Chapter 595

As we all know, among the disciples of Tianhuo Peak, [-]% of them have the original power of the fire department. When practicing the fire department's method and fire department's art, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

But this does not mean that those who have the original power of the fire element cannot practice treasures of other attributes.

"Huh~" Wentian snorted coldly, his expression returned to normal, without any evasion, his body went straight up.

"Arrogance!" Seeing this, the middle-aged man's eyes were extremely gloomy.

He had been in Thunder Cloud Sect for many years, and it was the first time that he was so despised by someone, that he resisted his attack with his physical body, and the opponent was just a mortal.

insult!This is an absolute insult.

"Lin Wentian, die!" He shouted violently, and the two attacks he unleashed became even more berserk.

His cultivation is also at the peak of the early stage of True One Realm, but his power is much stronger than that of Leng Rong, because he is an elite disciple and possesses the supernatural powers of life.

Boom! !
With the will to kill in his heart, a monstrous thunderbolt and a hundred-foot fireball completely submerged Wentian, causing the entire emptiness to cause an earth-shattering loud noise.

For a moment, the entire nothingness exploded, revealing a huge mushroom void.

"Oh my god! Is this the power of the true god?"

"What's wrong? Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

People in the entire ancient country were in an uproar. Although they couldn't see the battle situation, the astonishing power of the void in the sky made them jump with fear.

Especially the loud noise before, they couldn't help but suspect that the sky on this side of the world had been pierced.

"Is Lin Wentian dead this time?"

"Of course, you have to know Senior Brother Leng Gang, but elite disciples are much stronger than Senior Brother Leng Rong in terms of strength and means." Some disciples sneered.

It was only when he stopped laughing that he saw his eyes open in fear, with a look of horror like seeing a ghost: "You... didn't die? How is this possible?"

Not only him, at this moment, everyone's eyes were extremely shocked.

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a slender figure slowly walked out from the center of the thunder and flame storm.

I saw him here, his flesh and blood body was not damaged at all, only his clothes were damaged.

It is also because of this that he exposed his bronze-colored skin, and his muscles that are not too exaggerated but contain amazing strength. Under the sunlight, they glowed like metal, as if his physical body was a heaven-level weapon.

No... I'm afraid it's stronger than some ordinary celestial devices.

"Hiss..." Seeing such an incredible scene, everyone gasped in shock, causing an uproar in their hearts.

"Oh my God! With such a powerful body, could it be that he has already reached the stage of minor accomplishment?" Suddenly, someone called out, as if remembering something frightening, he trembled all over.

"No... His physical body is not at the stage of Xiaocheng, but I'm afraid it is comparable to some late stages of the Realm." Another person said, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

Looking at the people in front of him, Wentian sneered: "You want to kill me? You are still far away."

"You don't even want to run away today! I want to see how many disciples of the God Realm you have in Leng Jiang's lineage, and how many disciples of the True God can be killed by me."

After the words fell, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Boom!" The next moment, a powerful aura rapidly spread out from him, including Elder Leng Jiang, enveloping everyone.

"Lin Wentian, you are presumptuous!" Seemingly aware of his intentions, Elder Leng Jiang yelled violently, and suddenly stretched out his palm.

Boom!Immediately, a huge palm print wrapped around the blazing flames, and grabbed Wentian with a domineering momentum, as if this grab wanted to crush his whole body.

"Kill kill kill!!"

At the same time, the more than 100 disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage also roared wildly, using the technique of fire, and violently attacked Wentian.

Boom!Boom!In an instant, the entire Void Endless was divine flames, turning into a sea of ​​fire.

You must know that these people in front of you are almost all monks with the fire source attribute, and when they attack together, the flame power is simply earth-shattering.

"Hmph~ what about the divine flame?" Seeing the surging flames rushing towards him, Wentian looked contemptuous, and immediately, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the blood in his body completely boiled.

In the blink of an eye, his skin turned red, as if his whole body was on fire. He clenched his fists vigorously, and there was a crackling bone sound.

A shocking scene appeared!
"Om!" Mysterious runes appeared on his body, as if his body was a true god's weapon, and its symbols were heaven-defying.

However, these runes on his body are not fairy talismans, nor are they divine talismans, but the runes that his physical body has evolved to a certain level.

It can be said that this is his own rune, a physical rune created by him.

boom!His expression was monstrous, his eyes were like thunder rushing out, and the aura of his whole body rose up in an instant, even the sky seemed to be shaken by his breath, and there was a faint, ruthless gaze watching him.

Huang Tian!

However, he didn't pay any attention to Huang Tian, ​​he stomped his feet fiercely, his whole body rushed up like a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky, and he swung out the fist with bulging veins and red skin.

This punch was a punch from his body!
With a punch, that invisible domineering momentum turned into a hundred-foot-long virtual dragon, roaring and rushing out.

Boom boom boom!As a result, the entire void boiled completely, and the shocking violent roars followed one after another. What's more, the void was blasted out of many cracks, and the power of the turbulent flow surged wildly.

That's a space crack!

Not to mention the God Realm, even if it is the True God Realm, a person who is unbearable will lose all bones and corpses.

"Puff!" Under the power of this fist, the hundreds of flame attacks were blown out one after another.

Not only that, but the monstrous aftermath even sent those disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage flying away. With a bang, their faces were pale, their eyes were terrified, and blood spurted out of their mouths.


Under the powerful blow of Wentian's physical body, the giant flaming palm cast by Elder Leng Jiang was even shattered, and the monstrous fire turned into a sea of ​​flames and gushed out in all directions.

"Bastard! How dare a mere mortal hurt this old man? Go to hell!" Immediately, Elder Leng Jiang roared out of embarrassment and anger.

He is a strong man in the ancient realm, and he is also an elder of Thunder Cloud Sect. Now that the Lord of Fire Peak is retreating, he even controls almost the entire Sky Fire Peak. It can be said that he is under one person and above ten thousand people.

However, now an ant-like existence dared to contradict him again and again, and now even smashed his palm. Although it was only a clone of the soul, he absolutely could not bear this kind of shame.


As soon as he roared, his whole body burst into flames, and it exploded automatically, turning into a burst of flames that soared into the sky.

"Om!" Suddenly, the void twisted, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, a cave that was ten times larger than Leng Rong's before was condensed out.

More than ten times, because this cave is still growing, as if it is endless.

But soon the whole nothingness trembled, and everyone could feel the force of rules, strongly sealing the growing cave.

"Lin Wentian! Even if only one tenth of the old man's cave can be opened, it is enough to kill you!" In the cave, Elder Leng Jiang roared violently.


The next moment, a crimson flame burst out from that huge cave.

"Oh my god! That's Elder Leng Jiang's strange flame, Chi Lianyan!" Suddenly, a disciple screamed.

(End of this chapter)

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