Chapter 566
"Ancient Demon!" Wen Tian said in a deep voice.

He was not unfamiliar with this voice at all, because back then, he was almost confused by the owner of this voice and released the other party from the six-star altar.

Fortunately, although he was young at that time, his mind was already very mature in his two lifetimes.

Not only did he see through the other party's conspiracy, but he also obtained the Return to the Beginning Chapter of the Beginning Immortal Sutra and the extremely pure immortal energy from the other party.

In the end, he even went against the grain, using the power of the long spear to seal the ancient demon again.

I thought that in a short period of time, it would be difficult for the demon to break free from the seal of the altar, but I didn't expect that in just a few years, the other party was already ready to move.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the entire earth exploded, violently shaking.

At the same time, strands of devilish energy gushed out from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a fierce devil's head.

The devil's head was ferocious, showing its sharp teeth at Wentian, and even let out a fierce laugh, looking at Wentian with cruel eyes.

"Half-step truth?" Sensing the aura of the vicious head in front of him, Wentian said calmly, his face remained as usual, and there was no trace of fear.

He has even killed true gods, so how could he be afraid of the half-step true demon in front of him.

Of course, he also knew that the head of the fierce demon in front of him was not the real body of the ancient demon.

"Boy, if you are sensible, quickly kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe my master is in a good mood and will leave you with a whole body, otherwise this demon will leave you without bones."

The devil smiled sinisterly, as if the young man in front of him was just an ant in its eyes.

Even if Wentian reached the peak of rank eight, but when his aura is restrained, coupled with the fact that there is no fluctuation of divine energy in his body, the opponent will think that he is only in the mortal realm.

"Don't be ashamed!"

"A mere dyed monster is so rampant in front of the emperor, get out!" Wentian said with a cold expression.

"Boy! You're courting death!" Immediately, the Demon Skull became furious, and his face turned from embarrassment to anger.

Although it is not a real demon, it is still a demon no matter what. Although it has only half the power of a real demon, he is not afraid of the real gods among the human race.

Because the gods among the human race are weaker than their demon race at the same level, in the present and ancient times when the immortals have perished, their demon race is the strongest race.

Except for the monster race, among the ten thousand races, they are said to be invincible, and they are the overlords in the universe.

With a sound of Peng, the demonic energy in its whole body rose, and with evil power, it rushed towards Wentian rapidly, as if it wanted to swallow Wentian's whole body and turn it into a nutrient for its evolution.

However, regarding this, Wentian still looked as usual.

Perhaps in the past, he was still afraid of the devil's skull in front of him, but now he is at the peak of Rank [-], and he has devoured Chi Yue's luck golden dragon and merit golden dragon. His strength is several times stronger than before.

If it wasn't for a strange barrier that prevented him from breaking through when he hit the ninth rank, he might be able to use this opportunity to break through at the moment when he became emperor.

His eyes flashed coldly, his whole body was filled with murderous aura, and he swiped his right hand forward, fluffy, and suddenly, like a torrential blue flame, crazily gushed out from his hand.

Although this is a mortal flame, the flame power contained in it is not weaker than the divine flame, because in this blue flame, there is a ray of unicorn flame power.

The continuous flames, under Wentian's control, instantly turned into a flame world, surrounding the rushing demon skull, as if to directly burn it to ashes with the power of flame power.


Seeing this, the devil's head was full of disdain, looking at Wentian, as if looking down at an ant that wanted to provoke an elephant.

Its speed did not decrease, and it directly killed Xiang Wentian.

However, at the next moment, its expression suddenly changed, and it let out a roar of disbelief: "I am a demon, the flame of a mere mortal, don't even think about hurting me."


Its roar is full of anger, but if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a touch of fear in its roar.

Because Wentian's blue flame not only possessed an extremely high temperature, but also carried a wisp of Qilin's breath, which made it feel fear in its heart.

Although the aura of the unicorn in the blue flame is very weak, but anyway, the unicorn is one of the four heavenly kings and beasts, and is the patron saint of the human race. In their heyday, they can compete with the immortals.

And it is just a mere false demon, and its blood is impure, so how can it ignore the Qilin's breath.

You must know that back then, when Wentian participated in the medicine boy meeting at Leiyunzong Lingdan Peak, his blue flame could cause the holy beast to riot.


Burned by the blue flame, it let out a startled roar, and immediately saw its eyes harden, its whole body was entangled with magic energy, and the magic talisman gushed out, turning into a layer of protective clothing, tightly surrounding itself.

This is the defense line formed by the magic energy and the magic talisman. Its defense is absolutely astonishing. Even some ordinary true god powerhouses may find it difficult to break through.

"Jie Jie! Kid, you are still a little tender!" Seeing this, the devil smiled sinisterly, and looked at Wentian with eyes full of banter.

Wentian frowned, but he didn't expect that the false demon in front of him would have such means.

"The Flame Lion roars!" His eyes flickered, his hands formed seals, and he let out a gloomy voice.

Boom boom boom!As soon as his voice fell, the sea of ​​blue flames began to violently churn, and the next moment, a group of lion kings with domineering expressions and strong bodies rushed out of the sea of ​​flames.

This is the flame lion, the lion king condensed by blue flames.

Ten heads, twenty heads...a hundred heads rushed out.

Moreover, the figure of each flame lion reached two feet high, and all the lions came out together, roaring to the sky. Such an astonishing scene could make one's blood boil.

The hundred lion kings roared together, the momentum was like thunder, and everyone in Qingcheng felt a thunderbolt in their heads at this moment, and their expressions were extremely shocked.

"Oh my God! What happened? Could it be a beast tide?" Someone exclaimed, and a storm arose in his heart.

The flame lion roared, and a hundred lions came out together, and the entire sea of ​​flames was roared in an instant.

The roar of the demon head came from the sea of ​​flames; "Impossible! The human race is just ants, and I am the supreme race, the demon."

"Puff puff!!"

During that roar, countless demonic hairs turned into sharp spikes, rushing towards Wentian rapidly, with such fierce momentum, he wanted to pierce Wentian's body through countless holes.

Wentian's heart skipped a beat.

"As expected of a demon, half a step into the realm of a true demon is so difficult to deal with." His expression became serious.

Now his cultivation is at the pinnacle of rank eight, and the ordinary half-step True Realm is as fragile as a three-year-old child in front of him, and the demon skull in front of him feels more difficult than some True Realm.

His figure suddenly shook.

Buzz! !

Suddenly, the entire void trembled violently, and at the same time, a fierce sword intent erupted.

The sword intent is concentrated, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and countless sword lights are densely chopped out, illuminating the entire void.

When Jingyin Guanzhu who just rushed over saw this, she was full of embarrassment, and her heart trembled. She didn't think much about it, she froze and quickly backed away.

"Demon...could this be the rumored demon clan? Why did it appear in my Qingcheng?"

Her complexion was pale, and her heart was filled with terror.

(End of this chapter)

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