Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 596 Flesh Talisman

Chapter 596 Flesh Talisman

"Red refining flame?" Feeling the overwhelming power of this flame, even Wentian couldn't help frowning.

But soon, his expression became icy cold: "It's just a clone of the soul, and it also wants to kill me?"

"Lan Yan!" He yelled with his black hair flying upwards.

"Puff!!" Suddenly, the blue flame erupted like a volcano, causing bursts of distortion in the void.

However, the blue flames he erupted did not condense into a flame lion. Instead, his hands frantically formed seals. At the same time, the dragon mark on his forehead became more and more bright.

"I, Lin Wentian, am the emperor of a country, and even more the son of a dragon. In my mind, I bestow upon you the will of a dragon, Flame Dragon!" He opened his eyes wide and roared domineeringly.


Immediately, the blue flames churned and condensed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a divine dragon made of blue flames hovered in the air and let out an astonishing roar.

Its roar shocked the world, and at this moment, it seemed to be transformed into a real dragon, and its dragon power could make all beasts prostrate.

Although it was condensed by flames, the dragon power on it made the disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage pale and their eyes filled with fear.

"This is actually the power of a real dragon, how is this possible?"

"It's just a fake dragon, how can it be Chi Lianyan's opponent, Elder Leng Jiang killed him." Everyone roared, roaring wildly.

The divine dragon transformed by the blue flame has a body of hundreds of feet. It raises its proud head and glares at the hole in nothingness, as if it has consciousness itself, and its dragon power cannot be humiliated.

"Roar!" It raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, while Wentian was waving his hands, its hundred-foot-long blue flame dragon body shot straight at the red refining flame, straight at that extraordinary cave.

One blue and one red, the two flames met in nothingness, but it was not as everyone imagined, there was an earth-shattering explosion.

I saw that the two were like two ferocious beasts, entangled with each other, trying to devour each other, because neither the blue flame nor the red flame of the elder Leng Jiang was an ordinary flame.

"Hmph~ I'm simply overestimated. The old man's Chi Lianyan can rank among the top ten in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect. You, a mere mortal flame, also want to compete with it?" From the cave, Elder Leng Jiang's disdainful voice came out.

After the words fell, Wentian's expression suddenly changed.

I saw that crimson flame suddenly burst out, and then turned into a huge mouth, trying to swallow the entire flame dragon.

This Chi Lianyan is worthy of being called a different flame, even the blue flame of Wentian, who has the breath of a unicorn divine flame, is also suppressed by it.

Wentian's heart skipped a beat, because at this moment, his Baizhang flame dragon was devoured by the opponent.

"Haha! You deserve it! To even try to fight Elder Leng Jiang is simply asking for death."

"Lin Wentian, die! Soon, the entire Tianhuo Peak will belong to our Lengjiang lineage, and at that time, people from Guyun's lineage will all go to hell."

When the disciples saw this, they laughed wildly.

"Is this the power of Tianhuo Peak's different flames and red refining flames?" Wen Tian murmured, his eyes full of dignity.

"Huh?" He suddenly let out a little gasp, because he found that after the flame dragon was swallowed by the red refining flame, it didn't disappear immediately, but was slowly shrinking.

No... It's not like shrinking, it's more like evolving.

I saw wisps of lavender glowing from the blue flame, as if his blue flame was evolving into a purple flame.

The discovery made him short of breath.

However, before he was allowed to think too much, a feeling of death suddenly hit his heart, and suddenly, his eyelids twitched.

"Buzz!" A white light beam suddenly rushed from not far away, shining on him in an instant.

supernatural powers, stone eyes

I saw that elite disciple Leng Gang, at this moment his third eye opened between his brows, and a strange beam of light shone on Wentian.

"Wow! Senior Brother Leng Gang has made another move, and it's still a natal supernatural power. Lin Wentian will definitely die this time."

"Senior brother Leng Gang's supernatural powers and stone eyes are famous even among the many elite disciples. It is his blessing that this kid can die under it."

"You must know that Senior Brother Leng Gang used this supernatural power stone eye to kill a mid-stage True One Realm with his cultivation at the early stage of the True One Realm."

In an instant, everyone was in an uproar, looking at the eyes of the middle-aged man Leng Gang, full of admiration.

"Being hit by my supernatural powers, not to mention you, even a true god powerhouse can't escape death." Elite disciple Leng Gang had a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

After being hit by that light, it was visible to the naked eye that Wentian's body was undergoing astonishing changes, and some strange runes appeared, making his body stiff and his feet even petrified.

"With the same move, you think that if you can kill my avatar, you can kill my main body?" However, Wentian's face soon showed indifference.

"Om!" The runes in his body suddenly erupted completely, as if every inch of his skin and every drop of blood contained many ancient runes, and his entire body was that inexhaustible giant. treasure.

There have always been rumors that celestial arts and supernatural powers rely on comprehension, and the human body is the most precious treasure of the monks themselves. Once the potential is stimulated, it will live the same life as the sky and the earth. It is difficult to bury the sky and the earth.

Only those who can take this step in the entire human race, but very few, and only the immortal old man thousands of years ago, it is suspected that they have reached this step.

Pity!The catastrophe thousands of years ago made him disappear, and now his life and death are uncertain.

In the thousands of years that followed, the Thunder Cloud Sect of Nuo Da only passed out the punishment for physical sanctification, which is now the giant of Immortal Peak, the master of Wentian.

The so-called sanctification of the physical body is also called the great achievement of the physical body. Even if a realm has not evolved in the body, it will have the power to kill giants in the realm.

As for the Xiaocheng Realm of the physical body that those disciples said before, it has the power of the Ancient Realm, and even a drop of blood can kill the existence of the Real One Realm.

Many flesh runes entangled his body, Wentian's expression was flying, and his eyes were like lightning. Under this force, his feet that were in the fossils clanged and quickly turned into a flesh and blood body.

Such a horrifying scene left everyone dumbfounded, especially the elite disciple, who even yelled out: " are only a mortal, and you can break my supernatural powers. I don't believe it..."

He screamed like crazy, and the third eye, which is what he called the supernatural stone eye, was wide open, and its pupils were bloodshot.

With a beep, a drop of blood and tears leaked from his stone eye, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Buzz!" A beam of light shot out, hitting Wentian directly again.

At the same time, Elder Leng Jiang's Chi Lianyan took advantage of this opportunity to devour Wentian's flame dragon, and transformed himself into a flame beast, roaring and killing Wentian.

"Death!" His murderous voice sounded in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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