Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 606 Ancient Battlefield

Chapter 606 The Ancient Battlefield (Third Watch)

"Om!" In the void, a black hole suddenly appeared, followed by a pop, a figure rushed out of it, and fell to the ground with a burst of dust.

"Cough cough!" From the big pit in the ground, there were soft coughing sounds, and Wen Tian here was covered in dust, looking a bit embarrassed.

However, the next moment, his roar full of unwillingness and anger sounded.

"Damn it, I can almost get those real artifacts and get those god-level exercises."

"No! I want to go back! Those treasures belong to me, Lin Wentian."

The depths of his pupils were full of unwillingness, even his eyes were blood red.

This feeling of seeing the treasure in front of him but not being able to get it made him crazy.

It's not that he is unsteady in his will, but that those treasures are really amazing, and they are the background that can rival the first-class power of the human race.

As long as he has those real artifacts and god-level exercises, and give him time, one day in the future, he will lead the entire ancient country, kill the sea of ​​clouds, and dare to challenge those great forces.

But now all of this has turned into a phantom, and his heart is full of boundless unwillingness.

After a long time, the sky and the earth returned to calm, and when his roar disappeared, he was stunned and dumbfounded.

"here is……?"

When he looked at the scene in front of him, he was as dumb as a bolt from the blue.

Because he found himself here, unexpectedly came to a dilapidated land out of nowhere.

No, it is more appropriate to say it is a broken battlefield.

I saw this broken land, seemingly boundless, full of wreckage that had been dead for thousands of years, not only that, but also countless broken magic weapons.

With his current eyesight, he can tell at a glance that these weapons are definitely earth-level or sky-level weapons when they are in good condition, and there are many fragments of real artifacts.

"Hiss..." His heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but gasp.

"Could it be that the metal fragments, remnants, animal bones, etc. that appeared in the river at the back of the valley in the valley were swept out from this battlefield?"

Thinking about it in his heart, his heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, his consciousness was fully dissipated, and he looked at nothingness.

Soon, he saw his eyes shrink, because he finally discovered the abnormality.

I saw the nothingness of this dilapidated battlefield, and every time there was a distance, a strange void would appear.

Looking at these empty holes, his eyes were thoughtful, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"What kind of battle is this? It's so fierce. Is this a battle of change? Or is it related to the two races of monsters?"

Immediately afterwards, his eyes flashed, and he began to explore this ancient battlefield.

"What? That's a dragon skeleton?" Suddenly, he called out aloud, his expression full of disbelief, because a huge dragon bone appeared in front of him.

"How is it possible? Even the Dragon Clan has fallen?" A storm arose in his heart.

However, it wasn't these things that shocked him, and soon he lost consciousness as if being bombarded by a divine thunder.

"The wreckage of King Kong Giant Ape?"

"No... this is Xiaoling's ancestor, a fierce beast that dominates the ape clan with power, Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape."

His eyes were horrified, looking at the scene in front of him, there was a buzzing in his head.

First it was the dragon skeleton, and now it is Xiaoling's ancestor, Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape. He felt that this was a dream, so unbelievable.

"Huh? This beast skeleton still contains amazing monster power." He was short of breath, and his eyes became even more blazing.

"If the keel, which is immortal for thousands of years, is used to make weapons, it will definitely be able to make real artifacts, even ancient treasures above real artifacts." Thinking of this, his expression became more and more frenzied.

According to his estimation, the strength of the keel bone and ape bone in front of him is definitely above the ancient realm, and even reached the realm.

His eyes were shining brightly, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly sacrificed the Heaven Suppressing Tower, and put away the keel and the bones of the Vigorous King Kong Violent Ape.

"Xiao Ling is the descendant of Vigorous King Kong Violent Ape, and now its bloodline is reverting to its ancestors. If it refines this ape skeleton and absorbs the demon marrow in its bones, maybe it can completely transform and evolve from King Kong Giant Ape in one fell swoop. For Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape."

Thinking of this, he was ecstatic, and his heart beat violently.

"Everything here belongs to me, Lin Wentian." He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his voice rolling out.

That's it, he started to search this ancient battlefield, and he collected everything of any value, even some waste items.

The artifact needs to be discarded, but if it is smelted, it is also the material of a true artifact, and its value is astonishing, how could he let it go.

As he went deeper, he discovered demons and demons, and even the remains of ghosts.

Even if they have been together for thousands of years, the ground here is still blood-colored, and the killing intent and evil spirit seem to never be able to dissipate.

"I don't know which side won this war in the end?" He couldn't help but have such a question in his mind.

But this is an unsolvable answer, destined to be a mystery.

Suddenly his eyes widened, as if he had noticed something, and then his figure flashed, appearing in a huge pit.

In the center of this huge pit, a pair of wreckage was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with strange imprints formed on its hands.

This is a human race, and from the shabby clothes on his body, it can be seen at a glance that the other party is definitely an ancient person.

"How is it possible?" He suddenly yelled, his eyes full of disbelief.

Because the handprints of this human ancestor made him feel unfathomably familiar, and they were [-]% similar to his big handprints of the collapse of the earth and the big handprints of breaking the sky.

No, the handprints made by this person are dozens of times more complicated.

Although the other party only held one seal, he could vaguely see the traces of the seal formed by the other party.

This combined imprint is like a field.

"Could it be that such a huge pit appeared in this earth just because of this senior's seal?" Thinking of this, his eyes widened, and a storm arose in his heart.

"Then what is his technique?" His mind was moved, and he looked around quickly.

"No?" He frowned, because he didn't find any traces of the moves.


However, at the next moment, there was a shock in his mind, and he quickly raised his head, looking at the distant nothingness.

Suddenly, his eyes contracted rapidly, and immediately his left eye turned blue, and his right eye turned red. Under the yin and yang pupils, his eyes seemed to be able to see through the sky and see the distant starry sky.

"Picking the stars by hand?"

His expression suddenly changed, his heart beat wildly, and he felt his throat dry.

"Could it be that this is the original move of the Bengdi Mahamudra and the Shattering Kong Mahamudra." His mind buzzed.

For a long time, he knew that the big handprints of the collapse of the earth and the big handprints of the broken space were incomplete, but he did not expect that the real supernatural power in the palm was created by the fallen human senior in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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