Chapter 54
In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, Wentian was still inside that giant cauldron.

But as he absorbed the strong medicinal power, his cultivation base began to increase, and his Yuanli in the middle stage of Yuanyuan training had reached an extreme point.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, the left pupil flashed blue light, and the right pupil flashed red light.

At the same time, the aura on his body began to rise rapidly, and an inexplicable aura naturally emanated from his body.

The next moment, dizzying handprints quickly formed in his hands, and he shouted heavily: "Break!"

"Boom" with a loud noise.

Immediately, his eyes gleamed, his black hair flew up, revealing a domineering aura, and a surge of energy that was several times thicker than that in the middle stage of Yuan Lian burst out of his body.

"Late Yuan Lian!"

After sensing the sudden increase in his physical strength, he felt ecstasy in his heart, and his momentum was a little more majestic than before.

But soon, his expression turned cold.

He looked at the top of the cauldron, two rays of cold light shot out from his eyes, and immediately his cultivation level exploded, and he rushed up suddenly, the golden light on his fist was dazzling, and with a bang, he swung out a heavy fist.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

With a "bang", the opening above the tripod seemed to have a solid barrier, which made him feel a huge backlash, and his whole body shot back like a cannonball.

There was a burst of qi and blood in his body, which made his face very ugly.

"Damn it, what kind of cauldron is this? Am I really going to die here?" His expression revealed a touch of resignation and madness.

No matter how much he thought about it, he never thought that this giant cauldron was actually a ground-level tripod vessel.

You must know that earth-level weapons are extremely strong, especially utensils such as tripods and pagodas, even some strong people in the Vientiane Realm, it is difficult to break through, let alone him.

"I don't believe that I can't break you!" He showed a fierce light, and then violently rose again, striking the cauldron in the air.

Boom boom boom! !
As he swung his fists one after another, the entire giant cauldron made thunderous noises. The two women outside saw this, and they were not surprised but delighted.

"I'm afraid this kid is going to die, let's make another move."

Peng!The flames on the two of them shot up to the sky, and with their powerful cultivation, they drove the giant cauldron to burn.

Wentian, who noticed this, suddenly changed his expression, and his body became ill, and he returned to the bottom of the cauldron again.

"With my current strength, I can't break the barrier in this cauldron at all, unless..." Thinking of a certain possibility, Wentian's eyes instantly became sharp.

He sat cross-legged again, began to form handprints, and devoured the remaining medicinal power in the cauldron.

But his move made the two women overjoyed.

"It seems that the kid has been refined!" One of them said excitedly.

"It's about time. By integrating the other 98 blood pills, you can refine the taboo blood pill." Another person also said excitedly.

The two of them took out a gourd and played the formula in their hands. Blood-red lights rushed into the red cauldron. As for these red lights, they were blood-colored pills.

A strange red light suddenly poured into the sky above the cauldron, Wen Tian's expression froze, and he couldn't help feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Fluffy! ! !

After those blood pills fell into the cauldron, they exploded quickly one after another, turning into streams of red gas, filling the entire cauldron.

"What? Such a strong evil spirit and blood energy, could it be that this is all blood pills sacrificed by living people?" Wentian was shocked.

The strong smell of blood and the eerie red light are intertwined, turning the tripod into a piece of purgatory.

Wisps of red gas entered his body, and suddenly, the blood and blood of the body made the sound of boiling, and the bones rattled.

"Ah..." A roar came out of his mouth, and his complexion was red, his eyes were bloodshot like spider webs, and his expression was horrifying.

Pain pain!A wave of unbearable pain continued to attack every inch of his body, causing him to roar again and again.

As more and more red gas invaded his body, his eyes suddenly turned red, like the pupils of a bloodthirsty beast, which made the whole soul tremble.

At the same time, some strange bloody lines began to spread from his eyes, making his face appear as if cursed by a monster, full of fear and ominousness.

As time passed, his pupils were filled with hostility and murderous aura, as if he had completely turned into a murderous creature and lost his mind.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden shock on his body, the ancient veins of the Dragon Emperor in his body, the eyes of the dragon suddenly opened and closed, and immediately, the sound of the dragon's cry resounded in his body, and a burst of golden light burst out suddenly.

The golden light is brilliant, and it seems to be carrying a divine and holy prestige, starting to condense.

In less than a moment, a blurry figure emerged, circling behind Wentian.

This golden blurred figure makes it impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman. Sometimes it exists as if it is real, and sometimes it is like an illusion separated by a time and space, which is full of mystery and weirdness.

And at this moment, the vague figure seemed to start reciting, and bursts of heavenly voices came out.

As soon as the heavenly sound came out, it seemed to have the power of divine purification, making Wentian's blood-red pupils regain a trace of clarity.

The sounds of the sky entwined and turned into simple and mysterious runes, which began to pour into Wentian's eyebrows. Those ominous lines, as if frightened, quickly retreated towards Wentian's left pupil.

Wentian was shocked and came back to his senses in an instant.

Thinking of the thrilling scene before, his heart throbbed with palpitations. Immediately, he turned his head to look at the blurred figure behind him, his expression full of doubts.

For this vague figure, he felt familiar for a while, but at the same time felt extremely strange, which made waves in his heart, which lasted for a long time.

"Huh! My body? My cultivation?" Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and his expression became very shocked.

His naked body was covered with a layer of smudges with a strong smell, making him look as dirty as if he had just walked out of a swamp.

"Wash the marrow and cut the bone?"

Thinking of this, he felt ecstasy in his heart.

This is a great opportunity. One must know that the cultivation of the physical body is difficult to take a single step. Unless there is an opportunity, many people will spend their entire lives and will not be able to take another step forward.

Not only that, in addition to the transformation of his physical body, he also felt that the energy in his body was stronger and more pure than before.

"You want to refine me, Lin Wentian, into a pill, but I want to go against the sky, use my body like a pill, melt my whole body, and break through the shackles." Wentian's eyes flashed.

Immediately, he took a deep breath, carried the ancient spirit scripture with all his strength, and began to frantically devour the red gas in all directions.

These red qi and blood not only carry a strong blood evil spirit, but also seem to carry an inexplicable curse power. If an ordinary person inhales it into the body, I believe that even if they do not die violently, they will go completely crazy and fall into the demonic way.

But Lin Wentian is not afraid!
To be precise, he has no choice at this moment!

As the gas was continuously swallowed by him, a strange red glow appeared on his body, which reflected the sacred golden light on his body, creating an indescribably strange feeling.

At the same time, his cultivation of Yuanli and the strength of his physical body are constantly increasing.

(End of this chapter)

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