Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 7 Seven Days of Penance

Chapter 7 Seven Days of Penance
"Come out quickly and beat me to death." Qian Fugui pointed at Ji Ming and yelled angrily.

Whoosh whoosh!Several people suddenly rushed out from the crowd, tightly guarding Qian Fugui, they were the guards of the Qian family.

"Oh my God! I've beaten someone, let's go." Seeing this, some people rushed to escape, fearing that they would be involved. After all, no matter if it was the Fourth Prince's Mansion or the Lin Mansion, they were not something they could offend.

"Ji Ming! How dare you play tricks?" Seeing that the fat man was injured, Wentian's eyes suddenly turned cold.

boom!His divine power surged, and his body shot straight at Ji Ming like a cannonball fired out.

"Trash, since you want to seek death, this king will help you." Seeing Wentian rushing towards him, the corner of Ji Ming's mouth revealed cruelty.

A waste whose meridian has been destroyed, he will not put it in his eyes at all.

Peng!There was a burst of red light on his body, and a scorching force of Yuanli wrapped around him, and the Yuanli condensed on his fist, and he punched the rushing Wentian.

The fist wind roared, and there was an explosion in the air, which showed that the power was not weak.

"Young master, be careful!" the guards of the Lin residence exclaimed.

"In the early days of Lianyuan?" Wentian showed a sneer, and the afterglow flashed on his body, and disappeared in front of Ji Ming.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Ji Ming, with six meridians in his body flickering, and his palm gathered his divine power, and in the blink of an eye, he slapped Ji Ming's back with his palm.


Six thousand catties of physical and divine power is extraordinary. After receiving this palm, Ji Ming's throat was sweetened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Looking at Wentian, his eyes were full of horror.

"Stop everything for the old man!" A shout came out.

boom!A raging flame suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a ten-foot-big fiery snake, hovering in the air, and the frighteningly high temperature made everyone's complexions suddenly change.

"Yuanli Congealing Spirit, is this the Spirit Transformation Realm?" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Uncle Zhou!" Wentian's eyes narrowed.

It was Zhou Bo, the old housekeeper of the Lin Mansion, who suddenly exploded. Wentian did not expect that this seemingly powerless old man turned out to be a strong man in the Spirit Transformation Realm.

This was something he hadn't been able to discover in his previous life.

"Young Lord Ji Ming, I would like to accept the bet and don't force the old man to make a move." Zhou Bo stepped on the fire snake and stood in the air, looking down on Ji Ming and the others with a condescending attitude.

Sensing the powerful coercion in the air, Ji Ming knew that he was defeated, and the defeat was a complete mess. Not only did he lose the precious spiritual fruit, but his reputation was also ruined.

"Let's go!" With great hatred, Ji Ming dropped this sentence and left in despair, because he knew that if he stayed here again, he would only be asking for humiliation.

"Trash! Let's go." Shangguanze gave Wentian and Qian Fugui a hard look.

"Don't leave if you have the ability. I won't beat you to death." Young Master Qian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and roared.

The fiery snakes dispersed in the air, Uncle Zhou landed and said softly: "Young master, to avoid further problems, we'd better go back to the residence first."

Wentian nodded slightly.

"Ye Feng, Ye Xue come over and go home with my brother."


With a "bang", a wooden table was instantly torn apart.

"Trash, it's all trash! You're still talking about the strongest fighter, you're talking about being sure of everything, not to mention the king's treasure after losing, and you're going to smear this king's face afterwards, tell me, what's the use of this lord wanting you, a piece of trash! ?" A middle-aged man in a tiger robe roared.

He is the current Fourth Prince, Ji Zhuoguang.

"Father, please give me a chance, and I will definitely win it back." Ji Ming knelt on the ground, his eyes full of panic.

"Isn't that embarrassing enough? Get out...Get out of here!" The fourth prince shouted angrily, and with a wave of his hand, Ji Ming and several guards were directly thrown out of the door.


"It's all caused by Lin Wentian. If I don't avenge my revenge, my surname will not be Ji." Ji Ming's expression was ferocious, and his eyes showed a vicious light...

At the same time, angry roars could be faintly heard from the Imperial Palace, Shangguan Mansion, and Zhou Mansion...

In contrast, everyone in Lin's family felt a burst of happiness. Unknowingly, they suddenly discovered that the once playful young master seemed to have become a bit more capable.

Of course, in everyone's mind, Wentian is still a dandy, moreover a gambler.

"Brother, you are really good, how did you know that fellow Yetian would win?" On the way, Young Master Qian kept pestering Wentian and asking non-stop.

However, Wentian replied mysteriously: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

Lin House.

Before Wentian and his party came back, Mr. Lin had already learned the result of the battle. After all, this shocking gamble, but many people were paying attention, such as flying pigeons passing letters, etc., had already spread the news to the entire capital.

When Mr. Lin learned of the result of the battle, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. To be honest, he just wanted Wentian to take a gamble as a fluke, but he didn't expect to bet right.

"Grandpa, grandson is back!" As soon as he stepped into the Lin mansion, Wentian saw his grandpa waiting for him.

"Just come back!" Father Lin patted Wentian on the shoulder, and laughed out loud, very heartily.

"So what about a rich man? Even if my grandson is a rich man, he is still a capable man." Mr. Lin thought to himself.

Back at Lin Mansion, Wentian returned the sun-shooting bow to the old man, and told Meng'er to take care of Ye Feng and Ye Xue, and he let Ye Tian go back to his room.

"Do you really have a way to lift the restriction on me?" Ye Tian couldn't wait to ask as soon as he entered the room.

"I do have a solution, but with my current strength, it's not enough to help you solve it." Wentian looked at Yetian cautiously.

"Why should I believe you?" Ye Tian's eyes narrowed, and his voice suddenly became cold.

However, Wentian still looked normal, as if he knew that the other party would say that.

"Just because I can tell at a glance that you are not simple, just because I can easily discover the restrictions on your body, just because I know that the vitality in your body is gradually decreasing."

Following Wentian's sentence after sentence, Yetian's eyes changed, until finally, a turbulent wave arose in his heart.

Who is the other party?Why do you see through the restrictions on yourself at a glance?You must know that the person who put a ban on him is a strong man with a divine essence that surpasses the Vientiane Realm.

Could it be that the young man in front of him is also a strong man in the Divine Origin Realm?
No~ This is absolutely impossible!

"How much time do you need?" After a while, he said slowly, his voice was no longer as indifferent as before.

After a moment of silence, the genius replied: "Two years less, five years more."

"Okay!" Ye Tian agreed, five years is not too long for him, he can wait.

After Yetian left, he asked Tianmu's brilliant eyes: "It seems that a strong man in the Shenyuan realm can make a move in person. It seems that this person's previous strength must be no small matter. If he can really subdue him, the future Maybe it's a hole card of my Lin family."

At the same time, he began to feel that the world was shrouded in a fog.

In his previous life, he thought that he was the only one in the Divine Origin Realm, but now it seems that this is not the case. There are still many secrets hidden in this world that he does not know.

"Strength! After all, my strength is too weak." He couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Immediately, he looked at the Frost Snow Lotus and the Flame Fruit with scorching eyes...

In Mr. Lin's room.

"Old Master, this old man has discovered that Young Master's strength is no less than that of the early Yuan Lian." Uncle Zhou's eyes flashed strangely, and when he said this, he also felt a burst of disbelief in his heart.

At the beginning, Mr. Lin just let out an oh, but at the next moment, his eyes widened suddenly, his expression was extremely shocked, and he said excitedly, "Are you sure?"

"Whether the young master has reached the cultivation realm, I'm not sure, but in the Colosseum, he once wounded the young prince Ji Ming with a single palm. This is what I saw with my own eyes." Uncle Zhou said solemnly. Come.

"Haha! It's true that my Lin family never dies." Mr. Lin laughed wildly.

After a while, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he said in a deep voice: "This matter cannot be announced to the outside world for the time being. Since Wentian didn't mention it, we will pretend that we don't know about it. In this way, those who are interested may be paralyzed."

"Understood, this old man will deal with it now to prevent anyone from leaking out." Zhou Bodan said.

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, seven days have passed since that gamble.

During these seven days, outsiders were still discussing about the gambling, and some people even exaggerated, telling the story of the game in a hype, which attracted some people who couldn't watch the game in person, let out bursts of sighs.

However, during this period of time, Wentian stayed behind closed doors and fell into penance again.

Ever since Mr. Lin learned that Wentian possesses the strength of Lianyuan, he has been vaguely guessing about Wentian's recent anomalies, so he ordered that no one should approach Wentian's room, and sent a number of guards to guard it.

In the room, Wentian soaked his body in the medicine barrel, and strands of cold air came out of the medicine barrel, filling the whole room with a white mist, as if it had become a land of ice and snow.

The cold air surged up, and the temperature in the room dropped rapidly. Even the tea water on the tea set turned into ice. Come on, the power of such terrifying ice was transformed by the snow lotus plant.

Wentian's hair was covered with layers of frost, making him look like an ancient man who had been frozen for thousands of years. If it wasn't for his nostrils, he could still see the breathing, or Thought he was an ice corpse.

At this time, in Wentian's body, there are seven meridians glowing with golden light. These seven meridians are Long, Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, and Li. An ancient and mysterious ancient character appeared, and it looked like a strange pattern.

Suddenly, Wen Tian, ​​who seemed to have been asleep for thousands of years, opened his eyes wide, a cold light flashed across his pupils, click!Click!The ice layer on his body split apart in an instant, revealing Wentian's perfect body.

"The 500-year-old ice lotus is really extraordinary. If I hadn't been eager to break through, I would really be reluctant to waste it like this." Wentian murmured.

If this ice snow lotus is used for alchemy, it will definitely be able to refine a mysterious elixir, but only absorbing a small part, he will condense the seventh vein, Limai.

"it's time."

Wentian picked up a crimson fruit, his eyes showed firmness, and then he swallowed it decisively. This is the flame fruit.

The flame fruit melts in the mouth, turns into a red gas, and travels in his body. At the same time, a burning pain emanates from his body, as if his internal organs are being melted, making Wentian's face suddenly hideous .

"Ah..." The burning pain made him cry out, his eyes terrified.

"Ice and fire mutually generate and restrain each other, enter my body, become my strength, gen pulses condense, and pulses open!" Wentian looked crazy and roared suddenly. (recommended)
(End of this chapter)

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