Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 590 Thunder Cloud Comes

Chapter 590 Thunder Cloud Comes (Part [-])
"Buzz!" Suddenly, a cloud of hazy energy gushed out from behind Wentian, and instantly turned into another him.

True and false clones.

"From today until I come back, this place will be handed over to you." Ontology Wentian said.

The true and false avatars did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Then, Ontology Wentian suddenly waved his hand, and suddenly, a mysterious celestial light emerged, instantly surrounding everyone.

In the blink of an eye, everyone including his third uncle Lin Yefeng disappeared into the void of the ancient city.


"What? Is this here?"

"My God! The aura of heaven and earth here is ten times that of the outside world."

When everyone came to the second floor of the Heaven Suppressing Tower, they were all dumbfounded and exclaimed.

"You can rest assured to cultivate here, and we will go back after three years." Wentian said indifferently.

"Ah? Three years?" Everyone seemed to have misheard, and they were shocked for a while.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three months have passed in the Tianyuan Continent. During these three months, the entire Tianyuan Continent has undergone tremendous changes.

Since the defeat of the Fengyun Empire, they seem to have restrained a lot, and they dare not provoke the ancient country easily.

Perhaps it was because they discovered that although the ancient country was established not long ago, its strength should not be underestimated. In other words, they did not dare to act rashly until they were not absolutely sure of dealing with the emperor Lin Wentian of the ancient country.

After all, they had learned from the past before.

Not only that, more and more alien races came out from the Demon Dragon Valley of the three fierce places, and the ancient leader of Wangui, causing the entire Tianyuan Continent to panic for a while.

Leaving aside those remnant souls and ghosts, just a dozen or so bones that came out of the Dragon Valley not long ago caused the people of the six imperial kingdoms a headache.

Bone dragons are also a kind of dragon clan, but to be precise, they are not real dragon clans today, but dead dragon clans.

After all, these bone dragons are transformed from the bodies of some dead real dragons, they have almost no consciousness, and only have the instinct to kill.

It is said that it was only a young man who summoned these bone dragons from the Demon Dragon Valley, and the identity of this young man was frightening, he was actually a giant dragon of the real dragon family.

Speaking of this giant dragon, it may not have a high status among the real dragon clan, but compared to ordinary human races, they are simply much stronger.

Especially the huge dragon body, just turning over lightly, can make mountains and rivers collapse, and the sun and the moon can be turned upside down.

This giant dragon transformed into a young man first set off a wild animal movement in the Monster and Barbarian Empire, and then summoned the bone dragon and began to slaughter in the Tianyuan Continent, causing heavy deaths among the human race.

If it weren't for the people from Tianyunhai, Tianyuan Continent would have already been devastated and the sky was stained with blood.

But despite this, the human race can't take advantage of it at all.

Especially the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, one of the seven great sects, one of the genius disciples named Guo Rui wanted to capture that giant and take him as a beast pet, but unexpectedly, he became the opponent's blood in the end.

When this news was sent back to the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the senior officials of the Sect were furious.

You must know that Dun Rui is a genius disciple, possessing an eight-star talent, and his spiritual consciousness is even more amazing, and he can form contracts with several monsters.

Immediately, the Myriad Beast Sect dispatched an army of gods to try to kill the giant dragon.

Although the real dragon, basalt, phoenix, and unicorn are the four heavenly kings and beasts of the human race, they are not what they used to be. The human race has already occupied one side, and its overall strength is far beyond that of the past.

What's more, in recent years, the dragon clan has no longer been as friendly to the human race as it used to be. There are often incidents of dragon clan slaughtering clans, which arouses the anger of the strong human race.

Because of this, the human race and the dragon race gradually developed hostility.

As for the cause of all this, it all started on a certain day thousands of years ago.

According to legend, on that day, the entire dragon clan underwent tremendous changes. The five-clawed and double-winged Dragon Emperor, who ruled many real dragons and miscellaneous dragons, was suddenly attacked and killed by a mysterious and powerful enemy.

Originally, with its astonishing strength, no matter how strong the opponent is, as the emperor of the dragon clan, it will never be afraid to rule ten thousand dragons, but it never thought that the black dragon clan under it would rebel.

In the end, he was unwilling to die.

Afterwards, the entire Dragon Clan lost the Dragon Emperor, and took the Black Demon Dragon as the emperor.

It is also because of this that the fall of the two-winged and five-clawed Dragon Emperor, and the Black Demon Dragon as the Emperor, led to the gradual split between the human race and the dragon race, leading to the current situation.

During the battle, the young man summoned dozens of skull dragons, and fought to the death with the disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect.

Sadly, the Wan Beast Sect was defeated in that battle, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

Of course, this is not their true strength. After all, those Tianjiao in their clan who have reached the nine-star talent and possess the strength of being the emperor of the same generation did not make a move.

However, usually such a talented person, whether it is the Wanshou Sect, or the Thunder Cloud Sect, the Yitian Sect, or even the five major families, will not easily let them take action.

To be precise, before breaking through to the Realm of True One, they were all protected by the sect.

Because such ungrown arrogances can easily be wiped out in the cradle by the opponent, and after reaching the Realm, these arrogances will realize their natal supernatural powers, at least their lives will be guaranteed to a certain extent.

During this period of time, two bone dragons appeared in the ancient country. The astonishing scene at that time made people feel uneasy. Fortunately, Wentian left behind a clone when he retreated.

In the end, the true and false avatars shot with all their strength to repel the two bone dragons.

You must know that although this is a clone of his main body, the true and false clones are not comparable to those water element clones. He has [-]% of the power of the main body.

But even so, he only repelled them, but couldn't kill the two bone dragons.

It can also be seen from this how strong the strength of the two keels is.

On this day, the real and fake avatar sitting in the main hall of the ancient city suddenly raised his head, his expression was full of dignity.

At the same time, the heavens in the entire Tianyuan Continent are undergoing an astonishing transformation, and the power of those broken rules has begun to improve continuously. It seems that the power of the so-called "Yellow Heaven" is becoming stronger and stronger.

"Wow! The aura of this world has become stronger again."

"Oh my god! The bottleneck of my cultivation has loosened."

For a moment, the entire Tianyuan Continent was filled with people's shock and excitement.

To say that a few years ago, only the ordinary god-level powerhouses could blast through the void, but now I am afraid that their full blows can only cause a wave of waves to appear in the void.

For the other five imperial kingdoms, the transformation of the world is definitely a great thing, because it can not only increase the speed of monks' practice, but also prolong the lifespan of ordinary people.

However, for the people of the ancient country, while they were excited, there was deep worry in their hearts.

The void of the original Chiyue capital.

Boom!Suddenly, a huge light beam descended from the void, as if the entire sky had been pierced.

In the shocked eyes of the people, more than 100 figures suddenly stepped out of the light beam.

The leader was an old man with a cold face and gloomy eyes.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize this person, because he is the elder Leng Jiang of the Thunder Cloud Sect, the Tianhuo Peak lineage.

(End of this chapter)

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