such strength!"

But she still said: "Little girl, take Master Uncle to meet this boy."

Immediately, she flashed and appeared next to Miaoyin. When Miaoyin was mentioned, the two of them disappeared into the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, the two appeared at the foot of the mountain. When Princess Muli saw the traces of the battle underground, the disappointment on her face grew stronger.

"Brother Wentian, where are you? I brought Uncle Muli to see you." Miaoyin shouted loudly with her chin puffed.

It's just that she still hasn't heard from Wentian, and she can't help feeling worried about it.

"Let's go! I'm afraid he has already left." Princess Muli shook her head lightly, with a gloomy look on her face, and then a gust of wind howled in the air, and the two disappeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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