Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 565 Demonization

Chapter 565 Demonization
At that moment just now, Wentian's keen spiritual sense caught a strange aura, which was a wisp of devilish aura.

As soon as this wisp of devilish energy came out, he guessed the reason.

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed, and before everyone could react, he had disappeared into the void in an instant.

"What happened?" Someone was puzzled.

The expressions of Lin Yefeng and others changed, and there was a faint premonition in their hearts.

"Om!" The void shook, distorted, and Wentian stepped out of it.


Qingcheng here, on the surface, didn't seem to have the slightest difference, but his expression changed drastically, and his heart beat suddenly.

His pupils are constantly changing, the left eye is blue, and the right eye is red.

Under his yin and yang pupils, he saw that the entire land was stained with a large amount of blood, and countless blood flows like meridians rushed towards a certain direction.

Not only that, but under the power of his pupils, he could even see that the entire void became darker, shrouded in a strange black gas.


This is the unique demonic energy of the demon race, which can be compared with the demonic energy. Even if it is compared with the legendary "immortal" of the most powerful race, the immortal energy possessed by it may not be much inferior.

More importantly, Wentian is no stranger to these demonic energy, because he had experienced it himself before.

This is exactly the demonic energy possessed by the demon leader, the ancient demon, who was sealed in the six-star altar.

Wentian's Beginning Immortal Sutra, that is, the piece of golden paper in the sea of ​​consciousness, was obtained from this devil.

Not only Ruzhi, even the pure immortal energy he had before was also obtained from the other party.

It can be said that if he hadn't met this devil back then, he would never have the strength he has now. That time, it can be said that besides his rebirth, his greatest chance.

Because whether it is the piece of gold paper or the immortal energy, they are all amazing opportunities, enough to easily change a person's fate.

However, he has always been deeply afraid of the devil who was sealed in the six-star altar, because the other party gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Ningqing Taoist Temple, led by Guanzhu Jingyin, and others are sitting cross-legged in an open space. Their faces are ugly, they are forming handprints, and their strength is rising, as if they are fighting against something.

"How did this happen? Why do I feel a strange force is eroding my sea of ​​consciousness?" A female disciple said with a pale face, and her delicate body trembled even more.

The others were the same as her, their eyes were full of fear.

Although all of them joined together to form a barrier, that strange power seemed to be everywhere, and could easily pass through the barrier and invade their minds.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a female disciple roared wildly, her long hair fluttering, her face became hideous, and her pupils showed bloodshot eyes.

She was even more like crazy, emitting a light black gas from her body.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Her sudden mutation seemed to increase her strength so much that she lost control and attacked the people around her, puff puff puff... Many disciples were seriously injured because of this.

"Sixth Senior Sister!" Many female disciples exclaimed, their faces pale as snow.

At the same time, the Jingyin Guanzhu seemed to think of something, and her expression changed again and again: "Could it be that something happened in that place?"

"Not good!" Her heart beat wildly.

Immediately afterwards, she shouted anxiously: "Follow me and seal her immediately."

After the words fell, the others quickly came back to their senses, forming seals with their hands, trying to seal the disciple.

But soon their eyes widened and their breathing became short of breath.

Because even with the combined efforts of all of them, they still failed to seal the out-of-control disciple. The faint black gas on her body was not only extremely difficult to deal with, but also very strange.

For a moment, they lost their sense of proportion and became flustered.

"Ah!!" The female disciple's face became more and more ferocious, her long hair danced like a demon, and she exuded a trembling coercion.

Feeling that her strength has not diminished, but has become stronger and stronger, everyone's expression changed suddenly, and a stormy sea arose in their hearts.

"How could this be?" Miaoyin was lost in thought and exclaimed.

Not to mention her, the others were also frightened.

Jingyin Guanzhu's eyes were hard, and he gritted his teeth and said: "She has been eroded in her heart, everyone will do her best to help her escape."

After saying this, her eyes turned red for a while, and her heart felt like colic. However, she had no choice, because if this continued, it would only lead to more casualties.

Immediately, many disciples couldn't bear it and struggled in their hearts.

But just as Jingyin Guanzhu said, their sixth senior sister has lost their minds, and their hearts seem to have been swallowed by some force.

They could still see those two tear marks from the corners of Sixth Senior Sister's eyes, they were tears of desolation.

Seeing this scene, everyone was heartbroken, but they still became cruel.

Just to help their senior sister get rid of it.

However, just when they were heartbroken and ready to attack with all their strength, the void suddenly twisted, and the next moment, a slender figure stepped out.

This person was wearing a dragon robe, and his blond hair was dancing in the wind. The imperial aura leaking from his body made one feel as small as dust.

He is asking the sky.

Soon, Wentian took everything into his eyes, and in just an instant, he had already guessed the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hmph~" He grimaced and snorted coldly.

The next moment he raised his hand and waved downward.

"Buzz!" With his wave of his hand, a burst of colorful light rushed out and instantly poured into the body of the out-of-control female disciple.

This is the power of merit.

As the power of merit poured into the body of the female disciple, a colorful glow appeared on her body, not only that, but also some runes emerged.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the pale black gas on the female disciple's body is dissipating rapidly, and the bloodshot eyes in her pupils are also gradually disappearing.

Her ferocious face began to gradually return to calm, as if the power of merit was the nemesis of the pale black gas.

There was a flash in the void, and before everyone came back to their senses, Wentian had disappeared from the original place.

"Was that Brother Lin just now?" Miaoyin was the first to react, her beautiful eyes brightened, and her expression became more and more excited.

Immediately, everyone came back to their senses.

Jingyin's eyelids twitched, as if thinking of something, her expression changed drastically, and she disappeared from the Taoist temple in the blink of an eye, leaving only the disciples at a loss.


Since the establishment of the ancient domain, there has been a forbidden area in the land of Qingcheng.

Everyone didn't know much about this forbidden place, but everyone knew that this forbidden place was sealed by the ancient king, who is now the ancient emperor Lin Wentian.

Ningqing Taoist Temple has not participated in any government affairs in recent years, but many officials and ministers know that guarding that forbidden area is the main responsibility of Ningqing Taoist Temple.

As for why the ancient king set up a forbidden area in the first place, not to mention those mortals, even the people of Ningqing Taoist Temple don't know.

There was a flash in the void, Wentian stepped out of it, looking at the lower part of his eyes, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

At the same time, a cold voice suddenly came from the ground: "Boy, I said that I will make you regret it."

(The phone is broken, just repaired, and I can’t keep up with the manuscript, and it will be updated tomorrow)
(End of this chapter)

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