Chapter 620
"How is it possible? This statue?" The disciple of the Fang family called out.

Although he seems to be only about 30 years old, in fact his real age is nearly a hundred years old, and his cultivation has reached the half-step true level.

But it was also the case, and he was terrified in his heart, because he had lived for a hundred years, and he had never seen such a strange scene, and the stone elephant in front of him could speak.

Not only him, but even some true god powerhouses shrank their eyes, their expressions full of disbelief.

"No!" Someone's expression suddenly changed.

"Om!" At this moment, the head of the Baizhang statue suddenly twisted, and at the same time, an astonishing killing intent completely enveloped the entire ancient country.

That's right!It is the whole ancient country.

Feeling this monstrous murderous intent, the disciples who had not yet reached the Realm of True Unity felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their whole bodies turned cold, and even the divine essence in their bodies felt stagnant for a while.

This is so incredible.

You must know that even the young man from the Dragon Clan, or Wukong, the sixth son of Immortal Peak, could not completely cover the entire ancient country with the murderous intent emanating from him.

It was too late to say, but in fact, everything happened only in that flash.

However, at this moment, a slender figure stepped out from the twisted void. He stepped on the top of the Baizhang statue, his black flying wildly, his white clothes fluttering, making hunting sounds.

He is asking the sky.

It's just that here, when he sensed the tragedy of the entire ancient country and the aura of some familiar people disappeared, his eyes turned blood red, and his face twisted ferociously.

"Boom!" At this moment, the sledgehammer swung by the disciple of the Fang family slammed violently from above him, as if it was going to smash even the Baizhang statue into powder.

"Get out!" Looking at the giant hammer that hit, he roared violently with murderous intent.

As soon as the words rolled out of his mouth, his voice was so powerful that it turned into a powerful pressure and rushed out.


An unbelievable scene appeared, and saw that the heavy hammer that had reached the top grade of the earth level was completely shattered under this roar, and it was blasted into nothingness.

Not only that, but the disciple of the Fang family who had a half-step True Realm cultivation was even more affected by this powerful force, and his whole body exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

With a single roar, he was able to roar out an earth-level high-grade weapon, and kill a half-person of the real world, and countless people were stunned for a moment.

"Hiss... hiss..." It seemed like a long time before the audience gasped involuntarily, and their hearts had already set off turbulent waves.

"The ancient emperor, it's the ancient emperor who has returned!" Someone suddenly let out an astonishing roar, and the roar was filled with boundless excitement.

Immediately, all the talents came back to their senses, looking at the man standing on the Baizhang statue, their eyes were huge, it was incredible.

"'s impossible!"

"It is absolutely impossible for you in the Vientiane Realm to have such strength."

Not to mention the Fang family, even the disciples of the Guangming family and other big forces shouted loudly, because the scene in front of them was too unbelievable.

You must know that the person in front of you is only a mortal realm, but with a single roar, he can actually roar an earth-level high-grade weapon, and even annihilate a half-step true one, no one will believe it if it is said.

"The ancient emperor! The ancient emperor!"

"Kill them all and avenge us!"

However, everyone in the ancient country here roared wildly, especially General Zhao and others became extremely excited, and the blood in their bodies seemed to be completely burning.

Because from the great war to now, the only belief in their hearts is to persevere until the person in front of them returns, and now they are finally looking forward to it, but...

Looking at the crumbling ancient country, looking at the blood-stained land below, there is nothing but hatred in their eyes.

"Lin Wentian has appeared!"

"Arrogance! A mere mortal, who thinks he has some strength, dares to be so defiant, he really doesn't know how to live or die."

"Kill! Kill him!"

After the shock, disciples of the Yitian Sect and the Xuanyuan Clan became murderous.

Wentian's roar earlier shocked them briefly, but they are powerful people, how could they be so easily intimidated by others.

Besides, no matter how strong the person in front of them is, they are just mortals, but they are gods.

Boom!In an instant, no matter if it was the Yitian Sect, the Guangming Clan, the Myriad Beast Sect, or even those cultivators of the Demon Face, they all rushed to kill Wentian.

Especially those true god powerhouses directly sacrificed the only cave and came towards him to suppress him, as if they wanted to use the power of the cave to crush him into pieces.

"No! Stop them quickly." At this moment, both Gu Yunyu and Mo Yu from the Blade Sect shouted loudly.

"That's Senior Brother Seven!" The disciple of Immortal Peak also roared loudly, and rushed out quickly.

"Brother! Fatty is here to help you." An earth-shattering roar came from not far away, and Young Master Qian's expression was furious, and his body swelled even more rapidly.

"Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu to turn to a hundred feet.

This is definitely an ancient aura, even dating back to ancient times. No wonder, since he arrived in Tianyunhai Qianyu, it has been rumored that he has the blood of an ancient giant in his body.

From this point of view, I am afraid that this matter is really six to seven points credible.

I saw that after he soared to a giant of a hundred feet, his body was still like a ball, and he was so fat that people were dumbfounded.

"Meat balls smashed into pieces!" He yelled up to the sky.

"Suck!" The next moment, he saw him take a deep breath, and a shocking scene appeared.

I saw that his originally huge belly suddenly inflated rapidly at this moment, not only that, his hands, feet, even his head disappeared inexplicably. didn't disappear, but retracted into the body like a turtle.

At this moment, his Baizhang body is simply a round ball.

Boom!Immediately, the huge ball he transformed turned into a rapid rotation, like a planet spinning at high speed, crashing into the disciples of those powerful forces with astonishing momentum.

"What? What kind of trick is this?"

"Our Fang family is going to deal with this guy, you take this opportunity to kill him." The Fang family's true god powerhouse shouted, and then rushed out one after another, and many caves appeared, among which the fire was burning, and the meteorite was booming.

At the same time, the members of the Xuanyuan family and the Guangming family froze, and launched a fierce attack on the disciples of the Immortal Peak who wanted to rescue, members of the Qian family, Moyu of the Blade Sect, and others.

Only the Wanshou Sect, Yitian Sect, and those cultivators of the Demon Face remained, and they still killed Xiang Wentian with ferocious faces.

"Lin Wentian, today is your death day!"

"Offend my Yitianzong, even if you have three heads and six arms, you will not escape death." The turbulent void is full of clamor from those powerful forces.

However, in the face of the crowd's killing, Wen Tianmian had no fear, an astonishing aura began to rise from his body, this was an aura that was infinitely close to the peak of Rank Nine.

"Death!" His eyes flashed fiercely, and his hands frantically formed handprints.

(I ordered a car today, and I am going to supply it. I am under pressure. It seems that I will have to work hard to update it tomorrow~>_<~)

(End of this chapter)

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