Chapter 629
Although he had slaughtered many Yitianzong, Wanshouzong and other disciples before, his murderous intent did not decrease but increased, because he hated these people in front of him to the bone.

That is the hatred that can only be vented by killing.

His killing intent is awe-inspiring!
Whether it is a disciple of the divine realm or a true god powerhouse, they all turned pale and their hearts trembled when they felt his astonishing killing intent.

"How is it possible? Escape!"

"When this guy didn't break through, he was able to kill the real one, and now he has broken through to the peak of the gods in one fell swoop. Ordinary people can't compete with him, unless those arrogances who have passed on his own lineage take action."

"Lin Wentian, our Yitian Sect won't just settle this matter. One day you will regret it."

"Our Guangming family cannot be humiliated, the next time is your death."

When those powerful disciples were terrified, they put down their harsh words one after another.

"Swoosh!!" Immediately, they didn't even turn their heads, and they fled like one another, as if the person behind them was not a human or a god, but a peerless monster.

The appearance of fleeing from the desert has long lost the aloof posture of being a powerful force in the human race when they first appeared, and now they are more like frightened birds.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Tian Yunhai's Qian family and the Blade Sect wanted to chase down, but they stopped shortly after, their eyes sparkling with brilliance.

The orders they received were only to assist appropriately, not to fight to the death with the Guangming family, Yitian sect, Wanshou sect, Xuanyuan family, Fang family and other forces.

Now that the enemy has retreated despite the difficulties, why should they continue to entangle, after all, every major force in the human race is not easy to provoke.

Thinking of this, many people kept silent about the escape of Yi Tianzong and others.

"You bastards, don't even think about leaving!" Young Master Qian was unwilling.

With a roar, he slapped the ground hard with his palm, and with a bang, a huge boulder was thrown out by him.

"Kill, kill, kill!!" The disciples of Gu Yun's lineage and the disciples of Undying Peak's lineage did not stop there, they still fought fiercely.

Because in their eyes, since the enmity is over, killing one more person today will make one person cheaper, and there will be one less enemy in the future.

Everyone's choices and reactions were all captured by Wentian. When he looked at the crowd who were scrambling to escape, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Want to escape? This world is under my control!" After saying that, he was wrapped in thunder light, exuding a violent aura.

"Buzz buzz!!" The next moment, nothingness buzzed in all directions, and there were only lightning flashes, and finally countless lightning arrows were condensed.

"Huh~" He killed awe-inspiringly, snorted coldly, and waved his hand, the densely packed and inexhaustible thunder arrows were fired together, carrying a force as powerful as a broken bamboo.

Not only that, but this endless arrow blade was transformed by the power of thunder, not to mention the violent power itself, and its speed was even more astonishing. In a flash, it had already shot behind everyone.

"No... Lin Wentian, you will die!"


"Damn Lin Wentian, even if I turn into a ghost, I won't let you go." The void was filled with astonishing roars and curses.

Puff puff! !There were bursts of piercing sounds, and in an instant, thick blood mist filled the entire void in an instant.

Under the might of his Thunder Arrow, no matter whether they were in the Divine Origin Realm or the True One Realm, they were instantly pierced through their bodies, and the bright red blood of the gods gushed out like a spring, staining their clothes red.

They were terrified, their eyes were tearing apart, and they opened their mouths wide to say something, but in the end they found that they couldn't speak at all.

In particular, the power of thunder that remained in their bodies was forcibly destroying their vitality with a domineering force, causing them to be tortured, and their hearts were once again occupied by boundless fear.

"No... I can't die!"

"I, Liming, am a genius in the clan. I have a talent close to eight stars. It is very likely that I will break through to the ancient realm in the future and become an ancient god. I must not die here."

"I, Chen Yingnuo, as a disciple of the Yitian Sect who is the head of the seven sects, and a true god among the disciples of the inner sect, how can I die by an ant who was born in the lower realm, no... I am not reconciled."

At this moment, the disciples of countless great forces screamed crazily in their hearts, because they were terrified, and they could feel the vitality in their bodies dissipating rapidly.

"Bang bang bang!!"

But no matter how they shouted and how unwilling they were, their bodies still fell on their backs and hit the broken and blood-stained ground with a bang, bringing up waves of dust.

Looking at such a horrific scene before them, those Blade Sect and Qian family, even the disciples of Immortal Peak, were dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Shock!The scene in front of them was too shocking. Even after a moment or two, they were still dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief.

With the cultivation of the peak of Shenyuan, hundreds or thousands of powerful disciples can be slaughtered instantly with one blow, and there are not a few of them who are true gods. This is simply a miracle, and it is even a legend.

"Hiss..." Many people trembled, and couldn't help but gasped.

"Is this Lin Wentian still a human being?"

"No... Even the rumored immortal, I'm afraid he can't do this in this realm."

"Such a talent, once he grows up in the future, he will definitely be able to compete with those sons of gods, even the sacred sons of Taoism."

Some people were in an uproar, and some were shocked.

"Hmph~ kill people from my ancient country, even if you die, I will erase all traces of you." After beheading everyone with one blow, Wen Tian's expression was still cold.

As the words fell, ancient talismans appeared in his hands, and when the golden light was shining, he pressed against the void fiercely.

"Om!" With one click, the whole ancient country buzzed, and the holy light burst out, and the colorful light illuminated the earth.

Visible to the naked eye, the blood mist filling the entire emptiness seems to be purified under this golden light and colorful light. They gradually transformed from the blood mist full of bloody smell into spiritual mist.

That's right!It is Spirit Mist!Spirit mist containing pure heaven and earth aura.

Under his thoughts, these spiritual mist rushed in all directions, and instantly poured into the bodies of those people from the ancient country at an astonishing speed.

A shocking and unbelievable scene appeared.

I saw that as the spiritual mist entered the body, whether it was a comatose person or a seriously injured soldier, their pale complexions instantly turned rosy, and the hideous wounds were recovering at an astonishing speed.

This is simply a miracle, even more miraculous and incredible than the recovery of the power of merit before.

"My feet are reborn?"

"My God! I'm not dead yet, I'm alive!"

"My injuries are all healed!"

"Ho Ho Ho!!" The people who had recovered, their expressions were extremely excited, they couldn't help shouting, looking at the man standing in the air, their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Because that is their emperor, the ancient emperor.

As for the Blade Sect, the Qian family and other disciples were dumbstruck for a long time and seemed unable to react.

(End of this chapter)

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