Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 597 The Power of Two Fingers

Chapter 597 The Power of One Finger

"For three months in the outside world, the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda lasts for thirty months, and the heaven, earth and spiritual land are ten times that of the outside world. Although I am still at the peak of Rank [-], but..." Wen Tianzhong murmured.

Immediately, his eyes suddenly closed.

"Light of Destruction!"

When he opened it again, his right pupil turned into blood, and with a bang, a blood-colored light shot out, which collided with the light of Leng Gang's magical stone eye in the blink of an eye.

Both are pupil powers, one is the pupil of petrification, the other is the pupil of destruction, when the two meet, the entire void trembles.

That powerful aura can literally make people's souls tremble, and those disciples who are only in the Divine Origin Realm are all pale and terrified.

"My pupil is the pupil of death, which can destroy everything, including your natal supernatural power." Wen Tian said coldly.

As the words fell, the bloody light in his right eye exploded, and the power of the destructive light increased sharply again, instantly destroying the stone-eyed light, and even hitting Leng Gang's third eyebrow with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

"No..." A heart-piercing cry sounded in the void.

boom!Immediately after there was a deafening bang, the entire sky was hit and a hole was punched.

I saw Leng Gang, an elite disciple who was proud and aloof before, instantly vanished under Wentian's destructive light without leaving a trace of blood.

It was late to say, but everything happened only in that flash.

However, at this very moment, Wentian suddenly raised his head, looking at the flame beast that was transformed by the red flame and violently attacked him.

"What about the ancient realm powerhouse?"

"This is just a clone of your soul mind. Not to mention that you can only display the peak power at the early stage of the True One Realm, even in the middle stage of the True One Realm, I, Lin Wentian, can still kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and under the stunned eyes of everyone, he slowly raised a finger.

"One Finger of Killing God!" he said in a deep voice.

"Om!" Immediately, his flesh and blood finger burst into an unprecedented golden light.

A shocking scene appeared!

I saw the golden light on his body, even the aura of the dragon pattern imprint, gathered towards his finger in an instant.

Visible to the naked eye, his flesh and blood finger instantly transformed into a golden finger, shining golden light, which seemed so strange.

However, the people here are not in the mood to appreciate this golden finger, because at this moment they are opening their eyes wide, their expressions are extremely shocked, and their hearts are full of turbulent waves.

It was because an aura so powerful that it made their souls tremble was emanating from that golden finger.

As a result, the entire world is covered with cracks. Even though the power of rules is constantly repairing, it seems that the speed of cracking is faster than repairing.

When the golden light condensed to the extreme, a golden finger strike, with a bang, rushed out from Wentian's finger with that earth-shattering power, and directly killed the flame beast.

This finger is the Finger of Killing God!
It agrees with its name, once it is used, it can kill and kill gods, even ancient gods and world gods.

And the founder of Killing God One Finger is one of the three holy places, Li Xiaoyao, the former sacred son of Daozong, the man he rescued at the Daozi's trial place.

After painstaking training in the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda, he finally understood this move and made it possible to perform it.

One finger kills the gods, the world changes, the sun and the moon reverse, this is a shocking blow.

A loud noise resounded through the sky in an instant, and the minds of the people in the entire ancient country buzzed, and those with weaker cultivation even passed out directly.

Just when Wentian cast this killing finger, in that distant starry sky, a man was shuttling through nothingness, suddenly he seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly raised his head.

"His comprehension ability has reached this level?" the man murmured, looking at the void below, his eyes thoughtful.

But soon, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his voice was cold: "Daozong, one day I will make you regret it."

In the depths of his pupils was an astonishing hatred, as well as a sadness that seemed to never be erased.

If Wentian was here, he would definitely recognize him, because he was Li Xiaoyao back then.

With a flash of his figure, he quickly disappeared into nothingness and flew towards a huge star.


"One Finger of Killing God! This is a move created by Li Xiaoyao, a traitor of the Taoist sect thousands of years ago!" From the unusually huge cave, came a cry of fear and terror.

The person who spoke was none other than Elder Leng Jiang. To be precise, it should be his avatar.

"Death!" However, only Wentian's murderous voice answered him.

"No... Lin Wentian, you will regret it!"

"This old man is the elder of the Thunder Cloud Sect, and the temporary ruler of Tianhuo Peak. You are nothing more than a mere ant, how dare you offend me."

In the nothingness of the bombardment, there were the roars of Elder Leng Jiang. His hatred and resentment, like a cursed power, continued to resound in the void.

It's just that no matter how he roared, the flame beast transformed by his red refining flames, and the huge cave sky, were all wiped out and completely wiped out under Wentian's killing god's finger.

Everyone who saw this scene buzzed in their minds, and their wide eyes were filled with disbelief.

"how is this possible?"

"A mere mortal, he first killed Senior Brother Leng Rong, then Senior Brother Leng Gang who was an elite disciple, and now he even slaughtered a clone of Elder Leng Jiang?" Someone called out.

"No... this is impossible, hallucination, this is definitely an illusion!"

"I don't believe it either! How could a mere waste from the lower realm become so powerful, and he is still in the mortal realm."

When the void calmed down, the disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage were pale and trembling.

They screamed loudly, they roared loudly, as if trying to cover up the fear in their hearts.

"There are more than 100 people in the Divine Origin Realm, and there are not a few in the Half-Step True Realm. The old ghost Lengjiang is so generous. How can I, Lin Wentian, not accept such a great gift?" Looking at the disciples of Tianhuo Peak in front of him, he asked A sneer appeared on the corner of Tian's mouth.

"What do you want to do?"

"Lin Wentian, we are disciples of the Thunder Cloud Sect. If you dare to mess around, let alone Tianhuo Peak, even the entire Thunder Cloud Sect will not let you go."

Seeing him smiling like this, everyone felt shuddering in an instant, their eyes were full of horror, and some even tried to threaten.

After all, they are not only Leng Jiang's lineage, but also inner disciples of Leiyunzong. Once they all fall, they will definitely cause an uproar in the sect.

"A disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect? When you attacked and killed me before, how did you ever think that I, Lin Wentian, was also a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect!" Wentian shouted violently, his eyes flashing fiercely.

As soon as he said that, his figure rushed like a bullet, and a life-killing breath began to flow out of him.

"Destroying Fist!"

"Bang bang bang bang!!" Immediately, the entire void erupted into bloody flowers, and those disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage fell before they could even growl and curse.

In an instant, the entire void was filled with blood mist, blood red.

(End of this chapter)

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