Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 638 Shocking retreat

Chapter 638 Shocked retreat (second update)
After a while, the world returned to calm.

"Gu Huang, how should these bastards be dealt with?" General Zhao and the others swaggered and counted people with the cold wind in their hands, and they said with evil spirits in their eyes.

At this time, the whole body of the Hanfeng six was bloodstained, and their faces were completely changed. They no longer had the arrogance they had before, and now they are like the bereaved dogs.

They were only gasping for breath, as if they didn't even have the strength to utter harsh words.

"These people have unknown origins and are so bold that they try to pretend to be disciples of my Thunder Cloud Sect. They have ulterior motives."

"Imprison them first, and then give me torture and questioning. I must investigate and find out."

"God General Yetian!" After finishing the words, Wentian suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction not far away.

"Don't worry, the ancient emperor! Just leave these people to me!" As his voice fell, Ye Tian's words rang out in the void.

With a buzzing sound, a virtual hole opened, and a hand protruded from it, instantly pulling Han Feng and the others forcibly in.

Following this virtual hole, it closes until it dissipates completely.

"Bastard..." The man's expression changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth.

However, as soon as he lifted his footsteps, his complexion suddenly changed, turning pale, because an astonishing killing intent was locked on him.

This killing intent made him feel frightened, his heart trembled, and for a moment, his mood seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley.

"Lin Wentian!" He roared in his heart, feeling even more humiliated.

As a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect, he is even a direct descendant, and his master is the suzerain Lei Guangxuan, and these direct disciples of them will naturally rise to the top, and no one in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect would dare to provoke them.

But now, his disciple of Lei Feng was being bullied like this, and as his direct disciple, he could only watch with blank eyes. To him, this was a shame that could not be erased in his life.

He almost fell into madness, and had an astonishing killing intent towards Wentian.

But Wentian's astonishing aura and monstrous killing intent made him dare not act rashly.

He thinks that his own strength is much stronger than some ordinary mid-stages of the Realm Realm who haven't realized the innate supernatural powers, but now facing a Divine Origin Realm, he feels an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

What made him even more hateful was that they were obviously human races, disciples of Lei Feng, the head of the Nine Peaks of the Thunder Cloud Sect, yet the other party gave them the name of monsters.

This was so angry that he was going to explode, and a flame of anger was burning in his heart.

hateful!It's so hateful!

If he had known this earlier, when he and the others showed up, they immediately showed the sect token to prove their identity.

It's just that he never imagined that the people in front of him acted so violently that it was hard to guard against, and there was no chance for them to defend themselves.

He hates it!

It's just that it's too late now!

In particular, he could feel the hostility towards him from the mortals below, and the condensed murderous intent made him, Lei Feng's direct disciple, feel trembling.

"Lin Wentian, just wait for me, you will regret it." His eyes hardened, and after putting down the harsh words, his body twisted and disappeared into the void in an instant.

He escaped!

As Lei Feng's personal disciple, his strength can crush his peers, but he escaped without a fight. If people saw this, they would definitely be dumbfounded.

"Don't try to run away!" Everyone in the ancient country shouted.

"Stop chasing!" Wen Tian said, and then his eyes flashed.

With a sound of "whoosh", he stretched out his hand and sucked it forward, and suddenly, a scroll flew towards him and fell into his hand.

This is exactly the scroll that the cold wind took before.

Looking at the scroll, his eyes narrowed, and then unexpectedly, he did not open it, but set a restriction on it with the power of his cultivation.

"Old Meng, I'll give it to you for safekeeping first."

"The minister respects the will!"

After handing over the scroll to Mr. Meng, the head of civil servants, he ignored it. He suddenly turned his head and set his eyes on the nothingness in the distance.

With a "buzz", immediately, his figure flashed and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Although he didn't open the scroll, he still had a vague guess about Han Feng and the others' intentions.

"This ancient country was created by me, Lin Wentian, and it's not that easy to get a piece of it!" He sneered in his heart.

Apart from his ancient country, the six kingdoms of the Tianyuan Continent, the other five kingdoms are all supported by the great forces of the Tianyun Sea.

The big forces can get part of the power of luck and integrate into the sea of ​​luck of the sect, so that they will not fall for thousands of years and stand at the peak.

As for the Imperial Kingdom of Tianyuan Continent, it also has a backing.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But now, the head of the Thunder Cloud Sect sent someone down, and his intention was very obvious, that he wanted to form an alliance with his ancient country and divide his ancient country's luck.

Although he is a disciple of Leiyun Sect, but when his ancient country was attacked from all sides, the disciples of Leifeng, Anwufeng... where were they?
Except for Guyun's lineage of Tianhuo Peak and his disciples from Immortal Peak, no one from the Thunder Cloud Sect of Nuoda came to support him. Regarding this, he had long been cold in his heart.

If given his choice, he would rather form an alliance with the Blade Sect.

Besides, in this world now, he, Lin Wentian, is the master, even if it is the arrival of the powerful from the ancient realm, or even the arrival of the giants from the realm, he will not be afraid at all.

In other words, he didn't need to look at the expressions of the senior members of the Thunder Cloud Sect at all.


Apart from other ancient countries, the Six Kingdoms of Tianyuan are Tianyang, Fengyun, Yaoman, Xinghun, and Jianchenhuang Kingdom.

He didn't have much contact with Star Soul and Jianchen Empire, and now the enemy and friends are unknown, so he also kept silent, but for the three major empires of Tianyang, Fengyun, and Yaoman...

"Om!" In a certain void, a golden light flashed, followed by a slender figure.

It was him.

Looking at the nothingness in front of him, a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

There is a mountain peak floating in front of it, this is the Tianyang Empire, the teleportation array leading to the Tianyunhai Lieyangzong.

Now that the world has changed drastically, it is much more difficult to cross the two realms through the cracks in space with personal strength, not to mention the Shenyuan Realm, even the True One Realm has great risks.

"Lieyangzong, let's wait and see!" His eyes flashed fiercely, and with a bang, an astonishing murderous intent arose.


"Who is here? This is the territory of my Lieyang Sect, get lost!"

Immediately, many roars erupted from that mountain peak, and figures rushed out one after another, led by several true gods.

"No! It's that evildoer!" But soon, their screams sounded from nothingness.

"Boom boom boom!!"

But their screams were soon completely covered by the monstrous loud noise, the emptiness of the wind howled, the thunder and lightning berserk, and the flames burned the sky, emitting an astonishing coercion.

When Wentian left, the void here completely exploded, and the suspended mountain peak had long since disappeared, leaving only the strong smell of blood.

Unexpectedly, the teleportation formation of the Lieyang Sect, which existed in the Tianyang Empire for countless years, was completely destroyed today.

If this gets out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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