Chapter 567
Puff puff……

Although those devil hairs were as hard as iron, they were still easily cut off in the face of Wentian's sword light. In the blink of an eye, the entire void was full of those hairs floating.

"This is a three-point sword intent. You, a mere mortal, actually comprehended a three-point sword intent. How is this possible?"

The devil's head screamed out loud, its frightened eyes were about to split open, and it couldn't believe what it was seeing.

However, just as it lost its mind, there was a flash of light above him in the void, and Wen Tian appeared, and he pressed his palms against the devil's skull below, and pressed hard.


Under this pressing, an astonishing coldness gushed out from his two palms madly, instantly turning the whole sky into a cold world, filled with extreme coldness.

"The power of flames and ice is one body, this is an eternal taboo, how did it appear on you, a mortal?"

"No... I don't believe it."

The devil's skull seemed to be stimulated by something, it roared crazily, and its hideous face was covered with runes like spells.

But no matter how it howls, how it breaks free, the power of ice from all directions has quickly condensed on its body.

Kacha, Kacha, its body was covered with layers of ice, and soon it turned into an ice sculpture.

But what is strange is that those ice cubes that were originally white with a bluish tint were slowly stained black.

Seeing this scene, Wentian's eyes darkened, but he didn't expect the devilish energy on the opponent to be so tenacious.

"It's no wonder that the two races of demons and demons joined forces to kill the immortal race. Only this low-quality demon energy has such power." His heart became more and more dignified.

At the same time, they are also worried about the safety of the entire human race.

"Hmph~" Seeing that the devil's skull was about to break out of the ice, he snorted coldly.

boom!The next moment a golden light burst out from his fist, and an invincible aura surged out.

Vajra Fist!
The luck golden dragon and merit golden dragon that devoured Chiyue, coupled with his transformation from a king to an emperor, displayed with the power of an emperor, its power is even more earth-shattering.

For a moment, the void exploded, and those ice cubes instantly shattered, turning into countless light spots that flickered. As for the sealed devil's skull, its entire head exploded and completely turned into ice chips.

Indistinctly, before it was killed, there was a roar full of unwillingness and fear.

It never expected that as a demon, as the strongest race, it would die in the hands of a human race, and the opponent was not a god-man, but a mortal like ant.

After killing the demon head in front of him, Wentian's face turned pale.

However, at the next moment, the fairy talisman wrapped around his body, and the power of returning to the beginning gushed out. In the blink of an eye, his complexion became rosy again, and his aura returned to its peak.

Ever since devouring Chiyue's meritorious golden dragon, he found that his recovery ability has become stronger than before. As long as it is not a fatal injury, he can almost recover in an instant.

With a flash of murderous intent in his eyes, his figure froze, disappeared from the void, and rushed into the cracked earth below.

His target was not the previous demon skull, but the peerless great demon, the ancient demon, hidden under the ground and sealed by the six-star altar.

This ancient demon is definitely a giant of the demon race, maybe at his peak, he still possessed the strength of the realm, once he breaks the seal, the consequences will be unimaginable.

I'm afraid that within a few days, the entire Tianyuan Continent will flow into rivers of blood and turn into a piece of purgatory. As a member of the human race, and even the emperor of the ancient country, he absolutely must prevent this from happening.

Just when he rushed into the ground, this is the depths of the earth, a dark place, it looks very gloomy, and one can't help but stand on end with chills.

At the end of the depths, there is a six-star altar, with ancient runes protruding from the six pillars, forming a strange sealing formation, trapping a skinny old man with a terrifying face.

No... this should not be called an old man, it should be called a troll.

He is the ancient demon!
Moreover, it is very likely that it is an ancient demon that has survived since ancient times. This demon has a very high status even in the entire demon clan.

The strange sealing power poured out from the six pillars, which turned into six black chains, locked on the demon like six black dragons, making every time he moved, there would be a rattling sound.

In the center of this six-star altar, there is a long spear sticking out. The whole body of this spear is bronze-colored, and the body of the gun is engraved with extremely complicated runes. Not only that, but it also exudes an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

It can be seen from this that this gun is absolutely extraordinary, and it may be an ancient thing, or even an ancient thing.

You must know that almost all ancient objects are existences that defy the sky.

Because even if it was only an ordinary thing at the beginning, after countless years, it has not been shattered in the long river of history, and it has undergone mutations and has become a powerful ancient relic.

And often this kind of ancient relics are called ancient treasures by later generations, which are treasures that surpass divine weapons.

Any piece of ancient treasure can make countless ancient realm experts crazy, even giants of the realm are tempted.

The spear in front of him is the core of the six-star altar, but now eight out of ten of the spear has been pulled out. Once it is all pulled out, it means that the ancient demon will break out.

If Wentian was here, his face would definitely change drastically, because in all directions of the altar, there were countless small blood streams mixed together, just like the meridians of the human body.

The intersection point of these blood streams is the bronze-colored spear, which makes the lower part of the spear seem to be dyed, emitting bursts of strange blood.

It's no wonder that in just a few years, eight out of ten of the long spear that was inserted by Wentian at the beginning has been pulled out. It turned out that the ancient demon borrowed the power of these blood demons.

Whoa, whoa!
Suddenly there was a sound of chains, and the ancient demon trapped by those six chains slowly raised his head, a cruel smile appeared on his hideous and terrifying face.

"No wonder you were able to deceive me at the beginning. It turns out that you are the reincarnation of an ancient strongman, and you have also embarked on the rumored road against the sky, but in front of me, you are still just an ant."

"The peak of rank eight in the mortal realm, I really can't imagine that in this world, there are still people who can reach this step."

"But it's a pity! The peak of Rank Nine is just a dream. From ancient times to modern times, no one in the entire human race can reach it." The ancient demon said coldly.

After the words fell, his eyes opened angrily.

Boom!Immediately, a jet-black devilish energy began to rise from his body.

This is the real devil's qi, and it is many times purer than the devil's head's devil's qi before.

If it is said that his devilish energy is a true dragon above the nine heavens, then the devilish energy of that devil's head is just a mud worm in the ground.

Crash!As soon as his devilish energy came out, the entire altar trembled violently, the six pillars buzzed, and many ancient runes gushed out from the six black chains, trying to forcefully suppress the ancient devil.

"Jie Jie! This is not what it used to be, don't think about trapping this demon again. Today, my ancient demon will reappear in the world, and this world will tremble because of this demon, and all races will only be respected by my demon clan."

He looked up and laughed.

With the laughter, the entire altar began to collapse, and the mountains shook.

With a click, suddenly, one of the pillars shattered, and it was covered with cracks.

(End of this chapter)

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