Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 572 One person, one gun

Chapter 572 One person, one shot (three more)

The legendary Spear King is a legendary figure, whether in the Tianyuan Continent or in the Tianyun Sea, there are various legends about him.

Wentian in the previous life thought that these characters were nothing more than fictional existences, fabricated by people.

But in this life, his vision has become higher and wider, and he also knows that at the end of ancient times, many human races rose up with great powers, and they even united to use the power of the four heavenly kings and beasts to finally get rid of the control of the monster race.

And as a generation of gun emperors, he was a legendary figure admired by thousands of people.

He has experienced hardships in his life, and he has also embarked on glory.

It is rumored that when he was young, he was very talented and did not have outstanding talents. He was often ridiculed by his peers and regarded as a waste.

At that time, his father was only a blacksmith in the village and could only make some ordinary utensils.

However, on a certain day, his father exhausted his efforts and finally forged a spear.

This is a long spear that has just reached the lower rank of the yellow rank. For monks, it is just the lowest level weapon.

But for the young Gun King, this is not only a weapon, but also represents his father.

Because his father passed away after the long spear was made, but he always felt that his father did not leave him, but transformed into the long spear, protecting him all the time.

That's it, since that day, he has been with the spear, practicing spear skills during the day, and sleeping with it at night.

Soon, people of the same generation in the village made breakthroughs one after another, but he was still stagnant, but no one knew that his spear skills had improved rapidly, and he even understood the meaning of the spear.

One day, several young demon tribes came to the village. This demon tribe was unscrupulous, and only trained human youths with them. Often, their trainees could not hold on for three days before falling into a pool of blood.

At that time, he was called a waste in the village, and he was naturally ignored by those young monsters, because in the eyes of the monster clan, the weak were not qualified to be their trainers.

But what everyone didn't know was that every time they fought, there was always a thin figure holding a long gun, hiding in the dark and peeping at them.

Whenever those little demons and those teenagers left, he would sneak to the place of battle and sit cross-legged alone, comprehending the fighting spirit and digesting every move of the opponent in the battle. .

Days passed like this day by day.

On a certain night, when he woke up from his comprehension, he was taken aback because he suddenly discovered that there was a strange light shining under the broken ground not far away.

Out of curiosity, he took a closer look, but found that it was a piece of metal the size of a palm, which seemed to be broken from some kind of weapon.

That day changed the fate of his life.

According to ancient records, there are two different versions.

Some people say that the strange piece of metal was integrated into his body, giving him a shocking talent. From then on, he rose strongly, and finally reached the pinnacle, becoming a generation of God Emperor, and was even called the Gun King by later generations.

But there is another way of saying that he didn't merge into that strange metal, and the object of the metal fusion was his long spear that never left his body day and night.


Thinking of all the legends about this spear king in his mind, Wentian was short of breath, and his heart was full of turmoil.

But soon, he came back to his senses.

"Kill!" He yelled angrily, his whole body burst into murderous aura, because this was an opportunity, a great opportunity to kill the ancient demon in front of him.

"Om!" A purple light flashed in his hand, and a long sword full of purple appeared.

Purple sword body, heavy sword, broken star.

With Broken Star in his hand, he raised his hand and lightly wiped the purple sword.

"哐!" In an instant, Broken Star shook violently, and then the purple light shrank, and the golden light burst out, extremely dazzling, exuding a domineering and sacred aura.

At this moment, it is no longer the heavy sword Broken Star, but the sword of a country.

I saw two vivid dragon patterns engraved on the sword body on both sides of it, glowing mysteriously, and many ancient runes gushed out.

hoohoo! !
The next moment, two dragon roars came from his sword body, extremely domineering.

"Hmph~" holding a golden broken star, Wentian's blond hair danced wildly, and let out a cold snort.

Immediately, his figure exploded, turning into a golden light and rushing out. The Broken Star in his hand was lifted up and slashed fiercely.

This slash did not incorporate his three-point maddening sword intent, but the moment he slashed, two divine dragons rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into giant dragons of hundreds of feet.

"Ho Ho!!" The two dragons roared, their roars were like thunder, full of the power of the dragon clan, just like the reappearance of an ancient real dragon, making all races tremble.

Boom!The eyes of the two divine dragons were even more wide open, and their dragon spirit was arrogant. With their huge bodies, they slammed into the ancient demon with powerful dragon power.

As if sensing the power of the two dragons, the ancient demon's expression changed drastically for the first time, but here he seemed to be unable to move even a bit due to the power of the seal on his body, and he just watched the two hundred-foot-long dragons attack.

A rumbling sound stopped the clouds, and almost everyone in the ancient country buzzed in their minds at this moment, feeling dizzy.

"Oh my god! Who is it that can fight the ancient emperor to such an extent?"

"True god! The one who can compete with the ancient emperor is definitely the rumored true god."

Countless people were in an uproar, their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

"Did you die?" Looking at the turbulent nothingness in front of him, Wentian frowned and said in a deep voice.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes contracted, and his spiritual consciousness spread out to perceive with all his strength.

"Back then, the Spear King, who dared to fight against the monsters, couldn't kill me, he could only seal me, and you, a mere mortal ant, also wanted to kill me?"

Suddenly, a murderous and vicious voice came from the center of the storm.

With a bang, the berserk remaining power dispersed, and soon, a thin figure appeared.

Although this figure looks weak, his limbs are as dry as sticks, as if half of his foot has stepped into the underworld, but what is shocking is that standing there he gives people a feeling that the sky is hard to bury, and the earth is hard to bury.

Ancient Demon!

Unexpectedly, he was not damaged at all by such a powerful blow by Wenwentian.

Looking at the ancient demon in front of him, Wentian's eyelids twitched wildly, his whole body felt as if he had been struck by divine thunder, and his heart was incomparably horrified.

"How could this be?" He became more and more uneasy.

"Spear King, back then you couldn't completely kill me, now, why do you have to fight against me?" The ancient demon's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, especially those pupils were bloodshot .


A stream of blood spattered, and as soon as this stream of blood came out, in an instant, the entire void was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood.

Because this is not ordinary blood, but the blood of a peerless devil.

(Fourth watch, around eleven o'clock)
(End of this chapter)

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