Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 645 Test Frenzy

Chapter 645 Test Frenzy (Third)
The man who appeared in front of Duan Jiu had a haughty look on his face. He didn't say anything, but looking at the trapped Duan Jiu, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He was wearing white clothes with a pattern embroidered on it, which was a pattern of the sun.

This pattern appears to be high and high, as if it is going to be above all things, it is the sun above the nine heavens.

"Daoxuan! I didn't expect you to leave the customs!"

"But what do you mean by that? I don't remember that I, Duan Jiu, had an enmity with you!" Duan Jiu's face was gloomy.

Boom!There was a thunderstorm on his body, and he continuously swung thunder fists in an attempt to break the barrier.

However, soon his eyes narrowed, and his gloomy face seemed to be dripping water.

Because he found that the enchantment that trapped him was not as fragile as he had imagined. Even if he made a violent attack, it only shook and showed no signs of breaking.

Not only that, the haughty Daoxuan didn't pay any attention to his intentions.

He just sneered, and the holy light flashed on his body, and then disappeared instantly.

"Daoxuan! I, Duan Jiu, will not let you go."

"Ho Ho!!" Suddenly, Duan Jiu's astonishing roar sounded in the forest.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, a huge bang sounded again, and some beasts in the forest were also startled, and pairs of blood-red pupils appeared from the dark forest.

In an instant, he couldn't help being excited, and at the same time, he felt a strong hatred for Daoxuan of the Guangming family.

He didn't expect that due to his carelessness, he would be trapped in this dangerous Lost Forest.

Just a hundred miles away, a burst of holy light emerged, and Daoxuan, who had disappeared before, reappeared, but strangely, a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Om!" Immediately afterwards, there was a change on his body, a hazy light appeared, and a slender figure gradually appeared.

If Duan Jiu saw it, he would definitely cry out.

Because the person in front of him is not the proud Daoxuan of the Guangming family at all, but the emperor of the ancient country that he has been looking for, Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak.

"Life or death depends on your own good fortune!" Wen Tian said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, his figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

He didn't expect that he could perceive the aura of this period of nine just after he came out of the valley, so he made a plan in his heart, and the previous scene appeared.

With his current cultivation base, and using the power of truth and falsehood, even if this nine is Lei Feng's direct disciple, he can't find any clues at all.

Not long after, he returned to the ancient city.


"Brother! I brought what you asked for!"

"Bang!" Following Fatty's voice, several strange stone pillars were seen standing on the square.

Ye Tian froze and appeared in the square in an instant. Looking at these stone pillars, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Talent Test Pillar!"

That's right!The stone pillars Fatty brought from Qian Yu were the test pillars used to test talent.

"Talent test column?"

"Can these stone pillars test a person's cultivation talent?"

Immediately, everyone was full of curiosity, and General Zhao rubbed his hands together, looking eager to try.

"Pass down my emperor's decree, starting from today, no matter whether you are a commoner or a casual cultivator in the ancient country, you can come to participate in the talent test."

"Those who have reached a six-star talent can practice earth-level exercises and get an earth-level weapon; those who have reached a seven-star talent can practice sky-level exercises; those who have reached an eight-star talent can even get a sky-level weapon." At this time Wentian appeared, with a majestic expression.

In an instant, his voice resounded throughout the ancient country.

Boom!However, as soon as he said this, the people of the entire ancient country were completely shocked.

Even Lin Yefeng, Ye Tian, ​​General Lei and the others had their eyes wide open with incredible expressions.

With the sound of "pa", General Zhao slapped himself vigorously, as if he was afraid that he had heard it wrong.

But soon he became excited because of the sharp pain on his face.

"My God! Am I dreaming?"

"There are not only earth-level skills, but also heaven-level skills and weapons. No, I must take the test."

"Hmph~ Just because you are a waste, you want to practice heaven-level exercises. It's beyond your control. I'm the one who is extremely talented. This heaven-level exercises and heaven-level weapons are none other than me."

"Long live the ancient emperor! The ancient emperor is wise and mighty!"

Immediately, countless people cheered up wildly, feeling the blood in their bodies boil, as if a raging flame was burning in their bodies.

"Wen Tian you..." Lin Yefeng was dumbfounded, hesitant to speak.

He was afraid that his nephew would make a joke, but when he thought about it carefully, he found it impossible.

Because many times, the character shown by his nephew is much more mature and calm than that of his elder.

"Third Uncle, don't worry! I have my own measure!" Wen Tiandan said.

Immediately, he said to Ye Tian who was still in shock: "As for the test, I will leave it to you to be indebted. I think you are very familiar with this."

There is something in his words.

"The Ye family, which was a first-class force back then, was wiped out overnight. What is the secret behind this?" Thinking to himself, his eyes flashed brightly.


From that day on, people from the entire ancient country, whether casual cultivators, ordinary people, or even a child, rushed to the ancient city to test their talent.

Just the two names of heaven-level exercises and heaven-level weapons have driven countless people crazy.

You must know that in the past, let alone heaven-level exercises and heaven-level weapons, even earth-level ones were regarded as priceless treasures.

Especially not long after, more news came out that it was not an ordinary heavenly skill or weapon, but a heavenly skill or weapon that had reached its peak.

Boom! !People felt a buzzing in their heads, as if they were falling into madness, and their eyes were full of fiery light.

A frenzy of testing talents broke out completely because of this.

Soon, this news spread to Fengyun, Tianyang, Yaoman and other imperial kingdoms, but many people sneered at it and made contemptuous voices.

"Hmph! It's just a joke! How can it be so easy to obtain the cultivation techniques and weapons of the peak of the heavens, let alone a mere boy from the lower realm."

"It seems that we still looked up to Lin Wentian before. We didn't expect that he is just a kid who talks nonsense. In this way, this kid is not a problem at all."

"This guy is too naive. He really thought that by destroying the teleportation arrays of the great forces, he would be able to rest easy. How could he, a boy from the mortal world, be able to shake the foundation of the great forces."

The ancient country, the huge square of the ancient city.

"Six-star talent, I'm qualified. I can practice earth-level exercises, and I can also get an earth-level weapon." Suddenly, there was a shout of excitement.

"Wow! Seven Stars, that guy actually owns Seven Stars." There was an uproar again.

All eyes were on a woman with a long sword on her back.

She turned out to be Miao Chan of Tranquility Taoist Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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