Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 588 Blood clock changes

Chapter 588 The blood clock changes (four more)

These hundred people are all monks with the original attribute of wind source, and they are the core of the wind formation in the Five Elements Killing Formation.

It's just that their faces here are as pale as snow, and their eyes are full of shock and despair.

Puff puff! !Wherever the sword light passed, divine blood splattered, and there was a series of screams.

This is the scream of the god of the human race.

With Wentian's current cultivation level, even if he slashes out with a random sword, he can easily kill those Xuanyuan disciples who are at the peak of Shenyuan.

For a moment, the void was filled with divine blood, and those Xuanyuan disciples who were extremely arrogant before were cut off by the sword light and wiped out in ashes.

It is only those half-step real existences who are in danger, but their faces are pale, and they are terrified.

However, they didn't know that the reason why they survived was just Wentian's deliberate action.

"Om!" The golden light gathered, and the next moment, Wentian's figure teleported in front of them.

Immediately, his hands quickly formed seals.

"Bang!" A small tower slowly rose from his hands.

The small tower is only two stories high, but there is an aura of supremacy leaking from it, as if it can override everything and suppress everything in the world.

It is the Tower of Suppressing Heaven and Earth.

Not only that, it is more likely to be the fairy artifact of the ancient Immortal Emperor, the nine-story Immortal Emperor Pagoda.

Looking at the small tower in his hand, Wentian's eyes flashed, and he said heavily: "Take it for me!"

As soon as he shouted, in an instant, the entire Tower of Heaven and Earth Suppressing Earth erupted with a mysterious light.

This is Xianmang!

It's just that in today's world, few people can recognize this fairy glow. After all, the reign of immortals has long disappeared in the long river of history.

As the old saying goes, immortals are gone, demons dance together, humans and gods rise up, and ghosts are rampant.

As soon as this celestial light came out, it immediately shone on those half-step true one-level disciples who were seriously injured, and a shocking scene appeared.

I saw these half-step true god powerhouses with the power of the original wind attribute disappear out of thin air in the eyes of everyone full of fear, and even their breath disappeared without a trace.

It was exactly the same as the previous Wentian.

" is this possible?"

"Could it be that his small tower is a rare space ancient treasure?"

The others exclaimed, looking at the Sky Suppressing Tower in Wentian's hands, their eyes were filled with boundless greed.

At the same time, the first floor of the Sky Suppressing Pagoda suddenly burst into light. When the light subsided, ten figures suddenly appeared, but they were the disciples of the Xuanyuan family.

"here is?"

"Ah... that's... that's the Demon Race?"

When they came back to their senses, they found that their bodies were completely imprisoned by a strange force.

Not only that, but when they saw the ferocious and terrifying ancient demon, they even screamed and fell into unprecedented fear.

"Although I don't know if the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda is the legendary Immortal Emperor Pagoda, but no matter what, it contains immortal power, and it is a space treasure."

"The heart of defense is indispensable. It seems that we can't expose it easily in the future, otherwise it will only attract the peeping of powerful enemies."

Discovering the changes in the crowd, Wentian's heart instantly became vigilant.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly he frowned, and a strange bell sounded from his body.

His eyes flashed, and immediately a small blood-colored clock appeared, with a strong blood light glowing from it.

"Om!" Immediately, a powerful devouring power erupted from its body, devouring the blood demon power in all directions like a wolf.

"Those blood corpses?"

Such a change made his heart skip a beat.

Last time in Tianlei Valley, after the eighteen blood corpses were wounded by the strong man in the ancient realm, he didn't pay any attention to them.

But they didn't expect that the strong blood energy in this world would make them riot.

"This place not only has the blood power of the Divine Origin Realm, but also has half-step True One Realm divine blood. For those blood corpses, this is definitely a fortune, and it may make them recover, or even go a step further."

Thinking of this, his eyes flickered.

The little clock in his hand was sacrificed instantly, suspended in the void, frantically devouring the bloody power of the entire battlefield.

All things happen only at that moment.

Boom boom boom, and at this moment, the attacks of the other Xuanyuan family disciples hit him boom boom.

This is the Five Elements Killing Formation!
It's just that the wind array is missing, its power is not as good as before, and this array has become no longer perfect.

"Huh~" Wentian snorted coldly, facing those violent attacks, he didn't have the slightest intention of retreating, and with a bang, his figure rapidly grew in size.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant of hundreds of feet.

The ancient talisman on his body is against the sky, and that powerful flesh body exudes a monstrous power, which is comparable to the flesh body in the middle stage of the true one realm.

With this physical body alone, he is not afraid of the strong who have reached the mid-stage of True Oneness, and in this world, he is an existence that defies the sky.

Turning into a giant, his eyes seemed to contain the light of Thor, full of frightening light, and immediately he swung his fleshy fists even more domineeringly.

Boom boom boom!All of a sudden, the whole world boiled, and the deafening noise bombarded everyone's minds, causing them to buzz in their minds, and what's more, they hugged their heads and roared, revealing extreme pain.

Fortunately, the people in the ancient country had the blessing of luck and meritorious power, and the pain they suffered was greatly reduced.

However, even so, they still opened their eyes wide, looking at the nothingness in the sky in shock.

The gigantic fist that Wentian swung was shocking and weeping ghosts and gods. Xuanyuan family disciples were constantly bombarded and turned into a cloud of blood mist. In the blink of an eye, they were swallowed by the little blood clock.

"Not good! His strength has become stronger again!"

"The seventh son of the Immortal Peak of the Thunder Cloud Sect, his physical body is so strong. Could it be that he has obtained the rumored magical power of immortality?"

Wentian's strength caused the disciples of the Xuanyuan family to scream in horror, seeing Wentian who looked like a god and demon, they felt so small.


"This Lin Wentian's strength may have reached the middle stage of the True One Realm. Only the arrogance of the True One Realm in the clan can kill him."

Boom!Everyone's heart was enveloped by a breath of death, they were terrified, and at this moment, they all rushed to escape.

"Don't even think about running away!" Wentian, who had transformed into a giant, whose body was like the power of a savage dragon, his eyes were like thunder, and he shouted domineeringly.

"Om!" The next moment, his already huge palm swelled up again, completely transforming into a monstrous giant palm that blocks the sky and the sun.

Not only that, but at this moment, many ancient runes gushed out from his palm, bursting out with a devouring power that seemed to be able to swallow the sky and the earth.

Swallowing the four directions with the palm, it seems to be able to grasp the sun, moon and stars.

"don't want……"

"Bastard! Stop! Or you'll regret it someday."

"Our Xuanyuan family is the royal family among the human race. With the karma of our family, you are destined to become a traitor to the human race in this life."

Xu Wuwu is the screams and heart-piercing roars of those Xuanyuan family disciples.

It's just that in response to everyone's screams and threats, Wentian was full of murderous intent, and his monstrous giant palm completely enveloped everyone.

Then, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he roared to the sky.

"Xuanyuan family, from today onwards, I, Lin Wentian, will slaughter every one of you in the lower realm. One day, I will kill the sea of ​​clouds again and overthrow your clan."

After the words fell, he squeezed hard with his giant palm.

Immediately, blood shot out, and the whole void was covered with blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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