Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 646 Arrogant Shouting

Chapter 646 Arrogant shouting (one more)
"Who is this woman, how can she have a seven-star talent? In this way, can't she practice heaven-level exercises?"

"is her!"

"Who? Who is she?"

"Miaochan of Ningqing Taoist Temple, this woman is extremely talented, and it is said that the next master of Taoist Temple will be succeeded by him."

"Not only that, but she is also a sword cultivator. She has comprehended the sword intent long ago, and now it is even more suspected that she has condensed two parts of the sword intent." Someone said.

"What?" Everyone was stunned, and when they were shocked, a touch of jealousy welled up in their hearts.

Because the other party might soar into the sky, after all, the sky-level exercises are the rare treasures they dream of.

For the exclamation of the people around, Miao Chan ignored the exclamation, and left after looking at it indifferently.

Not long after she left, another woman walked out from the crowd.

I saw that this woman had a very good appearance, full of pure temperament, especially at this time, perhaps because of being stared at by everyone, her face was flushed.

"Buzz!" The stone pillar lit up.

One star, two stars... two stars...

"Ah! Another seven-star talent?" Seeing the halo lit up by the stone pillar, everyone was in an uproar again.

Soon, everyone recognized the woman's identity.

"Miaoyin, she is also a member of Ningqing Taoist Temple, and she is the junior sister of the woman before."

"I really didn't expect two seven-star gifted disciples to appear in the Ningqing Taoist Temple not long after this started. From this point of view, in the near future, this Ningqing Taoist Temple will occupy a place in the ancient country."

Everyone said one after another, really shocked and envious.

"Get out of the way, I will try!"

There was a loud shout from the crowd, and a burly monk walked to the test pillar with a domineering expression.

"One star...two stars...five stars..."

"Damn it! I don't believe that the two girls have seven stars, but I only have five stars."

The burly monk roared, his face twisted, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"No! I have to try many more times." This person felt unwilling, and his pupils turned blood red, like a fierce tiger about to go mad.

Many people frowned because of this, their expressions were full of dissatisfaction.

"Bastard! What kind of old man is not old man? In front of this general, even if you are the king of heaven, you have to lie down for this general." A roar rang out.

"Bang!" The roar just fell, and the body of the burly monk before was blown away with a bang, and was thrown hundreds of meters away.

"Pfft..." His complexion changed drastically, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his wide eyes filled with boundless fear.

"Hmph... If you dare to make trouble here in the mere Vientiane Realm, you really don't know how to live or die. Come here, let me drag you down."

The one who made the shot was General Zhao, with sharp eyes, he swept across the crowd one by one.

Immediately, everyone's minds trembled, and they fell silent like a chilling cicada.

"If there are any more offenders, kill them!" As soon as he said the word "kill", the entire square was immediately enveloped in a strong murderous aura.

He has been a general all year round, and he has spent his whole life on the battlefield. In addition, his cultivation has already reached the peak of Shenyuan, and the murderous aura he exudes is beyond what ordinary people can bear.

In an instant, everyone's faces turned pale.

General Zhao was very satisfied with this, and then said loudly: "The test continues."


"Four-star talent, unqualified, next!"

"Five-star talent, unqualified, next!"

Despite the large number of people in the ancient country, there are only a few people who have reached the six-star talent, and only one person appears among dozens or hundreds of people.

After all, the power of rules in the Tianyuan Continent is still lacking, and the cultivation talent of natural and capable people cannot compare with the cultivators of Tianyunhai.

"I'm coming!" A young man walked out. This man had an ordinary appearance, and there was an invisible power while walking.

One star ring is bright...Three rings are bright...

"Look, the seven-star ring is bright." Someone exclaimed.

"What? This seven-star ring is so bright, is he going to break through the eight-star ring?"

After the seven-star ring was lit, it didn't end there. It was so dazzling that it seemed to light up the eight-star ring.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and concentrated, and their hearts beat faster.

But very soon, I saw the young man frowning, with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, and finally he sighed lightly and shook his head lightly.

"Lin Cong, seven-star peak talent." The disciple in charge of recording the test said, looking at the young man in front of him, there was a hint of envy in his pupils.

At this moment, in the sky above the square, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged, and he was Ye Tian.

Looking at the young man below, he nodded lightly inadvertently.

That's right!This Lin Cong is a member of the Lin family and also Ye Tian's apprentice.

"Lin Gang, seven-star talent..."

"Lin Yueer, seven-star talent..."

Following the test of the newcomers of the Lin family, there was a burst of uproar in the crowd.

Unexpectedly, the lowest talent of this group of people has reached seven stars, and there are still a few people who are almost touching the eight star ring.

People have already been shocked.

"Om!" Suddenly, light bloomed.

"Oh my god! The eighth star ring is on!"

"Lin Fu, and that group of young disciples of Lin Fu again."

Everyone was dumbfounded, because this is the first person to reach the eight-star talent after the test.

"Lin Yujun, eight-star talent!" The person in charge of the test gasped, and then said.

Sitting cross-legged in the sky, Ye Tian saw this, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his face was full of shock.

Obviously, the talent shown by his group of disciples today has exceeded his expectations.

Of course, he also knew very well that in the beginning, his group of disciples had absolutely no such talent, and all of this was changed by that person.

After all, just stewing animal meat with elixir can change the physique of these people for a long time, and their physical strength is already comparable to some monsters.

The appearance of the eight-star talent caused the crowd to explode. Immediately, countless people were motivated to fight, and a flame seemed to burn in their hearts.

The test is still going on, but it can't be done, and the number of people tested is increasing.

A day has passed in the blink of an eye, but there are only a few people who have reached the eight-star talent, and almost all of them are the young disciples of the Lin family.

It is worth mentioning that General Zhao's talent has also reached eight stars, while General Lei Hongfeng has only seven stars.

Therefore, many people suspect that the reason why General Zhao's talent can reach eight stars may be related to his rebirth after breaking his arm.

Perhaps it was that time that the ancient emperor changed General Zhao's physique with his national spirit, national virtue, and his special power.

Regarding the test in the square, although Wentian didn't show up, he knew the outside affairs well.

To be precise, with his current cultivation level, no movement in the entire ancient country could escape his eyes.

On the third day of the test, there was still a long queue of people waiting for the test.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Suddenly, there was an arrogant shout from behind the crowd.

"Who?" Suddenly, many people frowned, their faces full of dissatisfaction.

However, in the next moment, their eyes widened and they couldn't help but make way.

(End of this chapter)

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