Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 619 Thunder Dragon vs Wukong

Chapter 619 Thunder Dragon vs Wukong
boom!There was a sky-shattering loud noise in the void of the entire ancient country. Not to mention people from the ancient country, even people from the other five imperial kingdoms were stunned and felt a buzzing in their heads.

I saw a huge black hole in the void of the ancient city, the sky was pierced, and the force of the turbulent flow blasted away many divine origin realms.

"Puff puff puff!!" In an instant, many people coughed up blood one after another, with turbulent waves rising in their hearts, and they looked at the two standing in the storm with deep disbelief in their eyes.

One of them is the Thunder Cloud Sect Immortal Peak, the sixth son of the lineage, Wukong.

As for the other person, he was a young man with a childish look on his face.

However, it was such a young man who was able to forcibly receive a punch from Wukong who was a monstrous evildoer. Everyone felt so incredible.

"Who? Who is he?" Countless people were dumbfounded, their minds full of doubts.

Because even though they are disciples of the powerful force in Tianyunhai, they don't have the slightest impression of the amazingly powerful young man in front of them.

"No, he's not human!" Someone suddenly called out, his expression extremely pale.

"What? He's not human? Is he?"

"It's him... who slaughtered many Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples, the true dragon clan, the youth transformed by the thunder dragon." Someone screamed, eyes full of fear.

"Ah? Dragon clan, he is actually the royal thunder dragon among the dragon clan, how is this possible?"

"Damn dragons, back then our humans regarded them as the Four Heavenly Kings and Divine Beasts. I didn't expect them to be so arrogant now, daring to interfere in our human affairs, and even slaughtered my human cultivators before."


The identity of the young man in front of him was exposed, and the crowd immediately became a complete commotion. Some were terrified, some were gnashing their teeth, especially the disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect, their eyes flashed fiercely.

Because it was the young man in front of him who single-handedly slaughtered many disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Not only that, but the high-level leaders of the sect kept silent about this matter.

"Damn it, so what about the True Dragon Clan? The people who slaughtered my Myriad Beast Sect will ask you to pay back this bloody horse today." Some disciples of Myriad Beast Sect had blood-red eyes and roared like thunder.

"Kill! Let's kill him together. Even if he belongs to the Thunder Dragon clan, no matter how powerful he is, there is only one person."

"Kill kill!"

Boom boom boom!They were so angry that they roared and killed the young man.

"A mere group of ants dares to fight this young master, get out!" However, the young dragon clan's expression was full of disdain for this, and as soon as he waved his hand, the incomparably violent thunder power rushed out.

Suddenly, the void was thunderous and turned into a thunder prison.

"Ahh..." The expression of the disciple of the Myriad Beast Sect who was trapped in Thunder Prison changed suddenly, and there were creepy screams.

Who would have thought that a young man from the Thunder Dragon Clan would have such a strong physical body that he would be able to compete against Wukong, the pride of the Immortal Peak, and his thunder technique would be even more astonishing.

"Hiss..." For a moment, the void was filled with the sound of sucking cold air.

Everyone in the ancient country became even more uneasy because of the appearance of the young man in front of them, because it was not yet clear whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

"Huh? Where's the fifth son, Chen Hu, who is a wimp from the Immortal Peak's own lineage?" Suddenly, someone seemed to have sensed something, and looked surprised.

This person's words instantly attracted the attention of many people, but at this moment, everyone realized that Shen Hu had disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it, that trash must have seen the Dragon Clan appear and ran away."

"This bastard is not worthy at all to be a disciple of my Immortal Peak's direct lineage."

The disciples of Immortal Peak obviously also noticed that they gritted their teeth one after another. Not only did they despise Chen Hu, but they were even more angry.

"Thunder Dragon? Get out of here!" Wukong's eyes flashed a frightening hostility, and his aura kept becoming extremely violent, even more monstrous than that beast.

His right foot was also entangled with lightning, and there was a crackling sound, and the lightning flashed, and his figure flashed, appearing above the young man of the Dragon Clan, he raised his right foot entwined with lightning, and kicked it fiercely.

"Lei Jin Divine Leg!"

"Boom!" The thunder in the void exploded, and the power of its legs was simply earth-shattering. With the force of this blow, everyone within a radius of ten miles was blown away.

With a bang, the young man was knocked into the air, and blood oozes from his shoulders. This is the blood of the true god.

Clearly he was hurt!
However, at this moment, he had a strange look on his face, and he roared: "Come again!"

There was a flash of monster light on his body, and the injury on his shoulder healed instantly, and his body transformed into a thunderbolt, rushing out, bombarding Wukong.

Such a powerful Tao deserves to be called the True Dragon Clan, second only to the Royal Thunder Dragon of the Black Demon Dragon Emperor Clan.

Boom boom boom!Whether it's the youth of the Thunder Dragon Clan, or the monstrous sixth son of the Immortal Peak, Wukong, both of them are shocking and powerful.

In the blink of an eye, the two started a fierce battle, and instantly fought to nothingness high in the sky, disappearing from everyone's sight.

However, Wukong's departure made the disciples of the Immortal Peak lineage, Qi Zongren, Qian's family, and Gu Guo all have a sudden change in expression.

"Haha! Without that weird Wukong, let's see how you can contend against us this time."

"Kill! Kill them all!"

"Under the cooperation of our big forces, you have nowhere to escape."

The disciples of Fang family, Guangming family, Yitian sect, Wanshou sect, Lieyang sect, and Xuanyuan family all looked cruel.

As for the mysterious cultivators of the magic face, they have already killed everyone in the ancient country again.

Immediately, the screams continued again, blood stained the blue sky, and the entire ancient country seemed to be turned into a blood prison, with thick blood mist everywhere.

Although the civilians of the ancient country fled to the Lost Forest under the leadership of Shi Zhong, the aftermath of the fierce battle still made them die tragically, crushed by the storm, leaving no bones.

Following the tragic death of the people of the ancient country, the golden dragon of luck and the colorful dragon of merit and virtue kept sending out mournful roars.

They also tried their best to expand their luck and the power of merit to bless everyone, but the effect was still not great.

After all, it is the real god who is attacking and killing the ancient country now, and his power alone can destroy the ancient country.

If it weren't for their resistance, the ancient country here might have already turned into dust and disappeared in the world.

"Hey! What happened to that statue?"

"Something's wrong! This is obviously a stone sculpture, why is it not destroyed, but runes appear?"

"Jie Jie! What the hell is going on with it? Let me destroy it with a hammer. If I don't see Lin Wentian, it's not bad to kill his Baizhang statue." A disciple of the Fang family sneered.

After the words fell, he froze and rushed towards the Baizhang statue below.

"Not good!" Someone yelled after seeing this scene.

However, this disciple of the Fang family had already swung a huge hammer, howling with a strong wind, and hammered hard at the Baizhang statue.

"Get out!" A roar full of astonishing anger suddenly sounded from the Baizhang statue below.

As soon as the roar came out, almost everyone's expressions changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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