Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 612 Fighting!

Chapter 612 Fighting!
That's right!The hundreds of figures that appeared were all members of the Guangming family.

"The ancient country will perish today, and no one can save you. If you want to blame it, you can blame Lin Wentian for not knowing what to do, and daring to offend our Guangming family." A middle-aged man sat cross-legged in the void, and said coldly.

"Kill, kill!" Immediately, the disciples of the Guangming family, with wild smiles and radiance all over their bodies, killed everyone in the ancient country.

Puff puff! !For a moment, the blood of the gods stained the void, and everyone in the ancient country began to be slaughtered, and the void was enveloped by the strong smell of blood.

"Great opportunity! Let's attack together and break through the five-element killing formation." At the same time, the old man of the Fang family also shouted loudly.

"Kuang, kuang, kuang!" After the words fell, the caves were sacrificed one by one, and the five-element killing array that Ye Tian and others set up shook rapidly.

"Not good!" Everyone in the ancient country suddenly changed their expressions and exclaimed.

"Bang!" Then there was a shocking rumbling sound, and many experts in the ancient kingdom's god realm were blown away one after another.

"The mere trash from the lower realm dares to oppose our Fang family. They simply seek death and kill them all." The face of the old man of the Fang family was as ferocious as a beast, and his eyes were full of cruelty.

Boom!His only cave, the powerful power of the true god, made everyone in the ancient country cough up blood.

"Bang bang bang!" In an instant, the god-level powerhouses of the ancient country were injured one after another, coughing up blood.

"My God! Is my ancient country really going to perish today?"

"Where is the ancient emperor?"

Seeing this scene, some commoners of the ancient country looked terrified and turned pale.

"Persist, everyone, don't give up!" General Zhao was already flushed with blood, but he was still unyielding and roared loudly.

"Jie Jie, today is the day when your ancient country will perish." A true god expert from the Fang family sneered.

However, as soon as he said this, ripples appeared in the void, and then there was a burst of dissatisfied cries.

"Yi, Yi, Yi!"

"Kang!" The void trembled suddenly, and a circle of thousands of feet suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Roar!" A roar full of anger suddenly sounded from the circle of thousands of feet.

The next moment, the void roared violently, and a huge monster stepped out from a circle of thousands of feet with violent aura.

This is the circle of breaking the void!

"That's it?" Everyone in the ancient country looked overjoyed as soon as the huge monster came out.

Because this is a giant ape.


This giant beast is even a small spirit who is a King Kong giant ape.

However, the demonic aura on it here is soaring to the sky, and its aura is more than ten times stronger than before.

Especially the hair on its body, many of which have turned into blond hair, making it look domineering and majestic.

God Realm, here it is no longer a monster of all phenomena, but a monster that has reached the God Realm.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" Following Xiaoling's appearance, a small ball with intersecting golden and white hairs and a body as big as a leather ball also appeared.

I saw it moving its hands continuously, and its expression looked very arrogant.


With his yelling and barking his teeth and claws, a shocking scene appeared.

One, two, three... a total of thirty monsters with violent aura and fierce expressions came out of the empty circle one after another.

monster!These are all monsters in the divine realm, and they are not in the early stages of the divine realm.

Among them are two ancient relics.

A one-horned thunder wolf and a tyrannosaur.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened, filled with unimaginability.

"My God! What's going on here? Could it be that even monsters have come to attack my ancient country?"

"No...Look, those monsters don't seem to be hostile to us, they are following the command of a beast egg." Someone suddenly called out.

With a sound of "哧", in the shocking eyes of everyone, a ray of colored light rushed out, and when the ray of light converged, a five-color beast egg was revealed.

Looking at this five-color beast egg, Ye Tian and the others seemed to think of something, their expressions were ecstatic for a moment, and their fighting spirit became excited again.

"Get out!" After breaking through to the divine realm, Xiao Ling's figure became even larger, his aura was astonishing, and his roar rushed out like thunder.

Immediately, I saw it swung its huge fist, its body was shining in gold, and struck out a gifted supernatural power Vajra Fist.

"Boom!" With a punch, if there is a tendency to destroy the world, even the caves of those true gods will shake violently.

In an instant, the expressions of those true gods changed drastically, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? A mere ancient relic can shake our cave."

"What? The blood of this vajra giant ape is actually evolving towards a fierce beast, a powerful vajra ape?"

Soon some people exclaimed, because they found that the changes in Xiao Ling's body, especially the golden hair on his body, were particularly conspicuous.

"Bad guy, these people are all bad guys, hit me!" There was a burst of childish anger from the five-color beast egg.

"Roar! Tear them apart." Following its sound, the one-horned thunder wolf and the geotyrannosaurus roared.

Everyone in the ancient country was dumbfounded by this, and a turbulent sea was set off in their hearts.

You know, these are two ancient remnants, but now they are under the orders of an unborn egg, which is so incredible.

Not to mention the one-horned thunder wolf, just this tyrannosaur is enough to shock people, because although it is not a real dragon, it is still a kind of dragon, much stronger than ordinary monsters.

Although the cultivation base of it and the one-horned thunder wolf has not yet broken through to the true demon realm, but feeling the demonic power of the two, even those who are true gods can't help but feel their hearts jump.

This is the prestige of the ancient relics.

Except for those human arrogances with eight-star talents, the cultivation of ordinary human races simply cannot match them.

Boom boom boom! !Following the attack of these two ancient remnants, other monsters also shouted angrily and launched berserk attacks, causing the void to burst in an instant.

"Damn, how could this be?"

"As a human race, you are fighting with the monster race. You deserve death." The members of the Fang family and the Guangming family yelled sharply, with a dignified look on their faces.

"Bastard! The Monster Empire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect are the ones who work with the monsters. They are the traitors of the human race, and they deserve death." Everyone in the ancient country was furious and retorted one after another.

"Presumptuous! Ants from the lower realm dare to provoke my Myriad Beast Sect. They are simply seeking their own death."

"My Myriad Beast Sect is one of the great forces of the human race. We say that you are the traitors of the human race, and you are the traitors of the human race." All of a sudden, loud roars burst out from the void.

As soon as the roar came out, the expressions of Ye Tian, ​​General Lei and others changed drastically again.

"Kuuuuuuuuu!" The void was distorted for a while, and a void condensed out, and then a number of figures with divine light flew out.


Not only that, but there were hundreds or nearly a thousand monsters roaring violently, and an army of monsters in the divine realm rushed out from the hole in the void, with amazing auras and fierce expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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