Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 642 The First Emperor?

Chapter 642 A generation of emperors? (three more)
His attitude is completely different from that of the previous Thunder Cloud Sect comers. If he is seen by that cold wind or that Duan Jiu, he will definitely stun them.

Although, recently there have been rumors in the Blade Sect that Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak, has another identity, and that is the inner disciple of the Blade Sect.

But everyone in the Thunder Cloud Sect scoffed at this, after all, Lin Wentian had been practicing in the Thunder Cloud Sect all along, and had never been to the Blade Sect.

Even if there is such a thing, they will not agree with it, because a person who is a thunder cloud for a day will be a thunder cloud person for a lifetime, even if he dies, his soul can only be buried in the thunder cloud.

No one is an exception.

"Good boy! The old man was right at the time!" Seeing Wentian, Elder Mo Yang was visibly excited.

Back in Tianlei Valley, Wentian left inexplicably, and he had no chance to talk at all.

But he didn't expect that the other party would grow to such a level in such a short period of time, and even cause a huge commotion in the Tianyuan Continent and in the Tianyun Sea.

In the past thousand years, perhaps except Li Xiaoyao, the son of Daozong, who was one of the three holy lands, and his astonishingly talented son, no one could cause such an uproar.

As for Mo Yu, his face was full of regret.

Back then, when the two met, even though the person in front of him was amazingly powerful, he thought he could contend with it.

However, now that the other party stood still in front of him, it gave him a feeling that the mountain was unshakable. When he was shocked, it was extremely complicated.

"Elder Mo Yang, brother Mo Yu, please!" Wentian smiled and extended a gesture of please.

"Haha!!" Elder Mo Yang laughed loudly.

Under Wentian's sincere invitation, the two entered the main hall of the ancient country.


In the main hall, Lin Yefeng, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei, General Zhao, Lord Meng and other officials were all there.

Although Wentian above the main hall had a happy conversation with Elder Mo Yang and Mo Yu, they still looked serious.

After some polite words, Wentian went straight to the point and said, "Elder Mo Yang, you didn't come to visit me specially this time, did you?"

After the words fell, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Elder Mo Yang, who has lived for many years and is already a fine man, instantly understood.

He laughed loudly: "You are really not simple, sometimes even the old man has to suspect that you are the reincarnation of a certain ancient power."

"Elder Mo Yang is serious, even if this happened, the boy is still your junior." Wen Tian looked indifferent.

Regarding this, Elder Mo Yang lightly shook his head, as if he did not want to talk about this topic again.

"It seems that you can also guess seven or eight points about the purpose of the old man's visit. In this case, the old man will get straight to the point."

"Today, the old man is here to represent the entire Blade Sect, and what the old man says represents the will of the entire Blade Sect."

"Your boy is now the emperor of the ancient country in this mortal world, possessing the power of a country's luck and merit."

"Although our Blade Sect ranks second among the seven major sects, we do not have a place in this mortal world. Therefore, our Blade Sect wants to form an alliance with you and become the backing of your ancient country."

"As long as you agree to give me half of the power of national luck and national morality to the Blade Sect, if your ancient country is in trouble, our Blade Sect will help you with all your strength."

"Not only that, but as the number one weapon refining sect of the human race, our Blade Sect can also provide you with some high-priced weapons, even divine weapons, for the cultivation of your ancient country."

Elder Mo Yang said solemnly.

When it comes to the word "sacred weapon", he even puffed up his chest and raised his head, looking full of air.

Because of the big Tianyunhai, all the human race forces, as for [-]% of the true artifacts, they are from the hands of their Blade Sect.

As the elder of the Blade Sect, he has refined many real artifacts, and because of this, their Blade Sect can rank second among the seven sects.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of General Zhao, General Lei, and some members of the Lin family in the hall suddenly brightened, with deep anticipation on their faces.

In this way, their ancient country also has the support of great forces, and they can be regarded as completely standing firm, especially the real artifact mentioned by the other party, which made them short of breath and thumping.

Needless to say, just the Sky Thunder Orb held by Ye Tian before made them hotter. With such a powerful artifact, how many people can resist the temptation.

Not to mention them, even Lin Yefeng and Yetian opened their eyes wide and their hearts jumped when they heard about it.

However, Wentian, who was the person involved, looked calm and unmoved.

In this regard, everyone frowned and felt puzzled.

After all, they believed in their hearts that the reason why Wentian didn't accept the decree of Thunder Cloud Sect was to form an alliance with the Blade Sect, but now, they showed a look of indifference.

For a moment, everyone was secretly guessing what their ancient emperor was planning.

Elder Mo Yang and Mo Yu, seeing Wen Tian's indifferent demeanor, they couldn't help but look astonished.

Elder Mo Yang frowned, and for a moment his heart became solemn: "Could it be that we are a step late, this kid has already made a contract with Leiyunzong?"

After much deliberation, he only had this answer in his mind.

Just as he was thinking wildly, Wentian calmly said: "Now my ancient country has offended many powerful forces, and I, Lin Wentian, have even been included in their must-kill list. Could it be that the Blade Sect really dare to And willing to fight against the great powers?"

"Haha! You don't need to worry about this, kid. My Weapon Sect can survive for thousands of years, occupying the second place in the Seven Sects, so I naturally have a way to survive. Besides, this country of the mortal world has always been won by the capable. "Elder Mo Yang said, with a look of confidence.

Regarding this, Wentian also had a vague guess in his heart.

Then his eyes flashed, and in that flash, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"It's not impossible for the noble sect to form an alliance with our ancient country, but I have a request." He said again.

As soon as he said this, Elder Mo Yang's eyes brightened immediately, and he said without thinking, "What request? Just say it, kid."

"That's my ancient country's good luck and merits, and only [-]% can be given to your lord." Wen Tian said in a deep voice, his expression very serious.

"What? [-]%? You said [-]%?"

"No... This is absolutely impossible... [-]%, my Blade Sect must need [-]%." Elder Mo Yang shouted, and he was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring.

Not to mention him, even Lin Yefeng, Mo Yu and others opened their eyes wide and looked at Wentian with disbelief.

What's more, Lin Yefeng secretly sent a voice transmission to Wentian, but he didn't pay attention to it, and still looked calm and at ease.

"Boy Lin, old man, my Blade Sect helped you many times before, but now that your wings are hardened, you turned your face and refused to recognize anyone. I am really mad at you." Elder Mo Yang blushed.

"Don't worry, boy, I didn't say that the [-]% of the energy and merit are the ancient country of today." Wen Tian seemed to mean something else.

"Eh? What do you mean kid?" Immediately, Elder Mo Yang looked stunned and seemed unable to react.

However, at this time, Wentian had a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Didn't you say that before? This country of the mortal world is for those who are capable, and this Tianyuan Continent is not just my ancient country."


As soon as he said this, the audience became a sensation, because no matter how stupid they were, they could still hear what Wentian said.

"You boy... do you want to unify the Tianyuan Continent, unite the six kingdoms, and become a generation of emperor?" Elder Mo Yang screamed, with an expression of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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