Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 643 The goal, the first country of the human race

Chapter 643 The goal, the first country of the human race (one more)
Not long after, Elder Mo Yang and Elder Mo Yang left in a hurry. When they left, everyone in the ancient country could clearly see the deep shock on their faces.

Immediately, many people were secretly guessing what their ancient emperor had said to them in the hall.

"This kid is really not a fuel-efficient master, but if it is true as he said, [-]% of the luck and the power of merit are not bad." Elder Mo Yang thought to himself, his eyes shining brightly.

in the hall.

"Qiantian, do you really plan to unify the six countries?" Lin Yefeng said solemnly.

As soon as Lin Yefeng said this, everyone in the hall also turned their attention to him.

Wentian suddenly raised his head, and said with a cold expression: "Let's not talk about unifying the six kingdoms, but the three kingdoms of Fengyun, Yaoman, and Tianyang, as long as the time is right..."

He didn't say all the words, but everyone at this time understood what he meant.

In an instant, when everyone was nervous, there was a strong excitement.

Not long after, he left the ancient country.

In the Lost Forest, he stood above the river in the back mountain, his eyes flickering constantly, but he didn't dive down again, and left after staying for a while.

Valley in the valley, a guest came today.

"Wow! This is Brother Fatty!" Xue'er's shout came from the valley.

"Whoosh!" The afterimage flashed, and Ye Feng jumped onto the shoulder of a flesh man with an excited look on his face.

"Fengye, come down to Fatty, boy." Boom, the voice was so loud that even the valley trembled.

The person who yelled was Qian Fugui, Young Master Qian.

Of course, he was no stranger to Ye Feng and Ye Xue. After all, Wentian brought them back with him back then, and he even earned a lot of gold coins for it.

Ye Feng didn't seem to care about the fat man's roar.

He was agile and kept jumping up and down the fat man's chubby body, which aroused the anger of Young Master Qian.

"Haha! It's so fun!" There was a burst of laughter from the side.

However, the person who laughed was a boy about ten years old.

Although this boy is small, his body is surprisingly solid, especially his head is bald and glistening, others may think he is a monk without knowing it.

Surprisingly, neither Ye Feng, Ye Xue nor the people in Gu Zhong were surprised by his existence.

"I'm coming too." The little bald man yelled, and he jumped onto the fat man in an instant, and then the veins in his arms bulged, and his eyes became sharp in an instant.

"Boom!" A powerful aura erupted from him.

A shocking scene appeared.

I saw his small body, his arms seemed to possess ancient divine power, and he actually lifted the fat man who was like a mountain of meat, and it seemed extremely easy.

Hiss... with such astonishing power, where is the little bald head in front of him?
"Xiao Ling is awesome!" Xue Er exclaimed happily, and the identity of this little bald head was ready to be revealed.


The little bald head with great strength in front of him who easily lifts up Young Master Qian is actually a little spirit who has the bloodline of the Vicious Beast Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape and is an ancient relic of the Vajra Giant Ape.

Unexpectedly, after this guy broke through to the divine realm, he turned into a bald boy about ten years old.

"Hahaha!!" Yan Zhong laughed loudly.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Qian would have such an aggrieved day today, there was nothing he could do about being tossed about by Ye Feng and Xiao Ling.

"Bastard! You two troublemakers, put down the fat man, or I will be rude." The fat man yelled.

Being ridiculed by everyone like this, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't help but blush.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu also looked excited, dancing and dancing. It even worsened the situation and directly imprisoned the fat man with a strange force.

This time, I am really angry with Mr. Qian.

"Okay!" Suddenly, a helpless voice sounded in the void.

Immediately, Young Master Qian's eyes brightened.

In a flash in the void, Wentian's slender figure appeared, looking at the fat man who was being teased below, he shook his head slightly, his expression full of helplessness.

He also didn't expect that after Xiaoling's transformation, not only did he not mature, but he was even more mischievous than Ye Feng, and he also felt very headache because of this.

"Hmph! I won't play with you anymore!" Xiao Ling was dissatisfied, and snorted coldly, then slammed his hands vigorously.

With a "bang", Young Master Qian was thrown heavily to the ground, causing waves of dust to erupt.

"Xiao Ling, let's go, go to the back mountain to catch the fish monster, this time we must catch it." Ye Feng shouted excitedly, and then a gust of wind swept through and disappeared with Ye Xue.

With a sound of "acridine", the little ball followed suit.

A flash of colored light shot out, and a five-color beast egg was faintly visible.

Just when Wentian appeared, there was a woman in green clothes not far away, staring at him with complicated eyes.

She is Lian Yu.

As time passed, she suddenly found that she had a strange emotion in her heart for this bastard who had bullied her.

"You bastard!" Thinking of something, she blushed, stomped her feet, and left in an instant.

After she left, Wentian suddenly raised his head, his eyes thoughtful.

"Fatty, I need your help." Looking away, Wentian said to Young Master Qian.

"Eh?" Hearing this, Eldest Young Master Qian was taken aback, but soon he slapped his chest in reassurance.

"What about the great power? I want to make the ancient country the number one among the human race. Even if the monsters riot in the future, I will be able to protect myself." Wentian's eyes were burning with a strong fighting spirit.

During this period of time, Duan Jiu, who was the personal disciple of Lei Feng, would visit the ancient country every two days, but what made him angry was that every time he returned without success.

Over time, a strong murderous intent arose in his heart.

"Damn ancient country, damn Lin Wentian, one day I will make you regret it." He gritted his teeth.

He didn't go back to Lei Yunzong, because if he went back like this, he would definitely cause ridicule from his fellow sects, not only that, but also his status in Lei Feng's own line would be greatly reduced.

"By the way! Isn't it rumored that this kid often appears in the Lost Forest? Could it be that there is some big secret there? Otherwise, how could this guy be so evil?"

His eyes were bright, and then there was a flash of thunder, and he disappeared instantly.

In the Lost Forest, the fat man didn't stay for long before leaving.

Wentian here, he has entered the first floor of the Heaven Suppressing Earth Tower.

The ancient demon is still there, even though his demon body is sealed, he still gives people a feeling of overwhelming demon energy.

However, in the first floor at this time, apart from this ancient demon, there are also many groups of energy bodies that contain divine blood and divine essence.

Looking at these energy bodies, Wentian's eyes flashed suddenly.

This is exactly the energy body condensed by his powerful cultivation base that he used to kill the true gods of Yitianzong and Wanshouzong with the hollow hole in his palm.

These energy bodies can make his ancient country rise.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared in front of a huge monster, which was that thunder dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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