Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 589 Time Times and Spiritual Energy

Chapter 589 Ten times the time and ten times the aura

The giant palm squeezed hard and killed many god-level powerhouses immediately, filling the entire void with extremely thick blood mist.

At this moment, the audience was silent, so quiet that a needle could be heard, no matter whether it was the soldiers of the ancient country or the soldiers of the Fengyun Empire, they were all stunned, as if they hadn't reacted yet.

Just because the scene in front of him was too shocking.

One must know that those disciples from the Xuanyuan family of the five major families, whose cultivation base was the lowest, had all reached the peak of the Divine Origin Realm.

But now, a young man, with the power of a palm, squeezed the violent god's body, and completely fell into this world.

This is simply unacceptable to the soldiers of the Fengyun Empire.

What's even more unbelievable is that this young man is not a true god powerhouse, but a mortal, a mortal in the Vientiane Realm, without the slightest fluctuation of divine energy in his body.

"'s impossible!"

"Illusion! This is definitely an illusion! How could the inner disciple of my Xuanyuan family be defeated by a mortal boy, and still be defeated so thoroughly."

Boom!The Vientiane powerhouses from the Xuanyuan family trembled in their souls. They roared in fear, and their eyes were full of deep disbelief.

"Kill kill kill!"

It's just that they came back to their senses very quickly, because the people of the ancient country had rushed towards them with murderous intent.

Wentian ignored these people, his eyes narrowed, and his consciousness invaded the little bloody clock.

"Huh?" His expression suddenly changed.

Because inside the little clock, at this moment, the eighteen blood corpses are fighting each other like out of control, and all parties seem to want to be kings and devour each other.

Aware of this scene, he felt a thunderbolt in his heart and set off a stormy sea in his heart.

He has always been very mysterious about the blood corpses of the blood demon clan, and the changes in these blood corpses in front of him make him even more puzzled.

His eyes flashed, and then without much reason, he took back the little bloody clock.

At this moment, the bloody little piece seemed to have swallowed a large amount of blood evil power, and it gradually returned to calm.


In Tianyuan Continent, one of the three most ferocious lands, the ancient leader of Wangui, just as Wentian killed the ghost blade, suddenly, an astonishing roar resounded.

One could faintly see an old man in it, with an incomparably ferocious face, eyes full of blood and roaring.

"Who? Who killed you?"

He swiped his hands and drew a weird spell, and a creepy scene appeared.

I saw a remnant soul, with boundless hatred and resentment, appearing in that weird spell, and even tried to rush out of it and reappear in the world.

"Ben'er tell grandfather, who killed you? Grandfather wants nine generations of his blood to sacrifice to your dead soul." The old man's voice was full of endless hatred.

"Lin Wentian, the emperor of the ancient country, I want him to die..." The remnant soul screamed, as if cursing with resentment.

If Wentian were here, he would find that the remnant soul in front of him was [-]-[-]% similar to the ghost blade he killed.

"Lin Wentian! This old man wants you to die! I want to swallow the soul of your nine veins!" The old man's long hair fluttered and he went crazy.

Then, he tried to get out of the ancient collar of Wangui, but it was only restricted by the rules of Tianyuan Continent, his body was only halfway out, and he was stuck in the barrier.


"Lin Wentian, when the old man walks out, it will be your death day, and the day your ancient country will perish." Wan Gui Gu Ling was full of his astonishing roar.

Boom boom boom!For a moment, the ghostly aura overshadowed the sun, and the area around the ancient collar of the myriad ghosts was covered with dark clouds, and remnant souls appeared one after another, rushing towards the human world.


The ancient city of the ancient country was attacked by ghosts, resulting in the sacrifice of many soldiers. Fortunately, the ancient emperor Lin Wentian appeared in time and killed all the ghosts with crushing force, and the ancient city escaped by luck.

Not only that, but on the same day, the Fengyun Empire's army aggressively attacked the ancient country, and Ye Tianshen led the army to fight, but he was also in trouble.

Fortunately, at the last moment, the emperor of the ancient country arrived in time, turned the world around with a monstrous force, and even killed many disciples from the Tianyunhai and Xuanyuan family.

When this matter got out, people in the entire Tianyuan Continent once again went into an uproar.

It is said that the Fengyun Empire was defeated in that battle, and all the people from the Xuanyuan family were wiped out, and only a small number of local cultivators escaped by luck and fled back to the Fengyun Empire.

For a while, the ancient country became a special imperial country that hundreds of millions of people in the Tianyuan Continent paid attention to.

Especially Lin Wentian, the emperor of the ancient country, and countless spies trying to get news about him.

Wentian here is in the Tower of Suppressing Heaven and Earth.

In the pagoda on the first floor, besides the ancient demon, there were dozens of figures, and these people were none other than those Xuanyuan disciples who had reached the half-step true one state.

The crowd at this moment, their eyes looking at Wentian, were full of boundless fear.

"Lin Wentian, what exactly do you want to do?"

"If you are sensible, let us go quickly, or you will regret it."

"You are indeed a traitor of the human race, and you are really in the company of monsters. Even if you are a disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect and Weapon Blade Sect, no one can protect you."

Some of them screamed, and some tried to shock and intimidate the sky.

"Noisy!" Wentian snorted coldly with an impatient look on his face.

Then, he formed some miraculous seals with his hands, and even murmured words in his mouth.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, the sky above this space was continuously distorted, as if time and space reincarnation appeared, and after a while, a special void appeared.

At the same time, the disciples of the Xuanyuan family suddenly opened their eyes wide, filled with endless fear, and they found that they could not make any sound.

What frightened them the most was that they discovered that the divine power in their bodies was slowly disappearing.

No... To be precise, it should be swallowed into the empty hole above.

Seeing this scene, Wentian's eyes suddenly brightened, and the next moment his body twisted, and he disappeared from the original place in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was already in the second floor space of the Heaven Suppressing Earth Tower.

However, soon his expression became ecstatic, and his breathing became short of breath, because at this moment, the aura in this space became ten times stronger than before.

Of course, this is all because the disciples of the Xuanyuan family are the divine essence in their bodies, which is transformed into the aura of heaven and earth, filling this space.

"Ten times the time, plus ten times the spiritual energy of the world, this is definitely not as simple as ten plus ten. In this way, even if my cultivation speed does not reach a hundred times, it will far exceed twenty times."

His eyes flashed, and a bold idea flashed in his mind, and then he disappeared from the Sky Suppressing Tower in an instant.

After he came out, he first went to the valley in the Mizong Forest, and then went to the ancient city, and found Lin Yefeng, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei, and some people who were loyal to the ancient country and had extraordinary talents.

Not long after, thousands of figures loomed over the ancient city. These people not only included monks from the ancient country, but also Lin Fu and others who lived in seclusion in the Lost Forest.

These people looked at the leader Wentian, their eyes were full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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