Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 633 Strange Energy

Chapter 633 Strange Energy ([-]rd)
In the void of the ancient country, there was still a huge rumbling sound, because there were still two battlefields fighting fiercely.

In one of them, in the nothingness far away from the ancient city, the protagonists of this battlefield are exactly two monster-like existences.

One is a young Thunder Dragon from the True Dragon Clan, while the other is the sixth son of the Immortal Peak of the Thunder Cloud Sect.

As for the other place, it is far away from the ancient city and has reached the edge of the Lost Trace Forest.

"Jie Jie! If you are sensible, just hand over that thing. Maybe I can save you a life or death, otherwise next year today will be your death date." Void sneered.

The person who spoke was a cultivator of the magic face, and he was also the leader of the magic face.

This person's aura is extremely strong, not those who have just broken through to the Real One Realm, their cultivation has already reached the peak of the early stage, and it seems that they can break through to the middle stage at any time.

Of course, in this world, he still can't take another step.

"Don't even think about it! One day, I will slaughter all of you every night, and make you beasts disappear completely."

Ye Tian's complexion is extremely pale here, but his eyes are full of sharpness and bloodlust.

With the power of crushing against the treasure bottle cave, he slammed into the cultivator of the devil's face.

But the opponent's strength seemed to exceed his expectations.

"Om!" His grotto hummed violently, and cracks appeared faintly.

Boom boom boom!I saw that following the repairing seal of the demon face, stone pillars suddenly burst up from the ground. These are not ordinary stone pillars, because they are covered with strange runes.

Not only that, but when they are connected together, they seem to form a formation, and the astonishing power shatters the ground below.

"You are stubborn, so I have no choice but to smash your body, pull out your soul, and let you suffer the punishment of soul fire. At that time, I won't believe it, and you will keep your mouth shut."

"Jie Jie! Things like the Ye Clan are priceless treasures. Putting them in your hands is a waste of money. Only in our hands can they show their true value."

The cultivator of the magic face sneered, and when he finished speaking, the imprint in his hand changed, and the black light of the stone pillars rushed up, intersected together, and condensed a huge black energy ball.

This black energy body seems to be a divine element of the dark attribute, but it is not, and it looks very strange.

Immediately, Ye Tian's expression changed drastically, but the ruthlessness in his eyes remained undiminished.

"I'll send you on your way!" The cultivator of the devil's face laughed wildly, revealing a cruel look in his eyes.

boom!In an instant, a huge black energy ball hit Ye Tian with a monstrous force.

To be precise, it should hit his Aquarius Cave, with such a violent force that it almost wants to smash his cave.

"It's you who should be on the road!" However, at this moment, a deep drink full of coldness resounded from the void.

Immediately, in front of Ye Tian, ​​the void twisted for a while, and a blond man stepped out instantly.

Immediately, an astonishing murderous intent swept across the sky, causing the entire void to buzz, as if it could turn the sun, moon, and stars around, and turn back time.

Feeling this murderous intent, the cultivator of the devil's face changed color in an instant, his eyes showed deep fear, and his whole body became cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Lin Wentian!" He screamed, his voice full of uneasiness, because he felt suffocated by the inadvertent leak of energy from the person in front of him.

Although he had vaguely sensed that there was an astonishing aura in the ancient country before, but now that it was right in front of him, this aura was more than ten times stronger.

"Hmph~" Wentian didn't pay any attention to his fear and screams, he snorted coldly, and stretched out a hand immediately.


The next moment, his hand expanded at an astonishing speed, and in just an instant, it turned into a giant palm that seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

This is the palm of the gods!

Not only that, but it is covered with ancient runes, exuding an invincible imperial aura.

"Destroy me!"

Following his angry shout, his huge divine palm grabbed at the black energy ball with his five fingers forming claws in an extremely domineering manner.


However, the next moment, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and his face darkened.

"Who are you guys?" His voice was full of coldness.

Because at this moment, he could sense that the black energy body in his palm actually contained [-]% of the magic energy, which is the power that only the demons can have.

But the person in front of him is a human race.

Not only that, but in this energy, he even sensed the divine essence of the dark system, which was full of darkness.

This merged with the magic element, and it suddenly turned into an extremely difficult energy body.

It was also because of this that there were bursts of pain in his huge divine palm.

"You are just a mere mortal from the lower realms, what qualifications do you have to know the identity of this seat." After the shock, the devil's face cultivator's voice was gloomy, and there was cruelty in his eyes.

Wentian's eyes narrowed, and then his murderous intent flashed.

"Om!" The next moment, he saw his huge palm rune appear, emitting an incomparably powerful aura.

This is the body rune, the special power of body refiners. In Nuo Da's sea of ​​clouds, only a small number of people possess this kind of power.

"Whether you are a demon or a dark-type god, I will destroy them all." He looked domineering, and the light in his eyes was like a blade.

Immediately afterwards, his giant palm squeezed hard.

This pinching seems to be able to pinch the stars and pluck off the sun and the moon.

There was an astonishing loud "bang", and I saw that strange black energy completely exploded under this pinch, causing the void to surge, and the violent force raged towards the four directions.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In an instant, there was a loud bang from the ground below, and many rocks were destroyed one after another. Those trees, flowers and plants were destroyed in the blink of an eye, without leaving a trace.

"What?" the magician screamed.

Although he couldn't see his complexion, he could still see the extreme fear in his heart from those wide-open pupils filled with horror.

Because the person in front of him, whether it is strength or physical strength, has exceeded his imagination.

Squeezing Bao Bao's black energy body, Wen Tian's expression was still cold, and he didn't stop there.

Bang, I saw his huge divine palm stretch out again, grabbing at those strange stone pillars in a condescending manner.

Do not……

Right in the blink of an eye, the five fingers of his huge palm gathered together, clenched into a fist, and swung out a shocking blow.

Just that huge fist gave people a sense of extreme fear, as if this fist was a star falling down from the sky.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise that shook the heavens and earth, the ground within a radius of a hundred miles shook rapidly, and there was a burst of landslides and ground cracks, as if the end of the world was coming.

Even though the sky has evolved, the power of rules has become stronger, and the earth has become stronger, but under his punch, the earth of this human world is as fragile as tofu.

"Bang!" The cultivator of the devil's face was blown away and fell to the ground, creating a big hole.

He slammed, and even more blood spurted out. At this time, his heart was like a turbulent sea.

(End of this chapter)

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