Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 585 Incarnation of a Giant

Chapter 585 Incarnation of a Giant (Part [-])
"Damn it, a mere mortal actually let this young master use the life-saving hole card given by his grandfather. One day, I, Ghost Blade, will give you double the revenge."

After escaping from the ancient city, the Ghost Blade fled away at an astonishing speed.

If he hadn't acted decisively and crushed the jade pendant his grandfather gave him when he walked out of Wanmogu, he might have ended up in a disastrous end just like the other five ghosts.

Thinking of this, when he was terrified, he was also filled with boundless hatred.

Among his peers in the clan, apart from those from the royal family, he had almost no opponents, but he never expected that he would almost fall into the hands of a mortal not long after he walked out of the ancient collar of Wan Gui.

If this is passed back, he will definitely become a disgrace among his clan.

As he thought about it, his face became more and more ferocious, and his eyes were full of cruelty.

But he didn't realize that at this moment, Wentian, who was in the void of the ancient city, had a hundred feet of golden light on his body, turned into countless lights, and disappeared out of thin air like a strange thing.

At the same time, Ghost Blade's heart skipped a beat, with a strong sense of uneasiness gushing out.

"So what if you escape from the ancient city? As long as you are still in my ancient country, you will not be able to escape from my grasp." Suddenly, a murderous voice sounded in his heart.

His expression changed suddenly, and his soul trembled and exclaimed: "How is it possible?"

hum!There were waves in the void, and then the golden light spots condensed and turned into a slender body.

Looking at the ghost youth with a pale face and shocked eyes, Wentian's blond hair danced wildly, and his murderous intent exploded.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he stood above Ghost Blade's head.

"Bang!" The next moment, the ancient talisman on his body was against the sky, and his slender body grew wildly.

Ten feet... twenty feet... In just a few breaths, his flesh and blood turned into a giant of a hundred feet,

The domineering aura on his body is as if it can deter demons and make the four directions tremble.

"Death!" he shouted angrily.

When he thought of the ruined ancient city and those dead people from the ancient country, a monstrous anger surged in his heart, causing some strange lines to faintly appear in the corner of his left eye.

Immediately, he raised his right leg, and with an astonishing momentum, stepped on the ghost blade fiercely.

This kick seemed to have the power of breaking the ground and kicking the stars, causing the entire void to emit a shocking rumbling sound, and the strong wind howled like a beast, shocking the world.

Facing his condescending kick, Ghost Blade's terrified eyes were tearing apart, and a breath of death enveloped his heart.

Not only that, Wentian's majesty of the emperor locked him tightly, making his body immobilized as if imprisoned, and he could only watch Wentian's monstrous foot step down.

shame!This is an absolute shame!

As a member of the royal family among the ghost clan, to be oppressed by a mortal like this, he felt extremely terrified, and at the same time, strong anger welled up in his heart.

"Lin Wentian, I belong to the royal family, and my grandfather is at the peak of the ancient realm. If you dare to kill me, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, my grandfather will kill you." He roared with a ferocious face.

"Royal family? The peak of the ancient realm?" Wentian heard, a cold look was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and his murderous intent remained undiminished.

If it were someone else, they might feel jealous in their hearts when they heard the word "Peak of the Ancient Realm", but he dared to offend even the big forces in Tianyunhai, and even dared to seal the ancient demons, so how could he be afraid of a ghost royal family, a The pinnacle of the ancient realm.

"Destroy my ancient city and slaughter the people of my ancient country. Even if you die hundreds or thousands of times, it will not be able to make up for your crimes."

"Give me hell!"

Wentian's expression was flying, and the kick he stepped on was even more powerful.

Immediately, a monstrous sole enveloped the Ghost Blade instantly, as if the sky had darkened.

" can't kill me! I am the royal family, and I am the pride of heaven. I am destined to reach the pinnacle in the future and become the overlord of a generation." Ghost Blade roared heart-piercingly.


But soon, his roaring stopped abruptly.

A giant foot trampled him to the ground. Immediately, the whole land was torn apart, and a huge footprint appeared.

He was even more ashes, completely disappearing between heaven and earth.

Not far away is a hundred-foot-tall cross, but thirty figures are nailed to it.

However, at this moment, these figures watched such a terrifying scene, their minds buzzed, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Especially one of the elders in the Vientiane Realm, his eyes were wide open, his face was bloodless, and his body kept shaking.

"He has become so powerful?"

"No... no matter how powerful he is, he is still just an ant in front of me Chong'er, and I Chong'er is the real son of Qilin."

At this moment, he was screaming madly with the strength he didn't know where it came from.

He is Shangguan Muhua.

And beside him, a white-haired old man, he raised his head with difficulty, looked at Wentian who looked like an ancient giant, and he murmured in a voice he could only hear: "It's only because of such a genius that the sky is so talented." I had no eyes at first."

He was Zhou Wentong, the prime minister of Chiyue.

Here, he has long lost the desire to live, and the only thing he can't let go of is his granddaughter, who used to be Chiyue's number one beauty, Zhou Zilan.

"Now my physical body is comparable to the middle stage of the True One Realm, but this is not enough. To reach the peak of the Ninth Revolution, you must have a physical body in the late stage of the True One Realm."

Sensing the astonishing brute force in his body, Wentian was not complacent, but instead became serious.

hum!His Baizhang body shrank rapidly, and it took only a moment to return to its original shape.

But in the next moment, he closed his eyes, and the astonishing power of divine consciousness spread out with all his strength in an instant, covering the entire ancient country, and spreading outward.

Not long after, he suddenly opened his eyes, with a cold light in them.

"Fengyun Empire, Xuanyuan Family, I, Lin Wentian, haven't looked for you yet, but you came to provoke me on your own initiative, you are looking for death!" He said coldly.

After the words fell, he raised his foot and stepped forward, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.


Outside the border of the ancient country, the battle was in full swing, and there were screams, roars, and screams everywhere.

The blood-stained ground is full of horrible corpses, and the blood-stained sky is full of the strong smell of blood that makes people sick.

Compared with the battle between humans and ghosts in the ancient city, it seems to be more tragic here, because almost all the strength of the two imperial kingdoms are gathered here.

kill kill kill!

All the soldiers of the ancient country almost went crazy and lost their minds. Even if someone tells them to stop now, I am afraid they will not stop.

Because the battle has reached this point, the blood in their bodies has been completely burned, it seems that they will not be afraid of pain, not afraid of death, they only hope to kill the enemy in front of them, and let them become dead souls under the sword.

But even though the soldiers of the ancient country were unyielding in their will, the disparity in strength still caused them to fall into a pool of blood with unwillingness and hatred in their hearts.

But in the battle of the gods and generals in the sky, Ye Tian fell into a formation, and dangers abounded.

As time passed, he became more and more impatient, and because of this, he gave the other party an opportunity, so that his whole body was covered with scars, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

"Jie Jie! Don't make unnecessary struggles anymore, your ancient army will soon be wiped out, and you will lose all your corpses. This is what you will end up with if you offend my Xuanyuan family."

The middle-aged man who came from Xuanyuan's family, who was the god general of the Fengyun Emperor, smiled sinisterly.

"Your Xuanyuan family is looking for death!" However, just as he finished speaking, a voice of anger suddenly resounded through the sky and rang in everyone's minds.

(The fourth update today, the third and fourth updates are in the evening)
(End of this chapter)

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