Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 62 Ancient Memories

Chapter 62 Ancient Memories (Part [-])
He never thought that the other party could swallow his immortal energy so easily, and even forcibly cut off the connection with him.

This really horrified him.

At this moment, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly, and immediately there, like lightning, his hands tightly grasped the gun body.

"Drink!" With a heavy shout, the veins in his hands bulged, as if there was a surge of divine power, the next moment, his hands suddenly used shocking power.

However, he didn't want to pull the spear up, but instead thrust the spear down again.


"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

The old man suddenly roared crazily, his words filled with overwhelming hatred, his originally deep pupils transformed into a pair of blood-red pupils in an instant, full of bloodshed and ferocity.

hum!But at this moment, the pillars on the six-star altar suddenly glowed with light, making its six black chains rattle and rattle.

At this moment, the six black chains seemed to be fully activated and turned into six black dragons, which were tightly locked on the old man, causing him to let out a miserable cry.

"God damn boy, I'm going to kill you, kill you!" His roar kept ringing.

At this moment, the long spear in Wentian's hand suddenly glowed with a fairy light, and even an illusory figure gushed out, and an ethereal voice came out.

"The alliance of demons and monsters wants to destroy the immortals, the heavens collapse, and the way of the heavens is shattered... The immortals are defeated and will not be destroyed, and the reincarnation will last forever. Rumo, the side that guards the realm..."

At the same time, images that seemed to come from ancient times poured into Wentian's mind like a spring, making him feel as if his head was about to explode.

The mountain has collapsed!
The earth is broken!
The sea is dry!
The sky is broken!
Immortals wrapped in immortal energy screamed and rushed out one after another, trying to stop the invading demons and monsters, but the number of opponents was too many...

The corpses of the immortals kept falling from the sky, and the fresh blood dyed the entire broken earth in blood red...

God, bloody rain fell unknowingly, I don't know if it means ominous, or what it means...

"The sky is gone! The earth is dying!"

"Even if my flesh and blood body has been buried in that battlefield, my soul, my resentment, and my hatred will continue to be fought on my behalf by my descendants."

"Burn! My blood!"

"Be angry! My heart!"

"Break out! My last strength!"

"Let me go crazy again for this day, this place, and my clan of immortals."

On the bloody battlefield, one after another immortals fell, but one after another rushed out.

An old fairy fell down, while a young fairy stepped on the old fairy's body and headed forward.

Not only was the old immortal not angry, but he attached the last trace of his strength to the young immortal, letting him fight on his behalf with his own persistence and expectations.

The young immortal saw the old immortal turn into dust, and with tears in his eyes, he shouted, "Grandpa, do well all the way, and my grandson will fight on your behalf, and show off the prestige of my immortal clan."

He wiped the tears from his eyes, showing death-defying eyes, with blood, hatred, and his grandfather's expectations for him, and he greeted him angrily...

The cry of the child, the hatred of the old man, the roaring and anger of the adults, seemed to surround Wentian's ears, and his eyes turned red unconsciously, and a tear of blood leaked out of the corner of his eyes involuntarily...

"Are these pictures real? Are these things buried in the long river of history and forgotten by the world?

He muttered in his mouth, and there was still a trace of sobbing in his voice.

These scenes made him feel a little familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that there was no trace at all, and it seemed so strange.

"I, the ancient demon, belong to the royal family of the demon clan. You, an ant-like existence, will swear to devour your blood, gnaw your bones, and let your soul be burned by the demon fire forever."

However, at this moment, the old man roared crazily, a black energy surged from his body, and he wanted to charge towards Wentian.

However, the power on the altar was firmly suppressing him.

He really hates it in his heart!

If he had known this earlier, he should have killed the other party without hesitation when he first came in, so he would not have ended up in such a miserable end.

In fact, he really couldn't figure out how the other party could see that he was lying.

Although he might have revealed some clues because he was too excited before, but for a young boy, he thought he had done everything perfectly.

But the result was something he had thought a lot, and never thought of...

It's a shame that he not only lost a piece of treasured immortal energy, but also lost that piece of golden paper.

Hearing the old man's roar, Wentian came back to his senses instantly.

This return to consciousness made his whole soul tremble, because even though the old man was tightly trapped, he could still sense a monstrous aura.

That is the aura that he is ten times, a hundred times stronger, and boundless to contend with.


As soon as he had an idea in his mind, his eyes flickered, his figure froze, he quickly left the altar, and fled crazily outside.

"Boy, you can't escape, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, I can still find you."

"Sooner or later, you will become my will come back to me..."

"Because of fate, it has long been destined that you and I are on the same journey..."

The roar of the old man still came from behind, but Wentian didn't take it seriously, thinking that the other party was just trying to scare him.

What kind of people, what kind of people, what said that he will come back to find him, to him, it is completely nonsense.

He had planned in his heart that he would never come to this ghostly place again in his life.

He rushed out of the dark passage in one fell swoop, and he took a deep breath at that moment, the palpitations in his eyes were obvious.

Um?Soon, his expression changed, and then his body fell ill, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

The next time it appeared, it had landed beside a huge rock.

His eyes flashed suddenly, and he opened his arms, holding the huge rock.


With an angry shout in his mouth, a violent aura suddenly surged on his body, and the veins in his arms bulged, as if he had the power of a dragon lurking.


As the huge force in his body exploded, the huge boulder like a hill was slowly lifted up in his arms like iron pincers.

With a sudden forceful step on both feet, there was a bang, and the ground instantly shattered inch by inch. As for him, he was already holding up a huge boulder like a star, and was flying slowly in the air.

When he returned to the sky above the secret passage again, his body slowly landed until he heard a loud bang, causing the mountain to tremble.

I saw him blocking the entrance of the secret passage heavily with boulders.

Immediately, he stretched out his hands and five fingers, and pressed them on top of the boulder.

At the same time, a golden light flashed between his brows, and after that, an inexplicable aura rose from his body, causing clouds to surge in the air.

The next moment, his eyes flashed with golden light, and his expression became angry: "Crash!"

(End of this chapter)

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