Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 628: Water, Fire, and Thunder 3 Great Divine Essences

Chapter 628 The Three Divine Elements of Water, Fire and Thunder

(three more)
As soon as the loud shout came out, Wentian looked domineering, and his cultivation force scattered. Although he was only at the peak of Shenyuan, he was stronger than some in the middle stage of the true one realm.

Boom!While waving his hands, an incomparably bright golden light rushed out, and even changed rapidly in the flash.

"Roar!" A thousand-foot divine dragon opened its eyes wide, and charged towards Yunxiao with a ferocious and sacred aura.

With such a violent momentum, he almost wanted to blast the thunder calamity above the sky.

This thousand-foot dragon not only contains the power of his cultivation, but also carries the power of luck, merit, and even the power of faith.

"Boom!" A loud noise shocked the world, and the entire nothingness exploded, and the storm surged like a beast, as if the end was coming.

"Om!" At the same time, the entire sky was shining with golden light, which was extremely dazzling, as if a scorching sun was shining brightly, countless people's eyes were raised at this moment.

When people slowly opened their eyes, their expressions were shocked, and they couldn't help but gasped.

Because the thunder cloud covered the sky before, Lei Wei's astonishing thunder calamity has disappeared without a trace.

The people in the ancient country and Lin Fu and others were fine, they were more excited than shocked, because in their hearts, the young man in front of them was omnipotent, not only the emperor of the ancient country, but also the only true child of the ancient country.

What they have in their hearts is only worship and enthusiasm.

But those disciples from the great forces of Tianyunhai, including the Blade Sect and the Qian family, looked at the scene in front of them, but they were dumbfounded, their eyes full of inconceivable.

"This Lin Wentian was able to blow up the thunder calamity by himself, oh my god! Could it be that I have seen a ghost?"

"Luck and merit, it's this strange power that helped him disperse the catastrophe!"

"The rumors are indeed true! The fate of the country and the power of the country's morality in the mortal world are extremely mysterious. No wonder those powerful forces in Tianyunhai have always been eyeing these mortal countries."

Suddenly, countless people were in an uproar, looking at Wentian not only with deep shock, but also with strong jealousy.

"Damn it! This Lin Wentian is just a person from the mortal world. Back then, he was a rebel against the saints. He was hunted down by the Chi Yueji family's royal family. He was no better than a dog. Now he has become the emperor of a country, and he has such mysterious power. .”

"No... I'm not reconciled!"

"As a disciple of Yitianzong, the head of the seven major sects, I am one of the best disciples even among the many inner sect disciples. Why is it not me who becomes the emperor of a country, but him? He is just an ant. can dominate a country.”

Many people clenched their fists vigorously, their faces were ferocious like beasts, and their hearts were roaring wildly, especially those pupils were covered with terrifying bloodshot eyes.

They couldn't accept the scene in front of them. It was like a beggar-like existence suddenly transformed into a god-emperor-like existence, stomping on their heads with arrogance.

This sense of shame drives them crazy, makes them hate the injustice of the sky and the injustice of the earth.

Regarding the distortion in these people's minds, Wentian didn't pay attention at all. After breaking through to the peak of the ninth revolution and transforming the vitality in his body to the peak of the divine essence, the imperial aura in his body was even stronger, with a sacred and inviolable aura.

Although he has not yet condensed out of the cave and suddenly reached the real one, he has no anxiety in his heart, because if he wants to break through, he can break through at any time.

The problem is that Thunder Tribulation...

At this moment, he finally stepped on the road against the sky that the ancients could not step on, became a god after nine turns, and possessed the foundation of a strong man who can transcend the way of heaven and transcend the cycle of life and death in the future.

It can be said that today he has created a brand new path, which is a path that can lead to the peak.

"Om!" A golden light flashed in his hand, and a ball of golden spirit gushed out.

Looking at the golden spirit, his eyes flashed brightly, and then his mind moved, and the golden spirit kept changing.

The next moment, the jaw-dropping scene appeared again.

Under everyone's astonished eyes, his golden divine essence was completely split into two halves with a bang, and the two halves of divine essence were spinning rapidly.

In just an instant, the two groups of golden gods disappeared, replaced by a group of blue gods and a group of red gods.

Blue is water and red is fire, which is the water god and fire god.

Unexpectedly, even if he breaks through to the Divine Origin Realm, he still possesses the power of fire and water dual divine origins in his body.

"Huh!" But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes showed surprise, as if he had discovered something amazing.

The next moment, his hand trembled, and the two gods of water and fire merged.

Not only that, the divine essence in his hand spun at a high speed, and there was a crackling sound.

The blue and red gods disappeared, and this time they were replaced by a group of silver gods.

The divine element of thunder attribute.

"Hiss..." Looking at the silver divine essence in his hand, his expression was horrified, and a storm arose in his heart. He never thought that he had the thunder divine essence unintentionally.

No... Maybe this is not accidental, after all, when he broke through to the Yuan Lianjing, he was already bombarded by thunder, and the power of thunder and lightning already remained in his body.

Because of the power of thunderbolt body training many times, the power of thunder and lightning in his body has reached an astonishing level, which also made him give birth to the god of thunder when he broke through the realm of god.

This is definitely a big surprise.

That is to say, now he not only has the dual attributes of water and fire, but also the three major attributes of water, fire, and thunder. With only the power of attributes, he is a well-deserved monstrous genius.

It was also because of this that when those powerful disciples saw this scene, their breaths were short of breath, their hearts were filled with terror, and their wide eyes couldn't believe the scene in front of them at all.

Because this is a legend and a myth to them.

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

"Water and fire have the same bipolar attributes, and now there are more thunder-type gods. Let alone the ancient times, even in the ancient times, such a proud son of heaven has never appeared."

"The attributes of fire and thunder are easy to say, but the three attributes of water, fire, and thunder are simply impossible to appear in this world. This is simply a hundred times, ten thousand times more difficult than the five elements."

All of a sudden, countless people roared, and they seemed to use their roars to hide the fear in their hearts.

"Long live the ancient emperor!"

"The ancient emperor! Please avenge our dead heroic souls, and let these scumbags pay with their blood."

"Kill! Kill them all, let them pay the price."

The people in the ancient country were not only excited, but also had hideous expressions on their faces. They yelled at the disciples of the Yitian Sect and the Guangming Family.

Wentian took a deep breath, and then closed his eyes.

But the next moment, when he opened it again, it contained an astonishing murderous intent.

He looked crazy and shouted: "If you violate my ancient country, no matter whether it is a god or a demon, you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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