Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 63 Seeking a meeting

Chapter 63 Seeing (two more)
As soon as the word collapse came out, a tyrannical invisible force suddenly exploded between his hands, and it was applied to the boulder, causing it to shake violently.

Then there was a bang, and the huge star-like rock shattered inch by inch in an instant, turning into countless tiny stones.

Immediately, his figure flashed again and disappeared in place. With the method just now, he quickly moved a huge boulder again...

After a long time, but looking at the underground passage that was completely sealed, his expression showed a touch of satisfaction.

"Figure it out? It's not that easy!" He couldn't help but sneer.

He didn't want another person to discover the secret passage, otherwise, with the cunning of that old devil, he would really allow him to succeed in his tricks, break free from the seal of the altar, and escape from birth.

In this way, this will be a catastrophe for the Tianyuan Continent.

In fact, long ago, he had doubts about the old man's words.

Regardless of whether what the other party said about the battle between immortals and demons is true, but when the other party said that he had no ability to kill him, at that time, he already didn't believe it.

You know, just at the beginning, the other party's inadvertent gaze almost made him fall, so he never believed that the other party was incapable of killing him.

The only explanation was that the other party wanted to use him and seduce him.

The fact is, after the subsequent scene, it is enough to prove that the idea in his heart is correct.

He could see that whether it was the golden paper or the celestial energy, they were treasures that the other party cared about very much, but the other party had the heart to cut the flesh and give it to him...

A person who can give up treasures to ask for one another, and even swallow his anger, must have something to seek. This is the experience he has accumulated in two lifetimes...

"The ancient demon? The demon of the royal family?"

"There are also immortals, demons, demons, Buddhas, and the most powerful immortals. I don't know if these immortals are all extinct? Will I have a chance to become an immortal in the future?"

After sensing that there was a golden page in his soul sea, his eyes suddenly became deep.

At the same time, in the dragon mouth of the Dragon Emperor's ancient vein in his body, a sacred gas was bred.

This gas is exactly the fairy gas that rushed into his body before.

"With the power of that altar, this ancient demon should not be able to break out in a short period of time. I'd better go to Ningqing Taoist Temple first and meet Princess Muli before talking."

With an idea in his mind, he immediately flashed his figure and flew across the air, heading in the direction of Ningqing Mountain.


In a land full of wild atmosphere, an old man suddenly raised his head and sighed: "The fairy has passed away..."


Not long after the thunder calamity stopped, the enchantment on Ningqing Mountain was untied, but the entire Ningqing Taoist Temple was puzzled, not knowing what happened to the outside world before.

They didn't dare to ask their Jingyin Guanzhu, so they had to bury their doubts in their hearts.

The little nun Miaoyin had been in Princess Muli's yard during this time, and was forcibly taken back by her master until a few days ago.

After returning, of course, scolding was indispensable.

Facing Master's scolding, little nun Miaoyin kept her head down and didn't dare to say a word, looking very aggrieved.

However, at the moment her master left, she quickly raised her head and stuck out her tender tongue, her appearance was extremely mischievous, it was completely different from her cute appearance before.

"I don't know where Brother Wentian is now? Will he still come to look for Master Uncle?" She looked out the window with a look of disappointment.

Maybe the moment Wentian stepped forward to rescue her, his tall figure was already deeply imprinted in her mind.

At the same time, Wen Tianling stood in front of Ning Qingshan, his eyes flashed strangely.

"If I rush in rashly, it may cause others to misunderstand and cause unnecessary fights."

With a fixed gaze, he immediately opened his mouth and said loudly: "My junior Lin Wentian, I want to see Princess Muli, so please help me fellow Taoists."

His voice was very loud, and it contained a trace of his cultivation, so it passed through the clouds and passed into Ningqing Mountain.

The little nun Miaoyin was listlessly lying on the table, when she heard his voice, her expression was startled, showing ecstasy: "It's Brother Wentian, he's here again."

Immediately, her eyes flashed brightly, she quickly walked out of the room, and went straight to the yard of her uncle Muli.

At the same time, a woman in Tsing Yi was cultivating in a secret room. When she heard his voice, her expression suddenly turned cold: "The guy who doesn't know how high the sky is and the earth is thick, actually wants to see Master Mu Li."

With a whoosh, golden light shone on her body, and she disappeared in the same place in an instant.

"Who is making noise in front of my mountain?"

Not long after Wentian's words fell, two people flew out from the mountain, and they were two middle-aged women who exuded the aura of the early stage of spiritual transformation.

The two confronted Wentian, but soon, their faces showed fear, because in their perception, they couldn't find each other's cultivation.

There was no elemental force fluctuation on the other party at all, but they were indeed standing in the air. The only explanation was that the other party's realm was higher than theirs.

When they looked at each other's age, they couldn't help being shocked.

"My surname is Lin. I came to Ningqing Mountain this time just to ask to see Princess Mu Li, and I hope that the two seniors will make it easier for me." Wen Tian bowed his hands to the two with a serious expression.

Seeing this, the two women's expressions eased.

One of them said: "To tell the truth, Mr. Lin, Princess Muli has been in seclusion for the past few days, and no one will be seen after ordering, so there is nothing we can do, Mr. Please come back!"

Hearing this, Wentian couldn't help feeling puzzled, and was about to say something, but soon his eyes flashed, and a look of coldness appeared on his face.

"I said long ago that Uncle Mu Li is not something you can meet whenever you want. You really think of me as Ningqing Taoist Temple, a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

A cold sound came from the void.

Immediately, a golden light flew over quickly, and the golden light flashed, revealing an arrogant woman in Tsing Yi.

It was the woman in Tsing Yi who shot at Wentian at the foot of Ningqing Mountain not long ago.

That is, the senior sister of little nun Miaoyin, Miaochan.

"Nephew Miaochan, do you know this little friend?" Hearing the words of the woman in Tsing Yi, the two women showed surprise on their faces.

"I told this person not long ago that Uncle Mu Li doesn't want to see guests, but I didn't expect that this person still didn't give up and wanted to break into my Taoist temple privately. It seems that I have to teach him a lesson." The woman in Tsing Yi said coldly.

"Although I don't know what secret technique you used to fly in the air, but in my eyes, you are still just an ant-like existence."

The next moment, a golden light flashed on her body, her hands moved suddenly, and two sharp slashes attacked Wentian.

The two women who noticed it were startled suddenly, but it was too late to stop them.

Seeing the two slashes with metallic sharp power attacking him, Wentian didn't show any panic on his face, instead the corners of his mouth turned up, showing deep disdain.

With a chirping sound, two attacks slashed on Wentian's body, as if unstoppable, instantly chopped Wentian's body into three sections.

However, at this moment, the expressions of the woman in Tsing Yi and the two women suddenly changed drastically.


When she realized that there was no blood splashing out of the other party's severed body, the woman in Tsing Yi suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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