Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 6 Turning Defeat into Victory

Chapter 6 Turning Defeat into Victory (Part [-])
"Lore must die!" Ye Tian spat out these four words.

Wentian listened to this and nodded to him, after that, he whispered a few words in his ear to Uncle Zhou who brought the chasing Fengshen horse, that is, the old housekeeper of Lin's mansion.

Zhou Dan didn't say much after hearing this, and left the Colosseum in the blink of an eye.

"Oh my god! Could it be that this prodigal son really sent people back to get that sun-shooting bow?" Seeing this, others couldn't help blurting out.

"There's a good show to watch this time!" More people had the mentality of watching a play.

Lin Mansion!

"What? Tian'er still wants to shoot the sun bow as a bet?" Even though Mr. Lin has always been steady, he was still shocked when he heard the news.

This sun-shooting bow is the only prefecture-level weapon in the Lin family. It was Mr. Lin who got it by chance. It is a magic bow that cannot be bought with money.

"This kid is really messing around more and more." Master Lin's face suddenly turned livid.

Seeing this, Uncle Zhou had bitter words on his face, but he still said: "The young master asked me to come back and tell the old man that you have to trust him."

Mr. Lin was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that when he left the palace, Wentian had asked him: "Grandpa, do you trust your grandson?"

Thinking of this, complex emotions welled up in his heart.

"Your uncle died on the battlefield ten years ago. Your father is missing and his life and death are uncertain. Your third uncle has disabled legs and lost his fighting spirit. Now you are all grandpa's hope. If grandpa doesn't believe in you, who else can he trust?" Lin The old man sighed in his heart.

"Go!" Mr. Lin waved his hand, and his whole person seemed to become much older all of a sudden.

After Uncle Zhou left, he suddenly raised his head, his gaze was a little wandering, and he murmured: "Tian'er, don't let Grandpa down."

Soon, the shocking gamble between the Lin Mansion and the Fourth Prince's Mansion spread across the entire capital, whether it was an official in the court or those ordinary people, everyone was talking about this betting fight.

Of course, the vast majority of people are not optimistic about the Lin family, after all, the reputation of the lore fighter has already spread throughout the capital.

In Shangguan Mansion.

"What? There is such a thing?" Shangguan Muhua looked shocked.

But soon, he laughed happily: "Good! Good! It's so good, it seems that this Wentian is not only a waste, but also a prodigal."

Zhou Fuzhong.

"Pfft!" Zhou Wentong was sipping tea, and after hearing the servant's report, he couldn't help but spit out wildly.

"Haha! God helped me too!" He laughed endlessly, spreading throughout the Zhou mansion.

In a room of the Zhou Mansion, a young girl sneered when she heard the news: "Waste is waste, and it can never be changed."

When the news spread to the palace, Sheng Shang Ji Zhuoyang sighed: "Wentian is too impulsive this time, I'm afraid he will suffer."

The old lady on the side came, her eyes narrowed, and she said softly: "My lord, do you want this old slave to let someone prepare wine?"

Ji Zhuoyang laughed suddenly: "Okay! I want to drink a few cups."


All the people in the capital set their sights on the Colosseum. To be precise, they should focus on the fight between the Lin Mansion and the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

The owner of the Colosseum even started a gamble, but the odds of the two sides are not the same, the Four Princes' House pays [-] out of [-], while the Lin House pays [-] out of [-].

After the bets of the two parties were confirmed by both parties, the owner of the Colosseum announced the official start of the betting fight.

Some small bets, originally he, as the owner of the Colosseum, would not show up, but now the bet shocked the entire capital, even he couldn't sit still.

"I don't need to say more about the rules, the survivor wins." The owner of the Colosseum said loudly.

The first person to appear on the stage was the king lore of the Colosseum. This person was as strong as a beast, and his exaggerated muscles seemed to be able to smash the ground with just a light swing of his fist.

Of course, all the fighters in the Colosseum have been sealed with energy, and what they can use is only flesh and blood.

"Loud! Lore!"

"I like you lore, give me a punch to destroy that guy." As soon as lore came out, the audience instantly became a sensation.

"I'll bet three hundred silver coins for a lore win!"

"I bet one thousand gold coins and won!" Everyone placed their bets.

"Go away! This young master paid [-] gold coins!" Shangguan Ze was extremely arrogant.


Wentian's expression remained as usual, he whispered to Yetian, "Remember what I said just now!"

Ye Tian didn't say anything, but he nodded, his expression was completely indifferent, like the god of death from hell.

"Father! Come on, help Brother Wentian beat the villains." Ye Xue, who was on the side, said innocently.

"Father is invincible." Ye Feng showed firm eyes.

Ye Tian stroked the heads of the two brothers and sisters with his hands, showing rare tenderness on their faces, and then walked towards the arena.

"Brother Wentian, will my father win?" Ye Xue looked at Wentian with clear eyes.

Wentian showed a reassuring smile: "Don't worry! We will win."

"What? I'm just a slave, and I want to be better than lore. It's simply beyond my control."

"That's right! It seems that this person intends to seek death, but it's a pity that the Lin family has been implicated."

"If you want me to say, it's all the fault of that prodigal son! If you want to blame, you can only blame him himself. He has no eyes."

Watching Ye Tian walk into the fighting stage, some people started talking with disdain.

"Fighting, officially begin!"

A bell rang and the competition began.

"Juetian, kill him." With the sound of a thud, the cheers in the crowd became more intense.

Lore licked his tongue lightly, showing a bloodthirsty expression, and with a bang, the man's feet suddenly exerted force, like a tiger pounced, and rushed towards Ye Tian with a ferocious aura.

Judging by his momentum, this person is worthy of being the trump card of the Colosseum. His ferocious aura is like a trapped beast.

"As long as I kill you, little prince Ji Ming, I promise to take me as a follower, and from then on I can get rid of the shackles on my body." The lore roared, the veins in both fists bulged, and the violent blows burst out like a storm.

bang bang bang! !The sound of punches and kicks seems to be able to knock into the hearts of everyone, making people feel frightened.

Facing the powerful onslaught of Jue Sha, Ye Tian seemed powerless to parry, and could only keep dodging, but despite this, he also received a lot of punches from Jue Sha, and there were many lumps on his face.

"Yes! Fuck him like this until he is killed." The audience yelled frantically.

Lore's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he shouted angrily: "Trash, don't hide if you have the ability, and take a punch from me."

Puffy!Chasing and fleeing on the field, showing a wonderland.

Ji Ming and Shangguan Chong had smug expressions on their faces, as if they could already see victory waving to them.

But Eldest Young Master Qian, with a firm expression on his face, was still yelling on the high platform: "Don't just focus on escaping, get rid of that lore for Fat Master."

"Father, be careful!" Brother and sister Ye Feng and Ye Xue were worried.

Even Uncle Zhou, the guards of the Lin family and others couldn't help sweating profusely on their foreheads, with nervous expressions on their faces.

Only Wentian still looked normal, as if he didn't see Yetian in crisis.

He didn't pay attention to the fighting platform any more, but suddenly raised his footsteps and walked towards the gambling platform.

Seeing this, Eldest Young Master Qian followed suit a little bit.

"Hey! What are those two dandies going to do? Could it be that they saw that they were about to lose, so they wanted to make a bet so as to recover some losses?" Someone else said suspiciously.

"Brother! What do you care about them? The most important thing is to win the lore, but I have lowered my whole worth." The other said.

"Yes! The important thing is to win the lore, the rest has nothing to do with us."

Immediately, the two worked harder to cheer for the lore.

"Ah! Master Wentian, Master Fugui, you really want to." The staff at the gaming table immediately showed flattering smiles when they saw Wentian and the two coming.

"What are the odds now?" Wentian asked calmly.

The staff was stunned for a moment, but they quickly reacted and said, "Lore is 35 to [-], and Ye Tian is [-] to [-]. Do you two young masters want to place a bet?"

Wentian picked up the pen and wrote out the betting slip in one go, then bit his thumb and pressed the bloody fingerprint.

"One hundred thousand gold coins, Ye Tian wins!" The staff raised the betting slip and looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened.

Now anyone who is not a fool will see that Ye Tian will definitely lose, but this young master of the Lin family actually wants to beat Ye Tian to win?
He really couldn't figure it out.

However, just as he was in a daze, Wentian had already left.

"What? In such a situation, the eldest brother still wants to bet one hundred thousand gold coins on Ye Tiansheng. Could there be any changes in this matter?"

Eldest Young Master Qian, after a lot of deep thinking, got no results, and finally he felt ruthless, and said through gritted teeth: "Fatty Master also pressed [-] gold coins, Ye Tian, ​​that guy won."


On the fighting stage, Ye Tian was already covered in bruises, it was a horrible sight, but he still didn't make a sound, and he gritted his teeth and fought stubbornly.

Suddenly, the corner of his eyes swept across the top of the fighting platform, and immediately the cold light in his eyes suddenly shot.

"Die! Remember the one who killed you, I am the lore." The lore rushed towards Ye Tian violently, wanting to launch a final blow to Ye Tian.

Bang!A dead body fell on the stage, causing a burst of dust, but the audience did not shout, but opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Damn lore, this king will cut you into pieces." Until a moment later, a terrifying roar came from Ji Ming's mouth.

The rest of the audience reacted.

"Lore, pay back my money."

"Lore, you trash..." Everyone looked extremely excited.

Because it wasn't Ye Tian who fell, but the lore who had the upper hand just now, a bloody hole in his chest was so glaring.

There were even some people who rushed towards the fighting stage madly, launching crazy revenge on the lore who had lost his breath. In the blink of an eye, the lore's body became limbless, making it unsightly.

"Haha! We won, brother, we won." Young Master Qian was so excited that he opened his voice and kept shouting.

Not only him, but everyone in Lin's mansion looked excited and felt very happy.

On the contrary, it was Ji Ming, Shangguanze and others who had extremely ferocious faces and even shouted: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, you are cheating."

"That's right! You guys are cheating, this gambling fight doesn't count." Shangguan Ze also roared.

"Bastard! Now that we have won, quickly bring the bet." Young Master Qian shouted angrily, and his huge body like a mountain charged forward, holding the bet in his arms.

"Damn fat man, return the things to me." Ji Ming had a grim look on his face, and the energy in his body surged up, aiming at Qian Fugui.

Seeing this, the guards around him shouted loudly: "Protect the little prince."


With a bang, Young Master Qian was kicked flying by Ji Ming, blood still oozing from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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