Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 634 Meeting Lilong

Chapter 634 Meeting Lilong (Part [-])

Wen Tian wrapped his hands with immortal energy, and the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda appeared, without the slightest hesitation, he directly put the cultivation of the magic face into it, and Ye Tian, ​​who was not far away, opened his mouth to speak when he saw this.

But until the end, he still didn't say anything.

Originally, he wanted to kill the magic mask himself, but when he saw Wentian's actions, he remained silent.

For the young man in front of him, he had already been convinced.

"Let's go! There are still many things to deal with in the ancient country." Wentian said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, the golden light in his left hand burst out, and the colorful light in his right hand flickered. Two light balls, one golden and one colorful, were condensed in his hand.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and these two balls of light were directly integrated into Ye Tian's body.

Immediately, under the power of luck and merit, Ye Tian recovered from his injuries rapidly.

It didn't take long for the two of them to disappear, leaving only the broken land, which proved the fierceness of the previous battle.

Standing side by side with the emperor, that is, the return of Emperor Lin of the ancient country, people were excited again, especially General Lei who had woken up, his eyes were red, and he knelt down on the ground with a pounce.

Because if it wasn't for him, Lin Yefeng would not have taken the risk alone. Fortunately, the other party came back safe and sound, otherwise, even if he was alive, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

At this point in the war, the entire ancient country has been dilapidated, full of potholes, and the ground is in a mess, especially many soldiers and civilians died on the battlefield.

For a while, many people cried and howled, and their grief infected the entire ancient country.

Today's country is not like a country, and it may not be a matter of one and a half days if it wants to recover. It will take a lot of time just to rebuild the homeland.

But what is gratifying is that their ancient country has finally turned defeat into victory, and all this is because of their ancient emperor Lin Wentian, who turned the situation around by himself.

People's enthusiasm for Wentian skyrocketed again.

Because of this, the mysterious aura of the Baizhang statue standing on the square became brighter and brighter, and the dragon mark on its forehead began to emit bursts of dragon power.

Seeing this, those disciples of the Weapon Sect and the Qian family shrank their eyes and looked solemn.

Although they can't see through the power of national destiny and national morality in this mortal world, they also know the mystery of these powers, which are special energies that are rumored to surpass the way of heaven and the five elements.

"Senior Brother Mo Yu, you said that Lin Wentian is also an inner disciple of my Blade Sect, and now he is in charge of this Fanguo, does that also represent our Blade Sect..." said a disciple of the Blade Sect .

However, before he finished speaking, Mo Yu interrupted him with his hand. He shook his head lightly and said, "This matter is not for you and me to discuss. Don't forget that this guy is also a member of Thunder Cloud Sect."

"Besides, everything depends on that guy's intentions." He said again, with a bright light in his eyes.

"Look, the ancient emperor and Ye Tianshen are coming back!" Suddenly someone shouted excitedly from below.

In an instant, everyone suddenly raised their heads, their expressions extremely excited.

"The ancient emperor! The ancient emperor!" The shouts were shocking, and people's eyes were full of fanaticism and admiration.

Because the person in front of them is not only their emperor, but also their only true love.

Especially those who have practiced in the Heaven Suppression Pagoda, they firmly believe that one day, this man in front of them will lead them to kill the sea of ​​clouds and wipe out those shameless powers.

Wentian looked at the broken land below, as well as those dead soldiers and people, and he felt deeply guilty.

If it wasn't for his late arrival, how could things have turned into this way.

He also didn't expect that he would be able to cut off his connection with the ancient country when he was in that remnant world.

But he has secretly vowed in his heart that this is the last time, because...

Then, he set his sights on the Baizhang statue below.

When he returned, its light had subsided, and the dragon mark on its forehead disappeared, and it turned into an ordinary statue again, making it impossible to see any clues.

It is precisely this that reveals its mystery.

"Brother, Fatty misses you so much." Suddenly there was a loud roar, and a huge shadow rushed towards him.

With a "bang", Wentian was given a big bear hug immediately.

Young Master Qian's expression was agitated, and there were even traces of tears in his eyes, as if he had suffered many grievances during this period, and his giant arms gave Wentian a bear hug.

Suddenly, Wentian looked embarrassed.

This is also the extreme strength of his physical body. If it were any other person, he would definitely be smashed to pieces if he was hugged by Young Master Qian like this.

For Fatty's appearance, Wentian was also very surprised, and was extremely excited, because the two brothers hadn't seen each other for several years in the blink of an eye.

Unexpectedly, when the two met again, they were already strong in the divine realm.

Not only that, but he could sense that there seemed to be a powerful force in Fatty's body, ready to move.

"Could it be that this guy is really the reincarnation of an ancient man, or an ancient strong man?" He was deeply moved.

The two were very excited to meet each other, but now the broken land and the wreckage all over the ground weakened their joy a lot.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Wentian saw a person's gaze dodge.

It was the seventh young master of the Qian family, Qian Yi.

"Ms. Lin is here, thank you Brother Qian for your success in Qian Yu last time." He suddenly said, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Immediately, the embarrassment on Qian Yi's face became a little awkward.

Recalling the scene of that day, he felt embarrassed in his heart, he did not expect that when he met again, the person in front of him was already so powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Wentian thanked the other Qian family members, as well as the disciples of the Blade Sect, Gu Yunyu and others: "Thank you for your help today, if you ask for something someday, I, Lin, will definitely do my best. "

"Brother Lin, be polite!"

"Brother Lin is serious!"

For a while, everyone said one after another, a little flattered, after all, the person in front of them is now the emperor of a country, and his strength also made them feel shocked.

After all, the strength shown by the opponent before was too monstrous.

"Haha! You are indeed the seventh son of my Immortal Peak, and you really did not disgrace our Immortal Peak." Suddenly, bursts of arrogant laughter rang out.

I saw Shen Hu who was wearing a coat, he was proud and his expression was extremely smug.

Suddenly, many people frowned.

"I've seen Senior Brother Seven!" some disciples of Immortal Peak said.

Even those few true gods would sincerely surrender to Wentian, because the strength of the young man in front of him had already been recognized by them.

In this regard, Wentian is not arrogant, and also thanks him.

"Huh?" His mind suddenly moved.

At the same time, a gust of wind swept through the void, followed by a bold laugh.

"Seventh brother, today the brother didn't have any preparations, so this beast should be regarded as the meeting gift of the brother."

"Bang!" A huge monster suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground, creating a huge hole.

"Hiss..." Looking at this huge monster, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded, and couldn't help but gasped.

This is actually a real dragon, Thunder Dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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