Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 586 Five Lines of Killing Formation

Chapter 586 Five Elements Killing Formation (Part Two)

The sound of this angry shout was so sudden that there was no sign at all.

However, when this voice sounded, all the conscious people of the ancient country in the audience trembled, and their fighting spirit became high.


Even though they were already covered in wounds, even though their eyes were blood stained and their vision was blurred, there were still many people yelling at the sky at this moment, as if they wanted to vent their anger.

Just because the owner of this voice is their spiritual pillar and the king of their country.

Compared to their excitement, the expressions of those Fengyun troops and the middle-aged man of the Xuanyuan family changed suddenly, because they also recognized the identity of the person.

"Om!" A golden light flashed in the void, and a murderous figure stood in the air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wentian trembled all over, it was trembling because of being too angry.

He didn't expect that not only was the ancient city attacked and killed by aliens for ten days, and many people of the ancient country were sacrificed, but now this battlefield is even more blood-stained in purgatory.

That was his countryman, a purgatory made of blood and flesh, such a tragic scene seemed to irritate the evil blood power in his body.

Visible to the naked eye, his blond hair quickly turned into blood, and the strange lines on his left face were like a ten thousand year curse, making him look like a demon, giving people a sense of fear.

A frenzied murderous intent forcibly surged into his heart, even attempting to occupy his mind, as if to transform him into a killing god.

His pupils were blood red, his face was ferocious like a beast, and he seemed to be struggling.

Such a strange scene made everyone's heart skip a beat.

"Demon! He is definitely a demon!"

"Such a powerful blood demon power, even if he is a human, he is also the disaster star of my human race!"

"The rumors are indeed true. This Lin Wentian is either a demon or a demon. If he can't die for a day, our Tianyuan Continent cannot be peaceful. Now that a foreign race is born, it is very likely that he is obstructing it."

"Kill! Kill him!"

Under the leadership of some disciples of the Xuanyuan family, all the people of Fengyun Empire roared with vicious expressions, looking at Wentian with the desire to drink his blood and gnaw his bones.

Perhaps stimulated by these voices, Wentian was filled with evil spirits, and his blood-red pupils revealed extreme ruthlessness.

Not only that, but at this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness began to turn into blood, as if he was occupied by the blood prison.

"Om!" Suddenly, a hazy light burst out from behind him, and the true and false avatars condensed on their own initiative, and sat cross-legged in the void, chanting bursts of heavenly voices.

As soon as the strange heavenly sound came out, his mind suddenly trembled.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly, wrapped in immortal light all over his body, and exerted all his strength to suppress the evil thoughts.

Then he waved his hand suddenly, a golden light rushed out, and broken stars appeared, suspended in the void.

"Good deed!" He shouted heavily.


As soon as he yelled, the Broken Star shone brightly, and the dragon pattern on the sword body on the right side heard a dragon chant, and suddenly a mysterious colorful light completely illuminated the entire battlefield.

This is the meritorious power of the ancient country. This colorful light shone on the bloody soldiers of the ancient country. Immediately, it was visible to the naked eye that their injuries were recovering.

At the same time, he shouted again: "Luck!"

On the left side of Broken Star's sword body with the dragon pattern, came the domineering dragon's roar, and it was shining brightly in an instant, as if a scorching sun was rising.

Wherever the golden light passed, countless people from the ancient kingdom roared excitedly, as if they were being assisted by divine power, their aura rose loudly.

Soldiers from the ancient country were used to seeing such a strange scene, but those Fengyun soldiers looked horrified and stormy waves arose in their hearts.

"Kill, kill!!" The faces of the people in the ancient country were crazy, and they rushed out again like a rainbow. The madness made the soldiers of the Fengyun Empire feel frightened.

For a while, the two sides fought together again.

However, with the blessing of luck and meritorious power, the people of the ancient country seemed to be transformed into immortal gods of war, mercilessly harvesting the lives of their enemies.

As for this scene, Wentian's eyes were still cold, showing no mercy.

It's not that he is ruthless, but that these people in front of him have already touched his scales.

Even if he knew that the alien race was about to move, so what!The human race who regards him as an enemy, in his eyes, is no different from those alien races.

With his current strength, it would be a breeze to kill the Vientiane army in front of him, but he did not do so.

Because the soldiers of the ancient country were full of anger, he had to let them vent.

Not only that, but he also hopes that everyone can be reborn on the battlefield and grow up rapidly.

Although Ye Tian fell into the formation, if he could feel the luck and meritorious power of the ancient country, he would not only recover to the peak in an instant, but also take another step temporarily with the help of this power.

Half a step is true.

His eyes flashed, boom boom boom, and he unleashed that strange vase violent attack, causing the formation to shake violently.

"Wow!" The middle-aged man of Xuanyuan's family spat out a mouthful of blood because of the qi and blood in his body churning.

The blessing of luck and meritorious power reversed the whole situation in an instant. This is the special power possessed by Wentian, who is the emperor of the ancient country and the son of the dragon.

"Huh?" But there was no joy on his face, but a cold one.

With a buzzing sound, his whole body turned into a golden light, rushed up to the clouds in an instant, and stood in nothingness.

"Jie Jie! Lin Wentian, you finally came out!"

"A mere mortal, who is so ignorant of the heights of heaven and earth, dares to offend my Xuanyuan family. Today is your death day."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's kill him together."

Suddenly, from the void in all directions, there came a series of cold and evil laughter.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, there was a burst of distortion in the void.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of figures appeared, and the aura of these people had reached the peak of Shenyuan at the lowest, and dozens of them had reached the half-step true one state.

Hiss... Such a strong lineup is enough to easily destroy a third-rate force in Tianyunhai, and even some weaker second-rate forces may be able to contend.

However, with this current lineup, the Xuanyuan family only killed one person, and that was Lin Wentian, the rebellious person who made many great forces lose face and aroused the anger of both humans and gods.

"Did your Xuanyuan family heal your scars and forget about the pain?" Even though the enemy was coming fiercely and he was surrounded by people, Wentian still looked as usual, with a poise on his body.

This is the power of the strong!

"I don't know how to repent when I'm about to die."

"Kill kill kill!!"

Hearing Wentian's words, these god-level powerhouses seemed to be drawn to the shame in their minds, they roared with ferocious faces, and their bodies were filled with murderous aura.

Immediately, led by the dozens of half-step true ones, these hundreds of people quickly dispersed in five corners, and they all formed seals quickly.

"Wood makes fire, fire makes man, earth makes metal, metal makes water, water makes wood!"

"The five elements generate and restrain each other, and the five elements kill each other!"

(The fourth update today, the third and fourth updates are in the evening)
(End of this chapter)

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