Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 613 Fatty Arrives

Chapter 613 Fatty Arrives
"Hiss..." Seeing these powerful men in the divine realm and the army of monster beasts, the people of the ancient country who had just breathed a sigh of relief because of the appearance of the beasts such as Xiaoqiu suddenly raised their hearts again.

"Myriad Beast Sect, this is a disciple of Myriad Beast Sect." Someone shouted in shock, their frightened eyes tearing apart.

"Haha! The Fang family, one of the five great families, the Guangming family, one of the five great families, and the Ten Thousand Beasts sect, one of the seven sects, let's see how you are still struggling this time." It's all banter.

"Kill kill kill!!"

Boom boom boom!The roar was earth-shattering, and the entire ancient country was shaken violently, and the land began to crack.

Despite the support of monsters such as Xiaoqiu and Xiaoling, facing the siege of the three major forces, Yetian and others are still at a disadvantage, and people continue to fall.

The group of rising cultivators in the Lin Mansion saw their brothers and sisters being killed one after another, their hearts were full of hatred, and their eyes were bloodshot with terror.

"Kill, kill!!" They roared madly, as if they had turned into ferocious beasts, and fought desperately towards their opponents.

"Things like ants are also trying to shake the elephant. They just don't know how to live or die." The old man of the Fang family sneered, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly pointed his finger.

"Pfft!" The finger strike was sharp, piercing through a person's chest in an instant.

"No..." Everyone shouted heartbreakingly.

When countless civilians saw this scene, they immediately gritted their teeth. They hated themselves for being incompetent, for being too weak to go into battle and kill the enemy.

"Haha! It's such a good show, how can I miss my Lie Yangzong." Suddenly, a laugh sounded in the void.

Immediately, the disciples of the Lie Yang Sect headed by Na Lie Yujie's younger brother showed up one after another, especially the few true gods with amazing auras.

"That is……?"

"Bastard! Let go of General Lei!"

Everyone in the ancient country was murderous and roared like thunder, especially General Zhao who turned into a Changhong and killed with incomparable anger.

General Lei, whose whole body was covered in blood, half of his godly body was bloody and bloody, was already on the verge of death, and was held in the hands of a young man.

This young man is Lie Yujie's younger brother.

Unexpectedly, General Lei was not in the hands of his brother, but was brought to the ancient country by him. It seemed that Lie Yujie had no intention of letting General Zhao go.

"Since you want him, I'll give it to you." Seeing General Zhao coming to kill him, Lie Yujie's disciple formed a smirk.

After saying that, he swung his hand vigorously, and General Lei was thrown out like a corpse.

"Hey!" However, at this moment, a light flashed in his hand, and a spear appeared with divine light, and it was at this moment that he threw it fiercely.

"Looking for death!" Sensing the other party's intentions, General Zhao jumped into a rage at that moment, and the speed of his attack was several minutes faster.

It's just that he still took a step slower.

Seeing that the spear was about to completely penetrate General Lei's head, all the people from the ancient country who saw this scene felt as if their hearts were being twisted and their lungs were torn apart.

On the contrary, the disciples of Lie Yangzong laughed wildly.

"Hmph... you Lieyang Sect seek death!" At this critical moment, a cold snort full of murderous intent suddenly came from above nothingness.

Immediately, a divine light descended from the sky, followed by a burst of emerald green flames, which turned into a flaming arrow and shot out rapidly, aiming directly at the long spear that was aimed at General Lei.

"Bang!" The void exploded.

"What? The emerald green flame, that is the original beast fire of the ancient blood spider."

"Is it him?"

The occurrence of the mutation shocked the audience in an instant, and some people even exclaimed.

Immediately, the eyes of Fang Family, Guangming Family, Lie Yang Sect, and Wan Beast Sect shrank, and a name appeared in their minds.

"Gu Yunyu of Thunder Cloud Sect Tianhuo Peak!"

"Gu Yunyu, you are so courageous, a mere person dares to fight against us." Immediately, these powerful people shouted coldly.

That's right!The person who rescued General Lei was none other than Gu Yunyu, an inner disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect's Tianhuo Peak and Guy Yun's lineage.

"Who said I was the only one? Today, I, Guyun, and the ancient country are advancing and retreating together." Gu Yunyu's eyes were cold, and his whole body was wrapped in emerald green flames.

Not only does he have a strange flame, but he is also a true god and a proud son of heaven who has comprehended supernatural powers. As long as nothing happens, he will become an elite disciple of Thunder Cloud Sect in the future.

"Om!" Following his words, the void split open, and figures rushed out of it.

Although most of these people's cultivation was in the Divine Origin Realm, they were full of murderous aura, and their eyes were full of fierceness.

They are the disciples of Guyun's lineage.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" Under Gu Yunyu's waving, they roared crazily, rushing to kill like a rainbow, and in the blink of an eye, they fought with the Fang family, Wanshouzong and other disciples.

"Gu Yunyu, the Tianjiao of Leiyunzong's inner sect, I want to see what you are capable of." Two true gods among the Lieyangzong said coldly.

After the words fell, their hands frantically formed seals, and with a bang, a blazing sun rose from each of their hands.

This is the power of one yang in the Nine Suns Divine Art, but compared with Lie Yujie's younger brother, what it displays is much larger, and its aura is even more amazing.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, Gu Yunyu fought with the other two with the strength of one person.

In terms of personal strength, these two are far from Gu Yunyu's opponents, but the disciples of the Lieyang Sect practice the same method, and when they face the enemy together, they can burst out with strength beyond the past.

It is also for this reason that although the Fierce Yang Sect ranks at the bottom of the Seven Sects, no one has ever dared to underestimate it.

"Set up the formation!" Suddenly, many figures poured out from all directions again. As soon as these people came out, their hands quickly formed seals, and large pieces of runes poured out.

"Five elements killing array!" These people shouted in unison.

"Kang kuang!!" Immediately, formations gradually formed.

"What? Five Elements Killing Formation! This is a member of the Xuanyuan family, one of the five great families." The appearance of these people instantly made everyone in the ancient country pale.

They never expected that even the backing of the Fengyun Empire, the Xuanyuan family would once again send people to besiege and kill the ancient kingdom, and there were also true gods and strongmen.

"Is it true that the heavens are going to destroy my ancient country?"

"Where are you, Ancient Emperor? Please come back quickly and save your people."

The mortals of the ancient country knelt and kowtowed, even though their heads were bleeding and the ground was stained with blood, they still didn't stop, because their hearts were almost completely desperate.

"Die to the fat man!" However, at this moment, a shout of fury came from a distance.

Boom!Boom!Immediately after the entire void trembled, an arm that seemed to be an ancient giant came fiercely with a domineering momentum.

In the blink of an eye, some of the disciples of the Xuanyuan family were enveloped.


"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as the word "dead" came out, the giant hand pinched it even harder.

In an instant, blood flew violently, staining the void red.

"Hiss..." Such an astonishing scene immediately shocked the audience.

"What? How is that possible?"

"He... turned out to be him..." People from countless ancient countries looked at the owner of this giant arm with their eyes wide open, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

This is a fat man, his body is like a ball, his fat face almost covers his eyes, making him look as small as a needle.

Here, his expression was full of fury, and his body trembled, causing Fang Tian to shake violently.

And behind him, figures rushed towards him one after another, there were no less than a thousand people, and those with the lowest cultivation had reached the peak of Shenyuan.

If Wentian was here, he would be absolutely shocked, because the fat man in front of him is his good brother, Young Master Qian, Qian Fugui.

(End of this chapter)

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