Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 611 A Strong Enemy Comes

Chapter 611 A Strong Enemy Comes (Part [-])

Time passed, and the period of seven days had come.

In the Golden Dragon Hall of the ancient country, all the officials and ministers were worried, and their expressions were full of uneasiness.

"Emperor Lin can't, this Lie Yujie obviously came prepared, Emperor Lin can't take this risk."

"That's right! In my opinion, the whole army should be dispatched to meet and rescue General Lei." Many people said one after another.

Mr. Meng, the head of civil servants, shook his head slightly and sighed: "Hey! If the ancient emperor is here..."

"You don't need to say much, the emperor has made up his mind, this is the grievance between me and him." Lin Yefeng stood up suddenly, with firm eyes.

"Emperor Lin..." Everyone hesitated to speak.

"General Ye Tian, ​​the ancient country will be handed over to you, and you must hold on until the ancient emperor returns." Lin Yefeng said again.

At the same time, in the void of the ancient city, a middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, and in an instant, a powerful aura rose from him.

He was Ye Tian who had broken through to the realm of true oneness. He didn't say anything, but nodded cautiously at the hall below.

Immediately, Lin Yefeng in the Golden Dragon Hall transformed into a gust of wind and rushed out of the hall in an instant.

Not long after he left, the void in the ancient city suddenly distorted, and powerful auras appeared one after another. Perceiving these auras, the expressions of people in the entire ancient country changed suddenly.

"Let that Lin Wentian come out, or our Fang family will let the entire ancient country be buried with us today." The leader is an old man.

"Tianyunhai Fang's family?" Yetian's face darkened instantly.

"Our ancient emperor is not here, otherwise, how can we allow you to be so rampant." Someone shouted loudly.

Although the auras of those strong men above are astonishing, there are still people in the ancient country who are not afraid, not to mention that their ancient emperor is indeed not there now.

"Stubborn, since that's the case, there's no need for you to live." The old man of the Fang family sneered, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Kill!" Ye Tian saw this, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he was the first to kill.

Because he used to be a member of Tian Yunhai, he knew the style of these forces, since the other party came prepared, he would never plan to let them go.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" Immediately, thousands of strong men in the divine realm rushed out in anger.

"Hmph... Although I don't know why there are thousands more gods in your ancient country, but in front of us and other true gods, you are still ants."

"Kill them all! Let Lin Wentian become the emperor without people!"

Boom boom boom!Immediately, the faces of the Fang family members were ferocious, especially those true gods. With a wave of their hands, they attacked monstrously, causing the entire ancient city to sink into landslides.

This is absolute strength.

"Set up the formation!" Ye Tian roared, and his hands quickly formed complicated handprints.

"Five Elements Killing Formation!" At the same time, the thousand gods roared crazily, and the magic seal in their hands was mysterious and mysterious.

Immediately, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, five attribute formations appeared one after another.

This is the Five Elements Killing Formation used by the Xuanyuan family.

When Wentian was in the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda, he forcibly seized the memories of those Xuanyuan family disciples and obtained the Five Elements Killing Formation.

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

The power of the Five Elements Killing Formation is astonishing, the five elements generate and restrain each other, and the attacks it unleashes are many times more powerful.

In an instant, the entire nothingness darkened, and there were bursts of huge booms.

"This is the Xuanyuan family's Five Elements Killing Formation, how is this possible?" The appearance of the Five Elements Killing Formation immediately shocked the Fang family, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

You must know that this is not an ordinary formation, even if you have the method of its cultivation, but without a long period of comprehension, it cannot be cultivated at all.

But these people in front of them have not only completed their cultivation, but are also extremely proficient, which is so inconceivable.

But what they don't know is that the people of the ancient country have practiced for a long time in Wentian's Heaven Suppressing Tower.

For a while, under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​the people of the ancient country fought fiercely with the people of the Fang family.


On the other side, Huang Sen.

"Are you here?" Lie Yujie sneered.

After the words fell, there was a bang, a gust of wind swept up, and the storm subsided, revealing a thin but erect man with eyebrows as firm as a sword.

It was Lin Yefeng, the third uncle Lin Yefeng who stood side by side with the word of the ancient country and asked the sky.

"The grievances between you and me have nothing to do with other people. Since I'm here, let my subordinates go." Lin Yefeng said with a cold expression.

For the person in front of him, he could be said to hate the person in front of him, and he couldn't help clenching his hands into fists vigorously. However, he had to forcefully suppress his anger, because General Lei was still in the opponent's hands.

Lie Yujie teased, "I can let you go if you want, but we have to see if you still have the ability."

"Bastard!" Lin Yefeng was furious when he heard this.

"You won the first battle back then, but today I want to see how you can beat me." Lie Yujie suddenly laughed wildly.

With a bang, when he waved his hand, the power of his cultivation rushed out even more.

"Bang!" Not only that, but the void above his head split open, and a huge empty hole appeared.

This is the only hole unique to the Realm of Reality.

"Golden dragon, colorful dragon, please help me." Sensing the other party's powerful aura, Lin Yefeng's face darkened, but he had no fear in his heart, and yelled up to the sky.

"Hoho!!" As soon as his roar fell, two majestic dragon roars suddenly burst out in the void of the ancient country, and suddenly, Ye Tian and others who were fighting fiercely changed their colors instantly.

At the same time, two beams of light, one gold and one color, rushed into the deserted forest, followed by Lin Yefeng's aura, and began to explode violently.

Boom boom boom! !The entire deserted forest exploded with a loud noise.

After more than ten years, the two Tianjiao of the same generation in the Tianyuan Continent finally fought together again, but this time it was not a group battle, but a private battle.

No one interfered with this battle, not even those disciples of Lie Yangzong.


ancient country.

"Damn it, how can these guys kill the five elements."

Although Fang's family came fiercely, and there were not a few true gods among them, they were trapped in the Five Elements Killing Array, and they were a little helpless for a while.

However, despite this, the people in the ancient country still did not show joy, but their faces became more and more gloomy.

Although they temporarily trapped these people in front of them with the power of the formation, they found that killing each other was not as simple as imagined.

It's not that the Five Elements Killing Formation is not strong, but that their cultivation is still far behind those of the powerful Fang family of Tian Yunhai.

"Hmph... this is the strength of your Fang family? Do you still want to become a big power, and stand shoulder to shoulder with us and the other seven clans and five clans?" Suddenly, a cold snort sounded from nothing.

As soon as the voice came out, Ye Tian and the others changed their expressions instantly, even the members of the Fang family's eyes became gloomy.

"Hum!" The void twisted for a while, and hundreds of figures were seen stepping out of nothingness with cold and arrogant expressions.

When Ye Tian saw the clothes on these people, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he said in an extremely gloomy voice: "One of the five great families in Tianyunhai, the Guangming family."

(End of this chapter)

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