Chapter 573
Wen Tian here, he was dumbfounded, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

Just because at the moment just now, the ancient demon raised his claws and pierced fiercely into his chest.

Wentian also faintly saw that the opponent's devil's claw was actually pinching his heart.

Wen Tian's eyes were full of unthinkable.

Gu Mo, he looked at Wentian's shocked expression, and suddenly the corner of his mouth was drawn, revealing a sinister smile.

"This demon is the oldest race in the world. It is the ancient demon race that stands at the peak among all the demon races. It is destined to live the same life as the heaven and the earth. The sky is hard to bury, and the earth is hard to bury."

"The remaining power in the area, don't even think about sealing me, get out of this seat."

He suddenly turned to the sky and roared, his voice shook the entire ancient country, and quickly spread to Tianyuan Continent.

In an instant, not only the people of the entire ancient kingdom, but also the people of the other five imperial kingdoms changed their expressions suddenly, and suddenly raised their heads, looking at the void with terrifying eyes.

"My God! Whose voice is this?"

"Ancient country, this voice is coming from the ancient country!"

Countless people were in an uproar, and the entire Tianyuan Continent was completely stirred up at this moment.

"Devil! This person claims to be a demon race! Could it be that demon race appeared in the ancient country?"

"The ancient demon clan, could it be that they are the rumored supreme ruler of the demon clan, the ancient demon clan?"

"It is said that in the entire Demon Clan, only the Barbarian Demon Clan and the Wild Demon Clan can stand shoulder to shoulder with it. The three are called the three royal families among the Demon Clan, and they can command countless branches of the Demon Clan."

Some older monks seemed to think of something, and cried out, their expressions were extremely pale, and even their whole souls trembled in fear.

"Oh my god! The reappearance of the demons is definitely an ominous omen!" People became uneasy, and there was a turbulent wave in their hearts, and it was difficult to calm down.

Fengyun Empire.

"Lin Wentian's company with demons and monsters is a cancer of our human race. If it is not cured for a day, the human race will find it hard to be peaceful."

"This person is not dead, and one day he will bring disaster to the entire Tianyuan Continent, causing his blood to stain the earth and the lives of his people to die."

"Slay the emperor of the ancient country, kill Lin Wentian, and guard our human race."

"Kill kill kill!"

From the Fengyun Empire, there appeared one after another figures with divine light, and the auras of these people almost all reached the half-step true one state.

They are Tian Yunhai, disciples of the Xuanyuan family.

As soon as these people's voices came out, the expressions of many people in the Fengyun Empire changed drastically.

"Damn it, is it possible that Guhuanglin Wentian is a traitor to my human race?"

"No wonder he provoked troubles everywhere and killed members of the Ji family's royal family. It seems that his purpose is not only to unify Chiyue and establish himself as emperor, but also to conquer the other five countries and cause more killings."

Some common people said with cold eyes.


As soon as the ancient demon rolled the words, the magic light on his chest was soaring, and the devilish energy of the deep black energy quickly gathered on his chest pierced by the devil's claws.

Not only that, but under Wentian's terrifying gaze, he saw those ancient runes and six black chains condensed by the power of the forbidden technique. They suddenly surged and turned into the original power again. Flood into the clutches of that ancient demon.

No~ they rushed involuntarily, but were forcibly swallowed by the power in the claws.

In just the blink of an eye, the forbidden power remaining in his body has been completely swallowed by his claws.

With a puff, the next moment, I saw its claws pulled out from my body, and the bloody appearance made people shudder and shudder.

However, when he took a breath, he actually made an astonishing move. With a snort, he slashed fiercely with his other hand. Immediately, blood flew violently, and a severed arm fell mercilessly.

"Bang!" The severed arm fell to the ground, as if it had the gravity of a hundred stars, causing the entire earth to shatter and shatter, completely sinking.

Under the earth, a bottomless black hole appeared.

Indistinctly, there is also that frightening demonic energy coming from the depths of the black hole, and this black hole has turned into a frightening demonic cave.

Because at the end of the black hole, there is a demon arm. This is not the arm of a mortal demon, but a broken arm from one of the three royal families of the demon clan, the ancient demon clan.

If this news reaches Tian Yunhai, it will definitely cause an uproar and shock countless giants.

All the things happened only at that moment, even if Wen Tian had a great mind, he was still terrified, and there was a thunderbolt in his mind.

The ferocity of this ancient demon in front of him really exceeded his expectation, he thought that he was considered a ruthless person among his peers, but compared with this demon in front of him, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

"Jie Jie! I finally got rid of the damn Spear Emperor's imprisonment. Soon, this world will be under my control, and all living things will crawl under my feet. Those who obey me will live, and those who oppose me will die."

"As for you..."

Suddenly, the ancient demon looked at Wentian with cruel eyes.

Being sized up by the other party, Wentian's heart skipped a beat, feeling completely enveloped by a breath of death.

"This demon is so monstrous, my attack can't hurt his body at all, it's impossible to kill him." Wentian felt anxious.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed suddenly, as if thinking of something.

boom!At the next moment, the golden light all over his body exploded again, turning into a beam of light and rushing out.

However, he didn't run away, but chose to hit the ancient demon head-on.

"Things like ants, if I'm at my peak, I can wipe you out with just a few breaths." Seeing this, the ancient demon looked disdainful.

Although he is extremely weak now, and the magic power in his body is less than one-ten-thousandth of that at his peak, but with his strong physical body, even if he stands there motionless, let alone the person in front of him, even a strong person in the ancient realm It's hard to hurt him.

Because of this, he was full of contempt.

Longyou took the empty step, teleporting a ray of sky.

Wentian took a step forward, and the next moment, he had already appeared above the head of the ancient demon.

Here, he was covered in golden light, as if he had transformed into a scorching sun, and the ancient spirit scriptures in his body were operated to the extreme by him.

"Om!" A palm-sized ancient peak rose from his palm. The ancient amulet of this peak was against the sky, and it exuded a sense of antiquity and vicissitudes, as if it came from ancient times.

"Gu Feng enters the body!" His eyes flashed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

Immediately, the palm-sized ancient peak rushed into his body with a bang.

At the same time, the aura on his body began to roar, causing the void to hum continuously, and even thunder and lightning fell from the sky, as if his power had caused the punishment of heaven.

In the past, he was at the peak of the eighth turn of the mortal realm, comparable to the peak of the divine origin, but now he has surpassed the peak of the divine origin and reached the half-step true one realm.

"Boom!" The sudden increase in strength made him exude an astonishing chill, as if he had transformed into a generation of ice gods.

He swiped his hands quickly and shouted angrily: "Frozen!"

In an instant, the power of ice mutated from the power of the water element surged out again, and the entire sky was blank and filled with astonishing coldness.

Not to mention a radius of tens of miles, this time the entire void of Qingcheng was completely shrouded in this chilling air, and it kept freezing.

However, despite this, the ancient demon still looked disdainful: "Is the donkey poor in skills? The same method was used twice, it seems that I overestimated you."

It's just that Wentian didn't pay any attention to his ridicule, at this moment, he raised his left hand and suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared.

"Baye! Come and help me quickly. After the matter is completed, I will find you another beauty!"

"Om!" The back of his left hand suddenly burst into blood, and a mysterious formation appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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