Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 637: Where Are the Monsters?

Chapter 637: Where Are the Monsters? (one more)
This time, he came here in the name of the suzerain. He thought he could take the opportunity to bully the other party, but he didn't expect to be bullied by the other party instead. He became angry from embarrassment.

"Lin Wentian, you are presumptuous!" The others also shouted angrily, their expressions full of coldness.

"Om!" The silver glow was thousands of feet, and waves of violent aura erupted from these people.

This is the power of thunder!

Obviously, these people are all thunder-type monks. After all, Lei Feng, the head of the nine peaks of the Thunder Cloud Sect, is mainly based on the thunder-type.

Boom!Immediately, thunder light and thunder blade attacked Wentian angrily, and the violent momentum made the void rumble loudly and become heavy.


"Suppress and kill them together." In an instant, everyone in the ancient country roared with murderous intent.

After several battles, their hearts have been linked together, that is to advance and retreat together.

Even if the opponent is a disciple of Tianyunhai Thunder Cloud Sect, even if the opponent is a true god powerhouse, they are not afraid at all.

However, before they could make a move, the void of the ancient city suddenly shone with golden light, and at the same time, an astonishing coercion completely enveloped the entire ancient country.

"What?" Feeling this astonishing coercion, Han Feng, who possesses nine-star talent and is the favored son of Lei Feng, suddenly changed his expression, and his complexion was as pale as snow.

Because this coercion is too amazing.

"How is it possible? Such coercion is already comparable to that of the late stage of the True One Realm!" the several Lei Feng disciples of the True One Realm called out.

"Monster! How dare you run rampant in my human world, and even more presumptuous in my ancient country, kneel down to me!" Wen Tian roared righteously with a domineering expression.

After saying that, he lightly raised his hand, and then pressed down hard.

"Boom!" Immediately, that astonishing coercion pressed hard on those Leifeng disciples.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a loud noise from the ground, and the dust billowed in the air. I saw the proud-looking Lei Feng disciples who were the leader of the Nine Peaks before being pressed down on the ground, their faces turning blue and red.

Shame, this is an absolute shame.

As Lei Feng's disciples, they are already accustomed to domineering, and the other eight peaks are [-]% afraid of them. In the past, the Immortal Peak, the last of the nine peaks, was just some bigger ants in their eyes.

However, it was such ants who bullied them now, and in an instant they were furious, and their faces twisted ferociously.

"Lin Wentian, you are courting death!"

"To openly disobey the suzerain's decree, that is treason, even the punishment will not save you." They roared, their eyes were full of ruthlessness.

However, the corner of Wentian's mouth showed disdain for this.

Now his cultivation has reached the peak of Shenyuan, and this is an ancient country, he is the master, no matter who comes, he is not afraid at all.

Not to mention these people in front of them!

If it weren't for the fact that the other party is also a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect, these people are now...

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed murderously.

"Om!" Void shook violently.

Immediately he suddenly looked up, and saw the calm man before, with a look of fear on his face, stepping out of a cave.

If he hadn't reacted quickly before and instantly merged into his cave, he would have been suppressed underground like the others below.

"What a Lin Wentian, no wonder he was able to massacre disciples of the Yitian Sect and the Xuanyuan Clan by himself." He stared at Wentian intently.

"This person has such a keen perception. He is definitely not an ordinary generation of Lei Feng. Could it be that he is a disciple of the same line?" Thinking to himself, Wen Tian's eyes flashed.

But at the next moment, his expression was extremely majestic, and he yelled out righteously: "Where are you a monster? How dare you violate my ancient country, and even falsely spread the divine decree of my Lord of Thunder Cloud Sect, it is an unforgivable crime!"

"I, Lin Wentian, am the seventh son of the Immortal Peak's own lineage, and my master is one of the greatest in the Nine Peaks. Even if the suzerain's real body is here, I can just call him uncle."

"And you monsters, dare to pretend to be Lei Feng disciples, and even make me, Lin Wenxia, ​​kneel down. This is treason and injustice, and the laws of nature cannot be tolerated, and their hearts can be punished!"

"Come on! Kill these monsters for me, so as to promote the prestige of my human race and protect the majesty of my Thunder Cloud Sect."

His voice resounded through the sky, full of righteousness, and here he seemed to be transformed into a god of justice.

"What? These are demons?"

"Damn it, I have long felt that something is wrong with them, so it turns out that they are really fake."

"Kill! Kill them all! How can our ancient country allow demons to be so rampant?"


Numerous cultivators of the ancient kingdom roared, murderous intent roared violently, causing the void to vibrate violently, and those pairs of blood-red eyes, like the pupils of ferocious beasts, gave people a sense of creepiness.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the crowd violently rose up, rushing towards those Leifeng disciples who were suppressed underground with astonishing anger and murderous intent.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Lin Wentian, you bastard!"

"Goddamn Lin Wentian, you will regret it!"

Under the berserk offensive, there were heart-piercing roars, but soon, their voices stopped abruptly.

Because it was completely covered by the rumbling.

"Wow... Puff!!" Under the beatings of the crowd, although these people did not fall, they did not feel well. They were beaten with blood, and their faces were red and swollen like pigs' heads.

The cultivation of these shooters is not high, they are both in the Vientiane Realm and the Divine Origin Realm. In normal times, even if there are hundreds or thousands of people added together, they may not necessarily be the opponents of these few Leifeng disciples.

After all, the other party is in the Realm of Reality, and his strength is extraordinary.

However, these Leifeng disciples here were severely suppressed by a coercion that contained the power of the dragon, and they could only be reduced to the point of being bullied.

It is also because of this that their hearts are extremely humiliated, and their eyes are full of astonishing hatred.

"I, Han Feng, is a disciple of the nine-star talent, Lin Wentian, you will regret it, and one day I will return it to you ten times, one hundred times." Han Feng roared, with a heart-piercing voice.

It's just that Wentian didn't pay attention to his roar, he suddenly raised his head, and looked at the man in the void with playful eyes.

Although this person's aura is strong, but he is not afraid of Lin Wentian, and he is very sure that he can suppress him.

Because he became a god at the peak of rank nine.

Because he is the ancient emperor, this world is ruled by him, let alone a god, even a demon, or even a fairy, must prostrate at his feet.

Looking at the screaming people below, the man's face was livid, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Before he came, he had thought of many possibilities, but he just didn't expect this scene to appear.

He was struggling inwardly, and his clenched fists made even more grinning noises.

But he didn't dare to make the slightest movement, because long before, there was an astonishing aura locked on him, making people short of breath.

It was as if as long as he made any abnormal movements, the opponent would launch a violent attack on him, trying to put him to death.

The most important thing is that in the face of this powerful qi, his heart trembled, and he didn't have the slightest confidence to overcome it.

"Hiss..." His eyes were startled, and he took a deep breath.

"What a Lin Wentian, this son is immortal, and in the future Immortal Peak will definitely regain its glory in the past, and with the words of the sixth son Wukong..." His eyes narrowed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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