Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 605 Amazing Treasure

Chapter 605 Amazing Treasure (Part [-])
Looking at this grand, magnificent and ancient hall exuding an ancient atmosphere, the haze in Wentian's heart gradually dissipated.

"Even if Huang Tian's strength reaches the realm, so what? As long as I, Lin Wentian, can turn nine into a god, one day I will step into the realm and become a great power. At that time, I will slaughter you Huang Tian."

His will regained his firmness again, his eyes flickered fiercely, and he spoke aloud.

The strange thing is, I don't know if the ancient temple in front of me has sensed his will to slaughter the sky, and suddenly there is a bang, and the stone door opens automatically.

Suddenly, an incomparably vicissitudes of life rushed over.

"Huh?" Immediately afterwards, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he let out a small sound of surprise.

Not only because the stone door opened by itself, but also because at this moment, he suddenly found that he could swallow the aura of this world, just like the current him, he has been recognized by this world.

Consciousness!He even recovered his consciousness.

In an instant, he was ecstatic.

Immediately, his hands formed seals quickly, runes appeared on his body, and golden light shot up into the sky. A powerful devouring force crazily devoured the spiritual energy in the world with a domineering momentum.

"Hum!" A golden vortex appeared above his head, and the aura of heaven and earth from all directions converged towards him at an astonishing speed.

In just the blink of an eye, all the energy consumed in his body before was recovered.

Not only that, after devouring the aura with ancient breath, his stagnant cultivation actually increased again.

For him, this is definitely more exciting than getting a real artifact and a heavenly skill.

After all, his current cultivation base has already reached the peak of rank eight, and every slight increase now will play a vital role in his impact on rank nine in the near future.

After a long time, the golden light all over his body subsided, and then slowly opened his eyes, looking at the celestial tomb not far away, his eyes became thoughtful.

He suddenly arched his hands, bowed deeply to the bloody tombstone, and then his figure flashed, and his whole body turned into a golden light and rushed into the hall.

Not only did his consciousness recover, even his flying ability was unsealed. He was as light as a swallow, and the huge pressure on his body before had disappeared without a trace.

He has a faint feeling that he seems to have become a part of this world, and he is no longer rejected like before.

There seemed to be many floors in this hall, but when Wentian rushed into the hall, what appeared in front of him was an extremely wide hall.

Compared with his imperial palace, this hall is immeasurably more magnificent. Every ounce of air, every piece of stone brick exudes the unique atmosphere of ancient times.

"That's it?" Suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he became extremely excited.

He saw clusters of light floating in front of him, and these clusters of light were the secret books.

That's right!It's the cheat book!There are not only exercises, but also techniques, supernatural powers, treasure techniques and so on.

He glanced at it, and there were a hundred copies.

"Hiss..." Seeing this, even with his heart, he couldn't help but gasp.

"Heavenly level... and it's still at the peak of the heavenly level." Looking at these cheats, he shouted crazily in his heart.

With an ecstatic look on his face, he waved his hand suddenly, and immediately, the hundred secret books flew towards him, and he received them into the ancient ring in the blink of an eye.

This is definitely a great harvest, and he feels that this trip is not in vain with just these hundred cheat books.

"With these cheats and the tower that suppresses the sky and the earth, my ancient country can rise in a short period of time." He was beaming with joy, and a bold idea appeared in his mind.

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared from the original place and began to search this ancient temple.

This ancient hall is huge, it seems to be bigger than the whole ancient country, he doesn't think that there is only such a large hall in such a large ancient hall.

"A celestial device?" he called out aloud.

Because when he broke into another lobby, it wasn't cheats that appeared in front of him, but weapons with astonishing auras.

This is the most powerful heaven-level artifact under the true artifact.

With the excitement in his heart, he collected it directly without saying a word, and immediately his eyes flashed, and the energy in his body surged rapidly.

The next moment, one, two... a hundred... a thousand...

In the blink of an eye, the avatar of Wan Dao Shuiyuan shuttled through the huge ancient temple, and started an astonishing treasure hunt.

"What? Is that a real artifact?"

"God-level technique? The precious technique of a pure-blooded beast?" One after another exclamation came from the mouths of his many avatars.

Because as we went deeper into this ancient temple, what appeared in those halls were no longer heaven-level exercises and heaven-level artifacts, but god-level gods that surpassed the Xuanhuang level of heaven and earth.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't believe it, and was dumbfounded.

Because these true artifacts and god-level exercises are not one by one, but a pile, and there are dozens of them at least.

"All these are mine, Lin Wentian!" He let out a long roar, his voice filled with incomparable excitement, and the greed in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Not to mention him, even those strong in the ancient realm and realm would definitely not be able to maintain their composure when they saw these treasures.

After all, only these true artifacts and god-level cheats may be able to match the background of those first-class forces in the human race today.

In other words, as long as he is given time, he can make the ancient country grow into a first-class force, an existence that can stand shoulder to shoulder with such first-class forces as the Fang family and the Qian family.

It is conceivable that he was so excited.

"Give it to me!" He shouted excitedly, his hands burst into light, wanting to take away the treasures in front of him.

However, his expression changed suddenly in the next moment, because the treasure suspended in front of him was completely motionless.

"How could this be?"

"Give it to me!" There was a flash of unwillingness in his eyes, and he shouted again.

It's just that those treasures are still as immovable as a mountain. Seeing the treasures are close in front of him, but unable to take them, this almost makes him fall into madness.

"Damn, how could this be?"

"No... I don't believe it, these are all mine."

After many shots to no avail, his complexion was extremely livid, and he roared unwillingly.

Let alone him, anyone would be as crazy as him.

After all, these are not ordinary things, but real artifacts and god-level exercises.

For a moment, the entire ancient hall was filled with his roars and roars full of unwillingness.


Looking at those real artifacts and the barriers on the god-level exercises, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, with a furious expression on his face, he clenched his fist and struck violently.

"Boom boom boom!" In an instant, the hall was full of loud noises like thunder, and even the whole hall was shaken because of it.

The purple awn in his hand was shining brightly in his body, and the broken star was even lifted high by him, blending with the three-point maddening sword intent, and slashed fiercely.

A sword was slashed out, and immediately, a huge sword light rushed out, the hall was full of sword energy, and purple awns towered into the sky.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise in the hall.

"What?" But at this moment, his expression changed suddenly, and he was extremely shocked.

"Om!" A strange black hole suddenly appeared above his head, swallowing it instantly, and he disappeared from the hall in the blink of an eye, as if he had never been here before.

(End of this chapter)

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